Attn Blacks: The Dems Have Made You MINORITY Minority, More Hispanic Voters Than Blacks in 2020

I try to give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt. I try my best to be candid and fair with EVERYONE. Race is not a factor. Sex is not a factor. Sexual orientation is not a factor.

I don't pretend to be perfect. Humans are hardwired to discriminate as a survival mechanism. That doesn't give me license to just accept it.

Tell me what I am doing wrong.

I dont know if this is directed at me or not?

Sounds to me like your doing pretty good.
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety which may permanently damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Quotas Suck.

Best Person Should Win - period.

When there are 'quotas' / 'special programs' however, democrats should not claim to be something they are not just to steal a scholarship from a Native Americans just to make it into a prestigious college....for example. :p
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety or which may permanent damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Yeah I dont get that one either. I've never had a problem working with women. I have to admit its way more fun working with women than men. They just see things differently and offer a different prospective that I love. Its always been the white guys that start talking shit about them and wanting me to join in. In the tech field white men hated having women being smarter than them. :laugh:
I dont know if this is directed at me or not?

Sounds to me like your doing pretty good.
Thank you.

Understand that it makes it kind of hard when others don't reciprocate.

Maybe one day I can earn your trust.

Well you have to consider that your life experiences being white are totally different from mine being Black. Everyday is a struggle against something you dont have to deal with. If you were discriminated against constantly on a level of a Black person I am sure you would develop a similar life philosophy of most Black people.
Quotas Suck.

Best Person Should Win - period.

When there are 'quotas' / 'special programs' however, democrats should not claim to be something they are not just to steal a scholarship from a Native Americans just to make it into a prestigious college....for example. :p
Thats kind of convenient for whites when the chances are that the person making the decision of who the "best person" is happens to be white. :rolleyes:
In the tech field white men hated having women being smarter than them.
Oh, believe me. That is not limited to the tech field or white men. Men in general are threatened by smarter women.

Some of the best lawyers I have interacted with have been women (also some of the worst, but not because they are women). Some of the worst behavior I have witnessed is man lawyer verses woman lawyer. It can get totally insane and out of control. Smarter lawyers don't have that problem.

The sad thing is that the behavior of men in the workplace tends to create bitchy monsters. Some women feel like they need to dominate to get respect because threatened men start challenging them. I do not envy HR managers.

Well you have to consider that your life experiences being white are totally different from mine being Black. Everyday is a struggle against something you dont have to deal with. If you were discriminated against constantly on a level of a Black person I am sure you would develop a similar life philosophy of most Black people.
And, I fully accept and appreciate that a black person's life experience is completely different from my own. Every day, a black person's race is a factor. Every day that is a burden. I get it. I will not discredit that reality.

I will do my best to make sure that my actions do not contribute to that reality.

The only thing conservatives will do for blacks is build prisons

Ummmm Clinton lead the pack in that regard, moron.

Oh look! The resident village idiot resorts to a laugh when he loses yet another point! How common!

You are such a pathetic moron lefty looney. You used to actually have good, decent arguments, now you just have emojis. You suffering from Alzheimers?
Linky, Linky

I don't waste my time with retards, go find them yourself.
As got nothing

I have to prove your claims for you?
Did that poster even address the issue of this thread? Or just name-call and flame?
Socialist Dem Objective for their supporting Illegal Immigration Has Finally Been Revealed / Realized

"In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. And in another first, there will be more Hispanic voters eligible to vote than African Americans.

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

“We project that the 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13 percent of eligible voters – slightly more than blacks. This change reflects the gradual but continuous growth in the Hispanic share of eligible voters, up from 9 percent in the 2008 presidential election and 7 percent in the 2000 election,” said Pew.

In 2020, there are expected to be 32 million Hispanic voters and 30 million blacks."

Eventually the Democrats hope to reach the point where the number of LEGAL Latino voters outnumber the LEGAL number of black Americans eligible to vote.


Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent

Good for my brown brothers. This is their land anyway. I have no problem with them increasing their numbers.

I’m do your people benefit from a ‘browner’ America?
Conversely, how does a ‘browner’ America fuck your people over?
I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were don’t want to answer the aforementioned questions honestly.
Skin color is just color. Tho it certainly seems to terrify conservative republicans.
The progressives hate blacks. That has been shown over and over and over.
Nice little mantra for conservative republicans to live by......allows them to carry on with no "need" to acknowledge the beam in their own eye.
The policy of economic slavery used by the Democratic Party to maintain 'party loyalty' through the 'carrot and stick' technique - keep voting for us so you can get free stuff', has to be acknowledged, as it has been used for decades.

One of the reasons many Democrats hate Trump is because he brought so much economic success -- strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades, lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, higher paying jobs, raises, bonuses, most Americans working at one time, millions off of Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, etc.....

All that economic success and low unemployment results in more independent American citizens, means less dependency on the govt, means less dependency on govt / social / Democratic Party hand-outs, means an end to 'economic slavery' policy and an embrace of a more 'independent economy' where people are liberated from govt dependency.

As The Party of Social Benefits / Freeby Hand-Outs / Economic Slavery, a strong economy and low unemployment are BAD for them / the DNC.

Socialism requires the government to be the one and only source of sustenance / survival for the people, their dependency / 'economic slavery' is a necessity.
Democrats help people who need help regardless of race or political party

Even those families struggling in Appalachia who vote Republican
Isnt Roosevelt white? I could give a flying fuck what he says. He has no authority in my book to define what an american is.
How is that not racial bigotry? His race is irrelevant. Are we Americans or something else?
I disagree. His race is very relevant. If I lent credence to what white people think I would believe in all kind of crazy untrue shit. I'm only american because I live here. I call myself a Black american to confer honor on the first part of the term.
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety which may permanently damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Which explains a great deal about how the rich slave owners of the South got the non-slave holding farmers to fight their Civil War for them.
Gotta love the GOP strategy here

Pit Blacks and Hispanics against each other while they protect the wealthy
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
Socialist Dem Objective for their supporting Illegal Immigration Has Finally Been Revealed / Realized

"In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. And in another first, there will be more Hispanic voters eligible to vote than African Americans.

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

“We project that the 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13 percent of eligible voters – slightly more than blacks. This change reflects the gradual but continuous growth in the Hispanic share of eligible voters, up from 9 percent in the 2008 presidential election and 7 percent in the 2000 election,” said Pew.

In 2020, there are expected to be 32 million Hispanic voters and 30 million blacks."

Eventually the Democrats hope to reach the point where the number of LEGAL Latino voters outnumber the LEGAL number of black Americans eligible to vote.


Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent

Good for my brown brothers. This is their land anyway. I have no problem with them increasing their numbers.

I’m do your people benefit from a ‘browner’ America?
Conversely, how does a ‘browner’ America fuck your people over?
I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were don’t want to answer the aforementioned questions honestly.
Skin color is just color. Tho it certainly seems to terrify conservative republicans.
and yet the dems own the kkk go fking figure that big mouth.
Socialist Dem Objective for their supporting Illegal Immigration Has Finally Been Revealed / Realized

"In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. And in another first, there will be more Hispanic voters eligible to vote than African Americans.

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

“We project that the 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13 percent of eligible voters – slightly more than blacks. This change reflects the gradual but continuous growth in the Hispanic share of eligible voters, up from 9 percent in the 2008 presidential election and 7 percent in the 2000 election,” said Pew.

In 2020, there are expected to be 32 million Hispanic voters and 30 million blacks."

Eventually the Democrats hope to reach the point where the number of LEGAL Latino voters outnumber the LEGAL number of black Americans eligible to vote.


Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent

Good for my brown brothers. This is their land anyway. I have no problem with them increasing their numbers.

I’m do your people benefit from a ‘browner’ America?
Conversely, how does a ‘browner’ America fuck your people over?
I’d pretend I didn’t see this post if I were don’t want to answer the aforementioned questions honestly.
Skin color is just color. Tho it certainly seems to terrify conservative republicans.
and yet the dems own the kkk go fking figure that big mouth.
The KKK endorsed the repubs dummy. :rolleyes:

The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses Donald Trump for president
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.

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