Attorney Bill Barr Faces Congress For the First time on Mueller's Report and Budget Requests of 2020

Based on this information do you accept Barr's redactions when he is able to deliver Mueller Report

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Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
From USA Today: WASHINGTON – Congress has its first opportunity on Tuesday to question Attorney General William Barr on the results of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, the details of which remain secret more than two weeks after the inquiry ended. Link to story: AG William Barr testifies for the first time since the end of Robert Mueller's investigation of Trump, Russia

From Fox News: Attorney General Barr's Statement and Q and A:

My question is: Is the Barr discretionary divulgence of information acceptable to you? Please discuss below whether you think this is fair or not: Please answer AFTER reading link and viewing video. Results visible after your vote.Thanks.
Once again, the Dims are showing their absolute insanity over President Trump. They simply cannot stop themselves from slavering over the possibility that the Mueller Report MIGHT contain some smidgen of information against him.

It's disgusting.

But, I hope they keep it up as it will mean their destruction in the 2020 elections.
Once again, the Dims are showing their absolute insanity over President Trump. They simply cannot stop themselves from slavering over the possibility that the Mueller Report MIGHT contain some smidgen of information against him.

It's disgusting.

But, I hope they keep it up as it will mean their destruction in the 2020 elections.
This is why Trump is polling at 53%.
Something dimocrap scum probably haven't considered because, well because they're fucking stupid is.........

There might be a whole lot more incriminating evidence in the report about dimocrap scum than there is about Patriotic Republicans

If there is, you can count on the DISGUSTING FILTH to shove it down the Memory Hole in short order
Barr is following the letter of the law.
What's to discuss, unless you're a partisan hack and refuse to accept the investigation's results?
Barr is following the letter of the law.
What's to discuss, unless you're a partisan hack and refuse to accept the investigation's results?
I'm glad you brought that up, kyzr. I know that and you know that, but I was just wondering if those of the loyal opposition who are brave enough to respond have overcome their misgivings about Attorney General Barr after actually viewing his own words to the Congress, and how he answered questions about his request for next year's cabinet budget as well as open questions about his findings on the Mueller Report's information that doesn't have to be redacted due to national security and legal issues based on privacy rights of American citizens who are not convicted of any crimes, etc. Anyway, I was just wondering how USMB Democrats were taking this, and if they approve, will they possibly accept what findings the Attorney General can publish without breaking any laws himself. The nature of an FBI investigation information that may be viewed is that some things, and in particular items reviewed by Mueller on people who were innocent are just not thrown out to those willing to file frivolous lawsuits against the innocent. It may not seem like a Catch-22 to one who thinks Wikileaks are wonderful, but it actually is, and our laws are built on helping Americans, not furthering lies that needed to be looked into by the FBI. I'm thinking that the absence of leftist votes may mean they are beginning to see the reasoning behind investigations is to bring probity forth and redacting unnecessary items that would result in so much frivolous lawsuits that taxpayers would not only not benefit, they'd have to have their taxes raised to ensure that poor people are funded when they file grievance lawsuits. If a flurry of lawsuits are aimed at pecuniary or retributive goals, that would place millions or even billions of dollars the taxpayer would get stuck with. The primary oath of office of the executive branch, of which the attorney general's is a part of, is still to provide for the common defense. God forbid if we allowed frivolous lawsuits pick taxpayer's pockets and overburden the courts unnecessarily. The WikiLeaks approach does not make sense because when a lot of free money is involved, there are too many takers than taxpayers are willing to remunerate for nothing beneficial to them in return.
D-Cartwright said he wanted to continue discussing healthcare in the U.S.

"If the Supreme Court granted you credence to your position and sweep away the health care law, would the DOJ support a stay of that ruling until Congress, the president can formulate a plan?"

"From my experience the Supreme Court would deal with that in their opinion."

"I'm dismayed to hear you would just let our health care go off a cliff."


A DEMOCRAT - the party who rammed the minority-supported socialist agenda piece of legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, a law Harry Reid admitted was DESIGNED TO FAIL thereby HERDING Americans towards eventual single-payer - A member of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH whose job it is to write and pass laws...accusing the US AG, accusing BARR of 'letting health care go off the cliff'.

The Democrats rammed the POS OBAMAcare into law without 1 single Republican vote supporting it.


The 'CAPTAINS' of the 'EXON VALDEZ' continue to blame the 'CLEAN-UP CREW' / 'BY-STANDERS' for the 'OIL SPILL'.


AG William Barr testifies at House hearing, first since Mueller report memo release -- live blog
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Another impossible request. Witnesses, not defendants, who testify before the Grand Jury are protected by keeping their testimony secret. Or do you want their testimony to be published and allow them to be harassed, injured or even killed because of the information they disclose. Barr explained the law to the committee and it went right over those sonsabitches pin heads.
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Another impossible request. Witnesses, not defendants, who testify before the Grand Jury are protected by keeping their testimony secret. Or do you want their testimony to be published and allow them to be harassed, injured or even killed because of the information they disclose. Barr explained the law to the committee and it went right over those sonsabitches pin heads.
Tell that to Valerie Plame.

No one will be harassed.

Trump, and the rest of you rightwingers were all touting the "Release The Mueller Report" daily, right up until The barr Report. What happened?

Can you explain this phenomenon?
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Another impossible request. Witnesses, not defendants, who testify before the Grand Jury are protected by keeping their testimony secret. Or do you want their testimony to be published and allow them to be harassed, injured or even killed because of the information they disclose. Barr explained the law to the committee and it went right over those sonsabitches pin heads.
Tell that to Valerie Plame.

No one will be harassed.

Trump, and the rest of you rightwingers were all touting the "Release The Mueller Report" daily, right up until The barr Report. What happened?

Can you explain this phenomenon?
I never wanted or demanded the report be released. Barr's summation was good enough for me.
I never wanted or demanded the report be released. Barr's summation was good enough for me.
If you say so, but are you going to deny that was the party line, from Trump himself, right on down the line to the USMB lemmings, right up until the Barr Report and Trump's subsequent flip-flop on the matter?
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Another impossible request. Witnesses, not defendants, who testify before the Grand Jury are protected by keeping their testimony secret. Or do you want their testimony to be published and allow them to be harassed, injured or even killed because of the information they disclose. Barr explained the law to the committee and it went right over those sonsabitches pin heads.
Tell that to Valerie Plame.

No one will be harassed.

Trump, and the rest of you rightwingers were all touting the "Release The Mueller Report" daily, right up until The barr Report. What happened?

Can you explain this phenomenon?
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Another impossible request. Witnesses, not defendants, who testify before the Grand Jury are protected by keeping their testimony secret. Or do you want their testimony to be published and allow them to be harassed, injured or even killed because of the information they disclose. Barr explained the law to the committee and it went right over those sonsabitches pin heads.
Tell that to Valerie Plame.

No one will be harassed.

Trump, and the rest of you rightwingers were all touting the "Release The Mueller Report" daily, right up until The barr Report. What happened?

Can you explain this phenomenon?
Valerie and her husband used to brag that Valerie was a 'secret agent" to everyone they met at every fucking party they went to.
The whole fucking neighborhood knew she worked for the CIA. They didn't know the bitch was only a 'pencil pusher' sitting in a windowless cubicle.

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