Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

Even if this is TRUE it does NOT explain away rounding up and killing (no matter the means) "enemies of the state" This comment may just send Rabbi into a catatonic state of mind to find that I BELIEVE that as many as MILLIONS of Jews were put to death in Germany and it was quite possibly the single most disgusting act of brutality EVER in the history of man kind (Mao killed millions too). Hitler was NOT a fool, he knew how to use NATIONALISM and FEDERALIZING of power to turn his PSYCHOPATHIC hatred of MANY groups of Germans into the mass murder of those groups (not just the Jewish).

Now if you want to know what made his rise possible you MUST look into what was done to Germany after WWI then you begin to understand how he used the humilitating conditions imposed on Germany after WWI to good effect to use RABID Nationalism as a means to his TWISTED ends. You may also begin to understand why since then we have pulled defeated nations from the ashes and rebuilt them. We tried to leave the Japanese with SOME sense of pride by leaving the Emperor as the "leader" rather than try to FORCE our form of gov't on them.
The Jewish bankers had stabbed the German people in the back during WWI

Causing the humiliating defeat that left Germany in finincial ruins.

The average German knew this and resented the traitorous German jews.

Hitler just said what everyone knew to be the truth.

So it was easy to convince the citizens to rid their country of this menace.
The Jewish bankers had stabbed the German people in the back during WWI

Causing the humiliating defeat that left Germany in finincial ruins.

The average German knew this and resented the traitorous German jews.

Hitler just said what everyone knew to be the truth.

So it was easy to convince the citizens to rid their country of this menace.

There were 6 million bankers involved in this supposed treachery, and many of them were children? Why were germans using child bankers?
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Sunni man, I am 65 years old. I knew two soldiers that actually helped free two of these camps. Were you to have repeated your foolishness to them, you would have been hurt. Even when they were old men. So take your lies and peddle them. You are not allowed to rewrite history.
I am not saying there were camps. Of course there were camps.

I'm just saying that the so called Holocaust story has been greatly embellished to make it into a huge money making enterprise.

Sorry to make fun here but maybe Gore can make some money off of the Germans for global warming.
So let us assume that 6 million Jews were mudered that it is ALL true........That was one of the single most disgusting acts of mass murder EVER bur how LONG and how MUCH must will the nation of Israel be paid? How much longer can that event be used to justify ANY attrocities that ISRAEL commits? Although CLEARLY of a lesser degree leveling houses and isolating the West bank from FOOD, POWER, WATER, and MEDICINE while CIVILIANS die right along side a VERY small # of militants is an attrocity and LONGER be frogiven because of the actions of a madman from 70 years ago. WHY are WE the American taxpayer giving Israel BILLIONS of $s and and our most sofisticated US weapons systems?
HOW LONG will OUR guilt be exploited? What did WE the USofA do to be held to this same type of guilt as those who commited the attrocities......How long will the WOLD be EXPLOITED for something that happened 70 YEARS ago? Why can't the native tribes of the Americas demand reperations from SPAIN? Why no WORLD GUILT about using BIOLOGICAL weapons against the Native Americans.......That's right BIOLOGICAL weapons (chiken pox) against a SPECIFIC ethnic group? I would think this would be the FIRST use of a BIOLOGICAL weapon. Is that ATTROCITY just forgiven and forgotten because WE were the victors?

"WHO CONTROLS THE PAST NOW CONTROLS THE FUTURE, WHO CONTROL THE PRESENT NOW CONTROLS THE PAST!!!" Hell even the Japanese untilL recently denied their "comfort girls" (their own citizens) they still deny many of their ATROCIOUS acts during WWII and yet THEY don't pay US for their actions. Many of the servicemen they captured were put in forced labor camps for some Japanese corps that still exist such as Mitsubishi. Have WE been paid or do we use the event to beat the WORLD over the head and demand sympathy for OUR loses? NO and it is time for Israel to quit using GUILT to get whatever they want INCLUDING a pass on THEIR acts against humanity.
I harbor no guilt for what some Germans (and its allies) did to many many European Jews (and many millions of other people) at around the time of WWII.

I harbor no guilt for what some white people in America did to many black Africans from the time period before the Founding of this Republic up until around the time of the American Civil War.

Going a bit further back in time, I confess I harbor no guilt over the behavior of some homo sapiens sapiens toward some Neanderthals, either.
I harbor no guilt for what some Germans (and its allies) did to many many European Jews (and many millions of other people) at around the time of WWII.

I harbor no guilt for what some white people in America did to many black Africans from the time period before the Founding of this Republic up until around the time of the American Civil War.

Going a bit further back in time, I confess I harbor no guilt over the behavior of some homo sapiens sapiens toward some Neanderthals, either.

But our LEADERSHIP obviously DOES! If we didn't feel some kind of OBLIGATION to Israel then we would make it CLEAR that if Israel engages in a war of aggresion against its neighbors the USA will NOT send its young men and women to DIE for Israel.
In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin.

What Piper said - in effect and on camera - was that the explosive 1988 Leuchter Report was correct: no homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated as 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz.

With this admission by none other than the respected head of the Auschwitz State Museum, one of the most sacred 'facts' of history has been destroyed. This 'gas chamber' is the major historical 'fact' on which much of the foreign and domestic policies of all Western nations since WWII are based.

It is the basis for the $100+ billion in foreign aid the United States has poured into the state of Israel since its inception in 1948 - amounting to $16,500 for every man, woman and child in the Jewish state and billions more paid by Germany in 'reparations' - not to mention the constructing of Israel's national telephone, electrical and rail systems...all gifts of the German people. It is the basis for the $10 billion 'loan' (read 'gift') made to Israel for housing its immigrants in the occupied territories...while Americans sleep on the streets and businesses are bankrupted by the thousands. (Note - As of 2004, not a single 'loan' of US tax money made to the state of Israel by Washington has ever been paid back. -ed)

Germany is paying 'reparations' - the the United States is making major contributions - to atone for the 'gassings at Auschwitz' and elsewhere. If the 'homicidal gas chambers' were postwar creations of the Soviets, in which no one was gassed regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, then these 'reparations' were unnecessary, and were based on fraud.

The videotape on which Dr. Piper makes his revelations was made in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole and follows 12 years of intensive investigation by dozens of historians, journalists and scientists who have tried to get to the bottom of what really happened at Auschwitz.

Like most Americans, since his youth, Cole had been instructed in the 'irrefutable fact' that mass homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million.

Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988 which was followed with an official 're-evaluation' of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million). As a budding historian - and a Jew - Cole was intrigued.

Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted or questioned the official 4.1 millon 'gassing' deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-semite, neo-nazi skinhead at the very least. Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million. No mention was made of the missing 3 million.

The Cole videotape interview proves that the people who run the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of fabricating 'proofs' of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind that over the years millions of tourists have been told that 'Krema 1' is in its original state, while officials knew that 'original state' is a replica.

The political, religious, fiancial and historical ramifications of this proof of no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured. Coupled with the Leuchter Report, the Cole interview with Dr. Piper on videotape proves that what Western governments have taught about the Auschwitz gas chamber since WWII is a lie. It proves that what televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been telling their flocks is simply not true.

No one, regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin was gassed to death in any building so designated at Auschwitz. And without 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz, where is the reasoning for the special treatment of the state of Israel?

Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

the interview
I harbor no guilt for what some Germans (and its allies) did to many many European Jews (and many millions of other people) at around the time of WWII.

I harbor no guilt for what some white people in America did to many black Africans from the time period before the Founding of this Republic up until around the time of the American Civil War.

Going a bit further back in time, I confess I harbor no guilt over the behavior of some homo sapiens sapiens toward some Neanderthals, either.

But our LEADERSHIP obviously DOES! If we didn't feel some kind of OBLIGATION to Israel then we would make it CLEAR that if Israel engages in a war of aggresion against its neighbors the USA will NOT send its young men and women to DIE for Israel.


Our alleged leadership might merely have concluded that Israel is a more sane and rational partner in that explosive region of economic and strategic interest to the U.S. than anybody else out there.

And that view of Israel seems quite reasonable, rational and correct.
I guess you don't understand what I am saying.

Yes, the German people and the Nazis didn't like the Jews

Yes, the Jews were rounded up and put in work camps.

Yes, many died from starvation and disease.

Yes, some were murdered.

Yes, some of the diseased bodies were creamated for sanitation reasons.

No, it wasn't even close to 6 million who died.

No, there were not organiged death camps with gas chambers
the evidence says you are wrong on those last 2
and even the germans admit they were not all "work" camps

The Jews have admitted 6 million Jews weren't killed. The numbers for Auschwitz went from 4 million to 1.2 million.

6 million - the 4 million number for Auschwitz-Berkenau) = 2million elsewhere

2million elsewhere + 2.1 million *the New number for A-B) = 3.2 million

Yet we're still fed the 6 million total number!

See my thread on Jewish MAth
Sunni man, I am 65 years old. I knew two soldiers that actually helped free two of these camps. Were you to have repeated your foolishness to them, you would have been hurt. Even when they were old men. So take your lies and peddle them. You are not allowed to rewrite history.

'shutup or I'll hurt you' is not a refutation....
☭proletarian☭;1818176 said:
I guess you don't understand what I am saying.

Yes, the German people and the Nazis didn't like the Jews

Yes, the Jews were rounded up and put in work camps.

Yes, many died from starvation and disease.

Yes, some were murdered.

Yes, some of the diseased bodies were creamated for sanitation reasons.

No, it wasn't even close to 6 million who died.

No, there were not organiged death camps with gas chambers
the evidence says you are wrong on those last 2
and even the germans admit they were not all "work" camps

The Jews have admitted 6 million Jews weren't killed. The numbers for Auschwitz went from 4 million to 1.2 million.

6 million - the 4 million number for Auschwitz-Berkenau) = 2million elsewhere

2million elsewhere + 2.1 million *the New number for A-B) = 3.2 million

Yet we're still fed the 6 million total number!

See my thread on Jewish MAth

And I say your math is totally fucked. The Germans were (and are still) very very good at keeping records. They kept records so well that we know who they had in what camp and what address they were living at when they were taken prisoner. They killed at least 6 Million in the camps. And no amount of your fuzzy math can hide that fact.

Holocaust Records Archive - International Tracing Service ITS Bad Arolsen Germany - 16 Miles of Nazi Files
The archives contain 50 million pages, housed in thousands of filing cabinets in 6 buildings. Overall, there are 16 miles of shelves holding information about the victims of the Nazis.

The documents - scraps of paper, transport lists, registration books, labor documents, medical records, and finally death registers – record the arrest, transportation and extermination of the victims. In some case, even the amount and size of the lice found on the prisoners’ heads were recorded.

It's all there for the world to see, and there is no denying it.

☭proletarian☭;1818176 said:
The Jews have admitted 6 million Jews weren't killed. The numbers for Auschwitz went from 4 million to 1.2 million.

6 million - the 4 million number for Auschwitz-Berkenau) = 2million elsewhere

2million elsewhere + 2.1 million *the New number for A-B) = 3.2 million

Yet we're still fed the 6 million total number!

See my thread on Jewish MAth

This is called the fun with numbers gambit, deniers love this one and its just full of half truths and complete fabrications.

First off, no Jews had admitted to or denied any numbers. The numbers have been studied verified and published by historians, not some mythical 'Jew' authority.

Second, at no time did Western Historians claim 4 millions Jews died at Auschwitz. In fact, not even the Soviets made that claim. The Soviets made a calculation on a theoritical maximum for the crematoriums and claimed 4 million PEOPLE were killed, at no time and in no way was the 4 million number a Jewish only number, nor was it ever -- EVER - used as part of the caluclation regarding the number of Jews murdered during the Holocuat.

When the Iron Curtain fell, the Auschwitz museaum opened itself to facts and revised the number down - it was only at this time that it was alleged that most of the victims were Jewish. (approx 1 million)

BTW - there are a number of estimates for the numbers of Jews killed in the Holocaust, number compiled by historians, these numbers range from 4.5 million to just over 6 million -- most commonly held beliefs settle in at some number over 5 million.


Axis History Forum • View topic - Number of Victims of the Holocaust - Reference Thread

Victims of the German 'Final Solution of the European Jewish Question'

Germany 150,000
Austria 48,767
Luxemburg 720
Netherlands 100,000
Belgium 23,484
France 76,134
Denmark 116
Norway 758
Finland 8 German refugees handed over
Italy 6,513
Albania 591
Greece 59,185
Yugoslavia: 65,000
Hungary 410,000+ (1940 borders)
Czech Republic 77,297(1940 borders)
Slovakia 66,000 (1940 borders)
Romania 120,919 (1940 borders)
Estonia 1,000
Latvia 77,000
Lithuania 140,000 (1939 borders)
USSR 1,050,000 (1939 borders
- Belorussian SSR 250,000 (1939 borders)
- Ukrainian SSR 656,000 (1939 borders)
- Russian SFSR 144,000
Poland 2,890,000 (1939 borders)
- western Poland 1,600,000 (German occupation from 1939)
- eastern Poland 1,210,000
- Wilno district 80,000
Total 5,364,492 as a minimum
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To the Zionist Jews the 6 million number is sacred.

If you suggest the real number was 5,999,999 instead of 6 million.

You will be called anti-semitic and a Nazi.

Believe me, I have had it happen to me many times. :doubt:
To the Zionist Jews the 6 million number is sacred.

If you suggest the real number was 5,999,999 instead of 6 million.

You will be called anti-semitic and a Nazi.

Believe me, I have had it happen to me many times. :doubt:

This is an absolute lie, numbers under 6 million have been published for decades but some of the most significant historians on the subject - that others call you anti-semitic or a Nazi just shows to your character.
Baking bread requires some heat. The oven shown purporting to be at Auschwitz is an obvious fake. An attempt to prove the Commercial Holocaust Cult by slight of hand. This oven can not be found there, and the person who posted it seems to be unable to help us out where it is located at Auschwitz. A good help would be if we were shown the bake ovens at Auschwitz and then shots on the crematory ovens as Stalin's soldiers found them in taking over Auschwitz in order to put free the ''Communist Criminals'' and put in there instead the ''Capitalist Criminals.'' In other words: The same old song!
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Baking bread requires some heat. The oven shown purporting to be at Auschwitz is an obvious fake. An attempt to prove the Commercial Holocaust Cult by slight of hand. This oven can not be found there, and the person who posted it seems to be unable to help us out where it is located at Auschwitz. A good help would be if we were shown the bake ovens at Auschwitz and then shots on the crematory ovens as Stalin's soldiers found them in taking over Auschwitz in order to put free the ''Communist Criminals'' and put in there instead the ''Capitalist Criminals.'' In other words: The same old song!




So you have an image, a position on the map of the camp and the position on a map of Europe, do you need an astrological map as well?

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