Australian flight crews told to‘minimise manterruptions’avoid saying country was‘settled’by British


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Australian airline Qantas was accused of operating a “corporate thought police” after advising staff to avoid using terms such as husband, wife, mum and dad – and to describe the arrival of the British in the late 1700s as an invasion or occupation rather than a settlement.

In an information pack sent to staff as part of the airline’s Spirit of Inclusion month, employees were provided with a list of potentially offensive terms and were told to “minimise manterruptions”, in which men at the workplace “interrupt and speak over women”.

“Always using the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ can reinforce the idea that people are always in heterosexual relationships,” the pack says.

Australian flight crews told to 'minimise manterruptions' and avoid saying country was 'settled' by British

And so we must understand how the devil is working. We all know this is not limited to the American left wing pukes. It is the New World Order movement.

Pick a side. Just know that those who choose the side of truth, will be going through a lot of strife. Losing family members, friends.

Pick a side, and I would suggest you do not side with the godless pigs. Keep your eye on the goal.
Australian airline Qantas was accused of operating a “corporate thought police” after advising staff to avoid using terms such as husband, wife, mum and dad – and to describe the arrival of the British in the late 1700s as an invasion or occupation rather than a settlement.

In an information pack sent to staff as part of the airline’s Spirit of Inclusion month, employees were provided with a list of potentially offensive terms and were told to “minimise manterruptions”, in which men at the workplace “interrupt and speak over women”.

“Always using the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ can reinforce the idea that people are always in heterosexual relationships,” the pack says.

Australian flight crews told to 'minimise manterruptions' and avoid saying country was 'settled' by British

And so we must understand how the devil is working. We all know this is not limited to the American left wing pukes. It is the New World Order movement.

Pick a side. Just know that those who choose the side of truth, will be going through a lot of strife. Losing family members, friends.

Pick a side, and I would suggest you do not side with the godless pigs. Keep your eye on the goal.
airline Qantas
Notice that that is "airline Qantas" not "the Australian government." Because it's the former and not the latter, who cares? If one doesn't like it, don't fly on Qantas' planes or work for Qantas.
Land and nations have been conquered since the beginning of time..

According to the left, It’s only bad when white men do it..

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