Attorney Ted Olson Admonishes the Idiot trump, After Refusing To Join Legal Team


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

“ ‘I think everybody would agree: This is turmoil, it's chaos, it's confusion, it's not good for anything,’ ” Olson said Monday on MSNBC's ‘Andrea Mitchell Reports.’ “ ‘We always believe that there should be an orderly process, and, of course, government is not clean or orderly ever. But this seems to be beyond normal.’ ”

“Beyond normal” is a monumental understatement. The idiot trump’s “administration” has been the biggest clusterf*ck the modern world has ever known, and it began months before the polls closed last November.

Beyond normal? Ya think?‘it’s-chaos-it’s-not-good-for-anything’-after-rejecting-trump’s-offer-ted-olson-admonishes-him/ar-BBKJaBF?ocid=spartandhp

Good for Ted...

Stormy Daniels had facts on her side.

Betsy Devos, well, you know. That typical Republican verbalization out the rectum.

Stormy Daniels had facts on her side.

Betsy Devos, well, you know. That typical Republican verbalization out the rectum.


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