Attorney Bill Barr Faces Congress For the First time on Mueller's Report and Budget Requests of 2020

Based on this information do you accept Barr's redactions when he is able to deliver Mueller Report

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  • No

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  • Will discuss below

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Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.
The hole in that theory is that Barr's appointment came in on the heels of good advice given by good men to a great one.

I am particularly sorry for those who grew to worship at the feet of the fickle, ever-posturing Democrat Party apparatus, Mr. MarcATL. Just please be prepared for the follow-up. It may be worse than the day Mueller's Report to the American People that there was no evidence of any kind linking President Trump and his staff to colluding with Russia. None. Be prepared for worse news, if it hasn't already broken. I thought it would break yesterday morning, but it will break, it may hit ya'll Obama and Clinton sympathizers pretty hard. :itsok:
These Democrats, especially the Negroes, are all dumber than a door knob and suffering from Trump Derangement mental illness

The stupid Moon Bats that elected these morons should be ashamed of themselves.
I'd like to agree with you, Flash, but there are still in-crowd DNC reporters at places like CNN, WaPo, ABC, CBS (well, they're catching on at CBS I think,) and MSNBC and NBC willing to perjure themselves to keep the DNC Puerile Clinton-Obama worshippers in Conspiracy Theory Wishful World that they've been in since Hillary made herself a fixture in the Bill Clinton War Room as Principal Agitator In Lies. I'm concerned for their state of mind. :dunno:
Barr is following the letter of the law.
What's to discuss, unless you're a partisan hack and refuse to accept the investigation's results?
Laws and facts don't matter to the butt stains. They want Trump.
Barr is following the letter of the law.
What's to discuss, unless you're a partisan hack and refuse to accept the investigation's results?
Laws and facts don't matter to the butt stains. They want Trump.
Well, Wylie Coyote wanted Roadrunner, too. Unfortunately for the perps, justice could be eminent. Because it's about time that the prime crime comes into prime time for a fine time for this 3-year ruse's resolution.
I just voted YES

Bill Barr rocks! of course I accept his redactions. :thup:
From USA Today: WASHINGTON – Congress has its first opportunity on Tuesday to question Attorney General William Barr on the results of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, the details of which remain secret more than two weeks after the inquiry ended. Link to story: AG William Barr testifies for the first time since the end of Robert Mueller's investigation of Trump, Russia

From Fox News: Attorney General Barr's Statement and Q and A:

My question is: Is the Barr discretionary divulgence of information acceptable to you? Please discuss below whether you think this is fair or not: Please answer AFTER reading link and viewing video. Results visible after your vote.Thanks.

It is my understanding of how this stuff works is that courts have ruled the grand jury testimonies are to be kept private.
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Isn't it Trump's responsibility to select the AG?

it is. but it was barr's responsibility to recuse himself based on the 19 page audition chock full of his unsolicited reasons why trump cannot be indicted when he wanted the gig as AG; not to mention his son in law got a job as whitehouse councel.... huh, imagine that. that alone screams CONflict of interest.
From USA Today: WASHINGTON – Congress has its first opportunity on Tuesday to question Attorney General William Barr on the results of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, the details of which remain secret more than two weeks after the inquiry ended. Link to story: AG William Barr testifies for the first time since the end of Robert Mueller's investigation of Trump, Russia

From Fox News: Attorney General Barr's Statement and Q and A:

My question is: Is the Barr discretionary divulgence of information acceptable to you? Please discuss below whether you think this is fair or not: Please answer AFTER reading link and viewing video. Results visible after your vote.Thanks.

It is my understanding of how this stuff works is that courts have ruled the grand jury testimonies are to be kept private.

nope. just ask ken starr.
Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Isn't it Trump's responsibility to select the AG?

it is. but it was barr's responsibility to recuse himself based on the 19 page audition chock full of his unsolicited reasons why trump cannot be indicted when he wanted the gig as AG; not to mention his son in law got a job as whitehouse councel.... huh, imagine that. that alone screams CONflict of interest.

Trump's hand-picked lackey gave us the Barr Report.
We need to see the full Mueller Report.

Isn't it Trump's responsibility to select the AG?

it is. but it was barr's responsibility to recuse himself based on the 19 page audition chock full of his unsolicited reasons why trump cannot be indicted when he wanted the gig as AG; not to mention his son in law got a job as whitehouse councel.... huh, imagine that. that alone screams CONflict of interest.



For the conspiracy theorist snowflakes who keep opining how Barr is lying about what Mueller's report said....

Rod Rosenstein says it’s ‘completely bizarre’ to say William Barr is ‘trying to mislead people’ on Mueller report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended attorney general William Barr’s handling of the Mueller report, just days after Barr testified before a House appropriations subcommittee.

In his first interview since the Mueller investigation wrapped up, Rosenstein said that he believed it was strange to say the attorney general was misleading the public on the highly-anticipated report.

“He’s being as forthcoming as he can, and so this notion that he’s trying to mislead people, I think is just completely bizarre”

Rod Rosenstein says it’s ‘completely bizarre’ to say William Barr is ‘trying to mislead people’ on Mueller report

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