Australian woman killed by a police Mohammed Noor

BREAKING: Minneapolis police chief resigns amid fallout of fatal shooting of Australian woman

There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.
BREAKING: Minneapolis police chief resigns amid fallout of fatal shooting of Australian woman

There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?
BREAKING: Minneapolis police chief resigns amid fallout of fatal shooting of Australian woman

There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?

Why not, it is the most serious problem the free world faces. We have seen what happens in Europe and it is coming this way fast when exceptions are made because of a religion proven to be violent and intolerant.

Anything else?
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?

Could it be they are nervous because more than a handful have basically been assasinated?
It can be dangerous being a cop which is why they should not hire nervous scaredy cats.

I agree with that, but the fact remains these killing of cops isn't helping. It's flaming the situation
Not in Minnesota
These guys shoot first and ask questions later
There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?

Why not, it is the most serious problem the free world faces. We have seen what happens in Europe and it is coming this way fast when exceptions are made because of a religion proven to be violent and intolerant.

Anything else?

Anything else? Well yes. It has nothing to do with what is occuring in this case. It's another unwarranted police shooting. Like Philando Castille.
The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?

Why not, it is the most serious problem the free world faces. We have seen what happens in Europe and it is coming this way fast when exceptions are made because of a religion proven to be violent and intolerant.

Anything else?

Anything else? Well yes. It has nothing to do with what is occuring in this case. It's another unwarranted police shooting. Like Philando Castille.

You have no idea what is going on. There have been no details released.
Don't ever presume you can walk up to police, use you phone and call dispatch. Never ever assume you can just walk up to them. I have had them in my back yard at 1 am in the winter 2010. I fell asleep in my PJ's on the couch, my old dog is barking and growling, I go out to investigate, all these flashlights and people walking around in a foot of snow in my back yard, I thought I was safe, turn on the floodlights and go out onto my back patio this being America. Nope. Five cops yelling at me to get down, shove me down into the snow in my PJs, (really guys? 20 degrees in the snow) Cops are NEVER wrong, even when they are abundantly clearly wrong.
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It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.

It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?

Why not, it is the most serious problem the free world faces. We have seen what happens in Europe and it is coming this way fast when exceptions are made because of a religion proven to be violent and intolerant.

Anything else?

Anything else? Well yes. It has nothing to do with what is occuring in this case. It's another unwarranted police shooting. Like Philando Castille.

You have no idea what is going on. There have been no details released.

Exactly. No details.

So keep on with the islamoshit.
It has everything to do with Islam. He got the job because he was a Muslim. And they picked a winner.

No. That's idiotic. They have a large Somali immigrant community - of which he is a member. In policing it MAKES SENSE to have members on the force who are part of that community don't you THINK? He is also not the only one on the force.

Why do you guys have to make everything about Islam?

Why not, it is the most serious problem the free world faces. We have seen what happens in Europe and it is coming this way fast when exceptions are made because of a religion proven to be violent and intolerant.

Anything else?

Anything else? Well yes. It has nothing to do with what is occuring in this case. It's another unwarranted police shooting. Like Philando Castille.

You have no idea what is going on. There have been no details released.

Exactly. No details.

So keep on with the islamoshit.

Shit and Islam? Explain the difference.
Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

A young black thug and an innocent person. Apples and oranges dolt.

Philandro Castille was no "black thug".

The fact that you say that speaks volumes.

Apples and oranges, dolt. The two cannot be compared. Not if you are going to use logic and truth.
Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

A young black thug and an innocent person. Apples and oranges dolt.

Philandro Castille was no "black thug".

The fact that you say that speaks volumes.

Apples and oranges, dolt. The two cannot be compared. Not if you are going to use logic and truth.

Your words..."a young black THUG".

No indications he was a "thug".

Black man gets shot by police - he's a "thug".
White woman gets shot by police - she's a "victim".
You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

A young black thug and an innocent person. Apples and oranges dolt.

Philandro Castille was no "black thug".

The fact that you say that speaks volumes.

Apples and oranges, dolt. The two cannot be compared. Not if you are going to use logic and truth.

Your words..."a young black THUG".

No indications he was a "thug".

Black man gets shot by police - he's a "thug".
White woman gets shot by police - she's a "victim".

You live for victims, your misplaced empathy for Islam demonstrates you either do not think clearly or are simply brainwashed.
isn't there another big thread on this topic?

that's the name of the thread ...sorry I can not put it there directly :redface:

somali - muslim cop shoots pajama wearing woman dead in Minnesota
You've been killing people and yourselves since forever. Before you even brought slaves from Africa. Grow up Mr racist.

It was an epic fuckup and they're probably trying to minimize the financial fallout. I think the cop was too eager to be a hero.
You're giving him too much credit. He's black. He's a Muslim. He's an immigrant from the turd world.

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