Attorney Jarrett says Bragg and Team are "bereft of a.. moral code"


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

I know, we're SHOCKED, aren't we?

But anyhow, there's some comical stuff in this Opinion piece. He calls Cohen a lot of names, but it isn't childishness, it's the TRUTH. :)

From the site

Weaponization of the law... is now justified. It’s the popular currency among Biden Democrats. Abiding by the rule of law is a mere inconvenience, a pesky nuisance. It can be discarded like yesterday’s trash.

for sure
Jarrett is probably one of the least serious legal commentators in the mainstream media.
From another attorney

By putting a proven liar with no credibility on the stand, the D.A. is knowingly suborning perjury, which is a criminal act. He knows in advance that Cohen will never tell the truth. But who will prosecute Bragg and his confederates?

The prosecution's star accused, Donald J. Trump, is a chronic and habitual liar​

Trump is what is known as a Pinocchio accused​

I'll bet you lie all the time

Trump, i have never caught in any lie (exaggerations, but not lies)

Clean up your own back yard

or as Jesus said, take the plank out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in someone else's

From another attorney

By putting a proven liar with no credibility on the stand, the D.A. is knowingly suborning perjury, which is a criminal act. He knows in advance that Cohen will never tell the truth. But who will prosecute Bragg and his confederates?

What I've been saying, it is suborning perjury. And the judge willingly allowing it too.

As the Ninth Circuit said in 2000:

No lawyer, whether prosecutor or defense counsel, civil or criminal, may knowingly present lies to a jury and then sit idly by while opposing counsel struggles to contain this pollution of the trial.” [ United States v. LaPage (9th Cir. 2000) 231 F3d 488, 492—criminal conviction overturned where prosecutor failed to correct prosecutorial testimony known to be false] (emphasis added)​

And see:

Because he defends everything Trump says and does.

I remember a few years ago when he claimed that Trump had this blockbuster lawsuit against social media that was going to be a huge deal and potentially change the internet landscape.

The lawsuit was almost immediately dismissed and never went anywhere.
I skimmed through this... mostly because I would like to have a LIVE president in 24

which means I couldn't care less about liberal TDS whining
What I've been saying, it is suborning perjury. And the judge willingly allowing it too.

As the Ninth Circuit said in 2000:

No lawyer, whether prosecutor or defense counsel, civil or criminal, may knowingly present lies to a jury and then sit idly by while opposing counsel struggles to contain this pollution of the trial.” [ United States v. LaPage (9th Cir. 2000) 231 F3d 488, 492—criminal conviction overturned where prosecutor failed to correct prosecutorial testimony known to be false] (emphasis added)​

And see:

The liberal elites are so bold because they know no one will prosecute them

But that's just because Rs have no.... cajones

Then again, there is James Comer! He'd be a great AG for Trump, except I'm not sure he actually has a law degree... time to get some biog on him

minutes later: found out he apparently has no law degree (or it would be mentioned at his site)
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I know, we're SHOCKED, aren't we?
That Trump hired a liar and was best buddies with him?

Rest assured, nobody is shocked about that.

Trump only associates with those as filthy as he is himself. If someone hangs out with Trump, you know that person is scum.

See you in November, Trump cult losers.
Because he defends everything Trump says and does.

I remember a few years ago when he claimed that Trump had this blockbuster lawsuit against social media that was going to be a huge deal and potentially change the internet landscape.

The lawsuit was almost immediately dismissed and never went anywhere.

So Trump started his own social media and will be rewarded handsomely for it. Another win for. Trump and a devastating loss for leftards.
Other than every legal commentator on MSDNC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS PBS ... sure.
Let me know when the serious legal commentators on those networks are arrested for being alcoholic pill popping belligerents.

Jarrett’s legal opinion amounts to defending anything Trump says and does. It’s completely bereft of depth and insight.
Let me know when the serious legal commentators on those networks are arrested for being alcoholic pill popping belligerents.
Didn't know that was a disqualification for a serious legal commentator
Jarrett’s legal opinion amounts to defending anything Trump says and does. It’s completely bereft of depth and insight.
LOL So which talking head's legal opinion on MSDNC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS PBS do you respect?
Didn't know that was a disqualification for a serious legal commentator
It's kind of a disqualification for a serious person in general.
LOL So which talking head's legal opinion on MSDNC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS PBS do you respect?
My favorite commentators are Neal Katyal and Barb McQuade. They have a wealth of experience. Jarrett has practiced very little law, mostly just being a television personality. That means he's more used to saying what gets attention rather than saying what is true.

I've never seen anything close to insightful come from Jarrett. I certainly wouldn't look to him for any kind of insight into a moral code.

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