Australian woman killed by a police Mohammed Noor

Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?
hold on folks, hold on....the police dept. was headed by the first openly gay woman and first native american ....what could be wrong? The only thing missing in the progressive agenda is she is not a transgender... If she had only been transgender also .....I mean with credentials like that she would be high on any list for POTUS....where have we gone wrong?...could it be the credentials for occupying any position of leadership has some how gotten skewered? Just because someone is the first this or the first that...what kind of qualification is dat? Well, we want to be a progressive society right???? and of course that least according to the media we must be all inclusive in our leadership...meaning any minority must be put at the head of the line. Meaning da first dis or da first dat...translates to ...get to the head of the line. Get to the front of the bus. etc.etc. and so on and so forth....translation our society is one sick and messed up society...coinfused bunch of mudda ruckers, dumbed down and ripe for destruction..whose fault is dat?

Meanwhile back at the ranch this progressive dream woman has resigned as in the public lost confidence in question ....were they right to ever have confidence in her in the first place?
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Think the hundreds of white people marching in the streets was her end. So rarely happens here

It needs to be happening more ...everywhere. Time for white folk to wake the hell up and say enough is enough is toooo friggin much. Bring back common sense...restore our sanity and in order to do that our public schools must be changed...neighborhood schools must be brought back. The Federal Government must be forbidden from creating our school curiculums...get the federal government the hell out of our public schools...restore them to what they once were...the finest schools in the by the states...not the federal government and its propaganda machine.
The media and hollywood need to be brought before a congressional hearing in regards to their treasonous hate America behavior. Time to make sure the Constitution is actually followed...not just held up as a symbolic piece of paper. Time to understand that not mistreating minorities does not mean that we should bow down to them and promote them into areas where they have no competence whatsoever.
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Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?

Could it be they are nervous because more than a handful have basically been assasinated?
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?
First of all, they are screened. They DON'T take just anybody -- normally. This killer was a product of LEFTIST POLICIES. That's NOT an opinion, it's a FACT.

NEXT, America's war on police by emotion driven blacks and the media, is taking its toll. The best of the best, no longer want a job where one wrong move will put you in prison for the rest of your life.

Dealing with ghetto blacks is not worth the risk for rational people.
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?

Could it be they are nervous because more than a handful have basically been assasinated?

Wow, isn't that something. That's the same thing I've said about blacks fear of the police. Except one happens more often than the other. Guess which one.
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?

Could it be they are nervous because more than a handful have basically been assasinated?
It can be dangerous being a cop which is why they should not hire nervous scaredy cats.
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?

Could it be they are nervous because more than a handful have basically been assasinated?
It can be dangerous being a cop which is why they should not hire nervous scaredy cats.

I agree with that, but the fact remains these killing of cops isn't helping. It's flaming the situation
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?
First of all, they are screened. They DON'T take just anybody -- normally. This killer was a product of LEFTIST POLICIES. That's NOT an opinion, it's a FACT.

NEXT, America's war on police by emotion driven blacks and the media, is taking its toll. The best of the best, no longer want a job where one wrong move will put you in prison for the rest of your life.

Dealing with ghetto blacks is not worth the risk for rational people.

That sounds awful except when you consider how many cops have been sent to jail. Only if we ignore that them going to jail is an exception and not the rule does your statement make sense.
American police are nervous nellies and will shoot their own shadows.
Why not hire candidates who are not bullies or cowards and then train them in proper firearms use?
First of all, they are screened. They DON'T take just anybody -- normally. This killer was a product of LEFTIST POLICIES. That's NOT an opinion, it's a FACT.

NEXT, America's war on police by emotion driven blacks and the media, is taking its toll. The best of the best, no longer want a job where one wrong move will put you in prison for the rest of your life.

Dealing with ghetto blacks is not worth the risk for rational people.
A white Australian woman was shot dead. You cannot blame this on a black American citizen.

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

A young black thug and an innocent person. Apples and oranges dolt.

Philandro Castille was no "black thug".

The fact that you say that speaks volumes.
BREAKING: Minneapolis police chief resigns amid fallout of fatal shooting of Australian woman

There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

It has nothing to do with Islam asshole. Only YOU make it so.
Her character is irrelevant. She could have been unruly and a bitch. It doesn't justify being gunned down by an officer.
Sorry, NO. She didn't attack, threaten or argue with the cops. CHARACTER MATTERS.

Neither did Philando.

The two cases are so far apart it's ridiculous trying to compare them

Not really. Castille did nothing wrong. This woman did nothing wrong. We don't have all the facts but it looks like the police reacted badly.

The only difference is - you guys jumped on the bandwagon to assassinate Castille's character. But now it's a white woman. So I guess that is different?

I think police are far to quick to use lethal force.

I agree with much of what you say but various groups here protest against the cops on a regular basis. Charlenne Lyles? was recently killed and protesters were out in full force. They had been called to this nutty woman's place numerous times before...and she had a weapon, rushing toward them.

Its just really weird if nothing else.

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