Attn Blacks: The Dems Have Made You MINORITY Minority, More Hispanic Voters Than Blacks in 2020

Well, if I (a white dude) personally had done it, you might have a point. Otherwise, it is racial bigotry at its finest.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety or which may permanent damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Yeah I dont get that one either. I've never had a problem working with women. I have to admit its way more fun working with women than men. They just see things differently and offer a different prospective that I love. Its always been the white guys that start talking shit about them and wanting me to join in. In the tech field white men hated having women being smarter than them. :laugh:

When I worked for the Bank, I had a number of men mentor me in various aspects of my work: the branch manager who promoted me to Loans Manager was the first, the District Loans Manager who supervised consumer lending at all branches within our District, and the Manager of Mortgages for Central Ontario division, all of whom assisted my career advancement in becoming one of the first female bank managers in Canada. This mentorship included business dinners, and travel, and I can truthfully say that not once ever did any of these men ever give me reason to believe that their interest in me was anything but professional. I've always had a hard and fast rules about not getting involved with co-workers or married men. It's always worked well for me.

And while I endured a great deal of sexual harassment in the workplace during those years, it was along the lines of other junior management coworkers getting in my face and saying things like "You're just blocking a good training position for some talented guy on his way up", or "Why did you get that job instead of a man?" rather than some guy trying to get into my pants. I was winning achievement awards and getting promotions. They were really threatened.

I'm just not buying the bullshit that men can't work with women without somebody getting their signals mixed up.
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety or which may permanent damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Yeah I dont get that one either. I've never had a problem working with women. I have to admit its way more fun working with women than men. They just see things differently and offer a different prospective that I love. Its always been the white guys that start talking shit about them and wanting me to join in. In the tech field white men hated having women being smarter than them. :laugh:

When I worked for the Bank, I had a number of men mentor me in various aspects of my work: the branch manager who promoted me to Loans Manager was the first, the District Loans Manager who supervised consumer lending at all branches within our District, and the Manager of Mortgages for Central Ontario division, all of whom assisted my career advancement in becoming one of the first female bank managers in Canada. This mentorship included business dinners, and travel, and I can truthfully say that not once ever did any of these men ever give me reason to believe that their interest in me was anything but professional. I've always had a hard and fast rules about not getting involved with co-workers or married men. It's always worked well for me.

And while I endured a great deal of sexual harassment in the workplace during those years, it was along the lines of other junior management coworkers getting in my face and saying things like "You're just blocking a good training position for some talented guy on his way up", or "Why did you get that job instead of a man?" rather than some guy trying to get into my pants. I was winning achievement awards and getting promotions. They were really threatened.

I'm just not buying the bullshit that men can't work with women without somebody getting their signals mixed up.
talk to willie brown then.
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
I cant help that nor do I feel not trusting whites has been a bad thing for me. Its actually kept me ahead of the game. Invariably whites will try to fuck you over. If you dont trust them you can set them up and come out on top.
In many ways, your philosophy can resonate with women when dealing with men.
Never thought about it like that but youre right. :laugh:

In a discussion of the #metoo movement and a recent study saying men fear mentoring women in business because of allegations of sexual improprieties, one of the black women on the panel said that men are finding it difficult to navigate in a world where they are afraid to have what they are saying or doing misconstrued, or that they're giving off the wrong signals, and may leave themselves open to allegations of impropriety or which may permanent damage your career. Well, welcome to the world that women have been living in for all of our lives.

I find the people who whine about losing jobs to racial minorities are those who were hardly "top drawer" employees in the first place, and who couldn't compete with the rest of the white guys looking for the jobs and promotions. The idea that he has to compete with minorities and women now too, what chance does he have? Poor thing!
Yeah I dont get that one either. I've never had a problem working with women. I have to admit its way more fun working with women than men. They just see things differently and offer a different prospective that I love. Its always been the white guys that start talking shit about them and wanting me to join in. In the tech field white men hated having women being smarter than them. :laugh:

When I worked for the Bank, I had a number of men mentor me in various aspects of my work: the branch manager who promoted me to Loans Manager was the first, the District Loans Manager who supervised consumer lending at all branches within our District, and the Manager of Mortgages for Central Ontario division, all of whom assisted my career advancement in becoming one of the first female bank managers in Canada. This mentorship included business dinners, and travel, and I can truthfully say that not once ever did any of these men ever give me reason to believe that their interest in me was anything but professional. I've always had a hard and fast rules about not getting involved with co-workers or married men. It's always worked well for me.

And while I endured a great deal of sexual harassment in the workplace during those years, it was along the lines of other junior management coworkers getting in my face and saying things like "You're just blocking a good training position for some talented guy on his way up", or "Why did you get that job instead of a man?" rather than some guy trying to get into my pants. I was winning achievement awards and getting promotions. They were really threatened.

I'm just not buying the bullshit that men can't work with women without somebody getting their signals mixed up.

I agree. If you get your signals mixed up then you are not self aware. Rule #1 is never mess with anyone you work with. It gets awkward if you break up. Rule #2 trust your instincts. Human speech is a relatively new thing. Body language is way more conclusive.
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
they've kept the blacks down and on plantation. anyone of them goes off plantation they are ridiculed in the news. Ask Kanye.
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
they've kept the blacks down and on plantation. anyone of them goes off plantation they are ridiculed in the news. Ask Kanye.
Kanye was ridiculed because he interrupted that white girls acceptance speech.
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Obammy kept them in check really well. worse than any previous president. ouch.
The kkk dems know how to keep their plantation under order, that's for sure.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
ask all the blacks on the south side of chicago how they feel about Jesse and his millions why they struggle in their danger zone. I hear daily here. the dems are sure masters. i cannot argue that point at all. And his corrupt kid and his wife.
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
What have Republicans done for urban blacks?
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
Correct. Racism has a way of killing hope.
What have dems done
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
Correct. Racism has a way of killing hope.
So All examples of black people succeeding prior to Obama meant nothing...…..can you show some of this systemic racism killing hope
Kanye was ridiculed
because he interrupted
that white girls acceptance speech
He interrupted that white girl's speech because she got the award over the black girl.

I prefer to just say Kanye acted like a drunk jackass and leave all the racial shit out of it. That's how I approach all situations.
Yeah most Blacks said Kanye was a jackass for that. Of course Beyonce should have gotten it but that was no way to act.
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
Correct. Racism has a way of killing hope.
So All examples of black people succeeding prior to Obama meant nothing...…..can you show some of this systemic racism killing hope
What Black person was ever the POTUS?

You cant show how people feel. Prior to Obamas election a Black person would have looked at you like you lost your mind if you suggested a Black man would ever be POTUS.
Besides put a Black man in office?
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
Correct. Racism has a way of killing hope.
So All examples of black people succeeding prior to Obama meant nothing...…..can you show some of this systemic racism killing hope
Seems like
What does that do for the poor blacks.....helped O immensely...…….about it
Shows them that whites cant stop you for starters.
They hadn't learned that yet
Correct. Racism has a way of killing hope.
So All examples of black people succeeding prior to Obama meant nothing...…..can you show some of this systemic racism killing hope
What Black person was ever the POTUS?

You cant show how people feel. Prior to Obamas election a Black person would have looked at you like you lost your mind if you suggested a Black man would ever be POTUS.
Maybe...doesnt mean his election benefitted them at all...…..if all the firsts attained prior meant nothing,,,does his mean anything now or is another first needed
What Black person was ever the POTUS?

You cant show how people feel. Prior to Obamas election a Black person would have looked at you like you lost your mind if you suggested a Black man would ever be POTUS.
I absolutely have no problem with a black president. I would have ZERO problem with having a black president in 2020.

But, did we have to pick the communist guy? Couldn't we find somebody who has a bit more love for liberty? Surely, there are plenty of black guys who love liberty who would be great as a president, right?

That's really my only objection to Obama.

I actually think he's probably a pretty cool guy in person. I would probably hang out with him.


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