Attn Blacks: The Dems Have Made You MINORITY Minority, More Hispanic Voters Than Blacks in 2020

The progressives hate blacks. That has been shown over and over and over.
Nice little mantra for conservative republicans to live by......allows them to carry on with no "need" to acknowledge the beam in their own eye.
The only people terrified of becoming a minority are white males. Why is that? Could it have something to do with how they have treated minorities in the past?
The only ones who use such broad generalities are those who actually don't have actual facts / statistics. No need to ask, 'Why is that?'
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
I have:

1. Never owned a slave
2. Never excluded someone because of race
3. Never condemned an entire race of people for the actions of a few
4. Never attempted to rip off another person, regardless of race
5. Never attempted to put another race of people at a disadvantage
6. Never invaded another land
7. Never taken anyone (other than my wife in the bedroom) captive

Yet, the color of my skin alone makes me untrustworthy.

Racial bigotry.


However, in the years 1769 to 1833, the Spanish missions in California committed genocide against Ohlone culture, and the Ohlone population declined steeply during this period.
True.....but a large portion of the genocide was thru disease.....the Missions wanted to use the Ohlone as workers on their missions. Killing them was rather counter-productive. Same with the Chumash and other southern tribes.
Thought they were Red...….
Nope. They were brownish red like a lot of Black people.


You do know that's not an actual photograph. And without context it could be any tribe from anywhere in the world.

I see you're not only still racist, but still stupid as well.
Thats a painting of the Ohlone people here in Cali. White people almost wiped them out.


So no actual photographs just depictions of what someone thinks they look like.

Got it!
So you've never seen a painting of someone? :rolleyes:

So this is a portrait that these people posed for. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Your own link says these people were wiped out in the 1700's, was this painted during that time?

Seriously, it's a depiction of what someone thinks they may have looked like. I know you want so bad for them to be black.
It's strange that elitist rich democrats continue to promote the absurd lie that (mostly) Black people are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. It shows how powerful propaganda lies can be when the mainstream media becomes an arm of a political party.
I have:

1. Never owned a slave
2. Never excluded someone because of race
3. Never condemned an entire race of people for the actions of a few
4. Never attempted to rip off another person, regardless of race
5. Never attempted to put another race of people at a disadvantage
6. Never invaded another land
7. Never taken anyone (other than my wife in the bedroom) captive

Yet, the color of my skin alone makes me untrustworthy.

Racial bigotry.


Sounds more to me like prejudice. Dont get me wrong there are some whites that have earned my trust which is why I said I dont trust most whites and I believe most whites are racist.
cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
You're not helping your case.

So, with that attitude, why should ANY white person ever do anything but than try to screw you or refuse to do business with you?

This is pretty serious.

You're a racist motherfucker. How revealing.
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Nope. They were brownish red like a lot of Black people.


You do know that's not an actual photograph. And without context it could be any tribe from anywhere in the world.

I see you're not only still racist, but still stupid as well.
Thats a painting of the Ohlone people here in Cali. White people almost wiped them out.


So no actual photographs just depictions of what someone thinks they look like.

Got it!
So you've never seen a painting of someone? :rolleyes:

So this is a portrait that these people posed for. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Your own link says these people were wiped out in the 1700's, was this painted during that time?

Seriously, it's a depiction of what someone thinks they may have looked like. I know you want so bad for them to be black.
So youre saying that people run around painting themselves brown because they are not brown? Thats kind of desperate of you but ok. :rolleyes:
I have:

1. Never owned a slave
2. Never excluded someone because of race
3. Never condemned an entire race of people for the actions of a few
4. Never attempted to rip off another person, regardless of race
5. Never attempted to put another race of people at a disadvantage
6. Never invaded another land
7. Never taken anyone (other than my wife in the bedroom) captive

Yet, the color of my skin alone makes me untrustworthy.

Racial bigotry.


Sounds more to me like prejudice. Dont get me wrong there are some whites that have earned my trust which is why I said I dont trust most whites and I believe most whites are racist.

Yup, sounds like you are the racist.
Well if it was the only time white people did something like that you would have a point. Since we all know thats not true...well you don't.
Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:
Socialist Dem Objective for their supporting Illegal Immigration Has Finally Been Revealed / Realized

"In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. And in another first, there will be more Hispanic voters eligible to vote than African Americans.

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

“We project that the 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13 percent of eligible voters – slightly more than blacks. This change reflects the gradual but continuous growth in the Hispanic share of eligible voters, up from 9 percent in the 2008 presidential election and 7 percent in the 2000 election,” said Pew.

In 2020, there are expected to be 32 million Hispanic voters and 30 million blacks."

Eventually the Democrats hope to reach the point where the number of LEGAL Latino voters outnumber the LEGAL number of black Americans eligible to vote.


Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent


More "divide and conquer" Russian progaganda from the troll farm's leading troll.
I have:

1. Never owned a slave
2. Never excluded someone because of race
3. Never condemned an entire race of people for the actions of a few
4. Never attempted to rip off another person, regardless of race
5. Never attempted to put another race of people at a disadvantage
6. Never invaded another land
7. Never taken anyone (other than my wife in the bedroom) captive

Yet, the color of my skin alone makes me untrustworthy.

Racial bigotry.


Sounds more to me like prejudice. Dont get me wrong there are some whites that have earned my trust which is why I said I dont trust most whites and I believe most whites are racist.

Yup, sounds like you are the racist.
Lifes tough. Suck it up, rub some dirt on it. shake it off. :rolleyes:
The progressives hate blacks. That has been shown over and over and over.
Nice little mantra for conservative republicans to live by......allows them to carry on with no "need" to acknowledge the beam in their own eye.
The policy of economic slavery used by the Democratic Party to maintain 'party loyalty' through the 'carrot and stick' technique - keep voting for us so you can get free stuff', has to be acknowledged, as it has been used for decades.

One of the reasons many Democrats hate Trump is because he brought so much economic success -- strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades, lowest minority unemployment in recorded history, higher paying jobs, raises, bonuses, most Americans working at one time, millions off of Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, etc.....

All that economic success and low unemployment results in more independent American citizens, means less dependency on the govt, means less dependency on govt / social / Democratic Party hand-outs, means an end to 'economic slavery' policy and an embrace of a more 'independent economy' where people are liberated from govt dependency.

As The Party of Social Benefits / Freeby Hand-Outs / Economic Slavery, a strong economy and low unemployment are BAD for them / the DNC.

Socialism requires the government to be the one and only source of sustenance / survival for the people, their dependency / 'economic slavery' is a necessity.
I have:

1. Never owned a slave
2. Never excluded someone because of race
3. Never condemned an entire race of people for the actions of a few
4. Never attempted to rip off another person, regardless of race
5. Never attempted to put another race of people at a disadvantage
6. Never invaded another land
7. Never taken anyone (other than my wife in the bedroom) captive

Yet, the color of my skin alone makes me untrustworthy.

Racial bigotry.


Sounds more to me like prejudice. Dont get me wrong there are some whites that have earned my trust which is why I said I dont trust most whites and I believe most whites are racist.

Yup, sounds like you are the racist.
Lifes tough. Suck it up, rub some dirt on it. shake it off. :rolleyes:

How tolerant of you.
I try to give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt. I try my best to be candid and fair with EVERYONE. Race is not a factor. Sex is not a factor. Sexual orientation is not a factor.

I don't pretend to be perfect. Humans are hardwired to discriminate as a survival mechanism. That doesn't give me license to just accept it.

Tell me what I am doing wrong.

Socialist Dem Objective for their supporting Illegal Immigration Has Finally Been Revealed / Realized

"In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. And in another first, there will be more Hispanic voters eligible to vote than African Americans.

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

“We project that the 2020 election will mark the first time that Hispanics will be the largest racial or ethnic minority group in the electorate, accounting for just over 13 percent of eligible voters – slightly more than blacks. This change reflects the gradual but continuous growth in the Hispanic share of eligible voters, up from 9 percent in the 2008 presidential election and 7 percent in the 2000 election,” said Pew.

In 2020, there are expected to be 32 million Hispanic voters and 30 million blacks."

Eventually the Democrats hope to reach the point where the number of LEGAL Latino voters outnumber the LEGAL number of black Americans eligible to vote.


Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent


More "divide and conquer" Russian progaganda from the troll farm's leading troll.
If all of that was above your head you don't have to irrationally and emotionally lash out. I will be more than happy to put it into smaller words ... even draw you a few pictures... to help you understand. :p
In 1834, the Mexican government ordered all Californian missions to be secularized and all mission land and property (administered by the Franciscans) turned over to the government for redistribution. At this point, the Ohlone were supposed to receive land grants and property rights, but few did and most of the mission lands went to the secular administrators. In the end, even attempts by mission leaders to restore native lands were in vain. Before this time, 73 Spanish land grants had already been deeded in all of Alta California, but with the new régime most lands were turned into Mexican-owned rancherias. The Ohlone became the laborers and vaqueros (cowboys) of Mexican-owned rancherias.
Still waiting for evil whitey to show up

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