Attorney General William Barr discloses his "principle conclusions"

In view of Barr's preconceived notions about the Mueller report, in view of a DOJ rule that a sitting President cannot be indicted, in view of Barr's dogma of looking at the issues through the lens of a prosecutor looking to prove a crime without a shadow of a doubt, the Mueller report has little to do with criminal law.

This renders Barr's "principled conclusions" meaningless. This isn't about criminal law. This is about a political process -- impeachment. Barr does not decide what are impeachable offenses. The House does.

So, while Trump is crowing about his victory over the Democrats, there are two burning questions he has to answer.

Will his DOJ turn over everything to Congress to determine if there are impeachable offenses?

87% of Americans want to see the Mueller report, including 80% Republicans. With the exception of confidential information and grand jury testimony, will the Trump administration allow Americans to see the Mueller report as it pertains to the Trump campaign and Trump himself? We paid for it. We want to see it. Simply placing it in a file cabinet somewhere is an issue that will not be forgotten by Americans.

If the Trump administration doesn't hand over the Mueller report, Americans will always wonder what he is hiding. They will take that question with them when they enter the voting booth in 2020, along with another question.

Why in the hell should we accept the biased, preconceived views in a four-page summary by Trump's attorney general?

When the Mueller report is turned over to Congress and the public, that is when the real work will begin.

Trump has called on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign in an early morning tweet. Trump’s tweet read: “Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!”

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee called on Chairman Adam Schiff to resign Thursday, accusing the California Democrat of weaving a "demonstrably false" narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and "undermining" the credibility of the panel.

Republican Rep. Mike Conaway read a letter arguing Schiff has been "at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming, among other things, the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government."

"Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming," said the letter read by Conaway. "The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this Committee, and undermined faith in U.S. government institutions."

That is a false statement. The findings of the extremely biased Trump appointee, William Barr, reached different conclusions about collaboration with the Russian government in a four-page summary, not the Special Counsel's 300+ page report. Schiff responded by providing a litany of known and controversial interactions between the Trump campaign and Russia — including Donald Trump Jr.'s involvement in the Trump Tower meeting along with Jared Kushner and Trump's campaign chairman. In addition, he described Paul Manafort's sharing of polling data with a Russian associate.

I cannot believe the stupidity of the Trump Republicans. They are apparently following Trump's lead, and it is sheer insanity.

This was done purely for political reasons that defy all logic, and there is no possible way Trump Republicans on the committee will persuade Schiff to resign.

But what did it do? Trump Republicans are virtually admitting Trump is guilty of collaboration with Russia, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. They virtually admitted they want to shut down Schiff's investigation because of what he will find. Like Trump himself, they are making unsubstantiated accusations and lies.

This is sheer stupidity at its best.

There are a number of Republicans who are weary of Trump's total incompetence and stupidity. I sometimes wonder if Republicans want to undermine Trump. They want nothing more to do with Trump's leadership because they think he is a self-centered idiot who delights in creating controversies out of thin air. They wish to undermine him because they don't him to be the party's nominee in 2020.

Well, anyway, it is a thought.
Wouldn't obstruction of justice demand that a crime has been committed? If there was no crime, what was obstructed?
Barr must not be trying to smooth things over to protect the deep state from the majority of American men who now knows this was a high treason crime by the whole deep state

Barr must now charge mueller with high treason


He was given free reign to go after any potential crime

Since he did only crimes connected to trump ... That proves he was part of the coup against the American voter

If Barr does not charge mueller with high treason. Trump must fire him and replace with a real AG

This is high treason by the whole deep state !!

The men now knows this and will use their real power to force these high treason criminals to justice !!

<runs off and checks to see if this thread is in the Conspiracy Theory folder>


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