Australian woman killed by a police Mohammed Noor

Only in the US allowing Muslims guns, does this happen
1. I have seen nothing about his religion. Have you?

2. He is Somali and while the dominant religion is Islam., there are Somali Christians

3. What the fuck does his religion or nationality have to do with what happened. ? Do you know what happened?
No Cookies | Daily Telegraph

....Forklift driver Chris Miller, 49, has lived next door for the past two years and said he wasn’t surprised to learn Noor was the policeman making international headlines for firing on Ms Damond after she called 911 about what she thought was a sexual assault in the alley behind her house.

“He is extremely nervous … he is a little jumpy … he doesn’t really respect women, the least thing you say to him can set him off,” Mr Miller said.

“When they say a policeman shot an Australian lady I thought uh, oh but then when they said who it was I was like, ‘OK.’”

He said Noor, who has refused to explain to investigators what led him to shoot dead bride-to-be Damond, was a strict and ill-tempered presence in the townhouse block, where children play together in a playground in a small park between the units.

“He got into it with the kids, they were outside playing and something got stuck in a tree and he came out and he just started yelling at the kids because they were out here playing,” Mr Miller said.

He has little respect for women he has little respect for blacks and kids,” said Mr Miller, who is African-American.

“He has an air like you just couldn’t really be around him.”...
had nothing to do with multiculturalism. OJ had the wealth to hire top notch defense attorneys. He could have been caught with a smoking gun and gotten off.
He got away with murder because his black jury wanted to get even with whitey
Funny how they do a total 180 and blame the cop and search his character and background instead of the victims.'s totally not about race. #BlueLivesMatter
Poor baby, not enough people condemning the woman for you?

Stupid racist bastard.

Not enough? Have you seen one? If so, that would be 1 more than I've seen lol.

But it's not about race.

Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.

So you haven't seen one just like I said. Cute line tho, very original
Two lessons are instantly available after this incident.

1. Never intentionally move to a liberal controlled shithole.

2. Hiring quotas are STUPID and should be ended.

And the woman obviously wasn't following orders!:bow2:
You're pathetic. So blinded by skin color & your irrational fear of the men in blue that you can't even rationally discuss this topic.

Do tell what order did the police say they gave her that she didn't follow?


It's funny when you accuse others of what you do. Suddenly you're against the word of the police only when the roles are reversed.

Please pick up a sign and March about it so I can finally call it a riot like you do when the shoe is on the other foot.

Using this dea women as your personal soapbox to stand on is transparent as hell. Bahahaa...especially when we have a written record of you taking the opposite stand in other situations when the races are reversed. You're funny tho
Two lessons are instantly available after this incident.

1. Never intentionally move to a liberal controlled shithole.

2. Hiring quotas are STUPID and should be ended.

And the woman obviously wasn't following orders!:bow2:
You're pathetic. So blinded by skin color & your irrational fear of the men in blue that you can't even rationally discuss this topic.

Do tell what order did the police say they gave her that she didn't follow?


It's funny when you accuse others of what you do. Suddenly you're against the word of the police only when the roles are reversed.

Please pick up a sign and March about it so I can finally call it a riot like you do when the shoe is on the other foot.

Using this dea women as your personal soapbox to stand on is transparent as hell. Bahahaa...especially when we have a written record of you taking the opposite stand in other situations when the races are reversed. You're funny tho
Demonstrate how I'm against the word of the police dumbass.
had nothing to do with multiculturalism. OJ had the wealth to hire top notch defense attorneys. He could have been caught with a smoking gun and gotten off.
He got away with murder because his black jury wanted to get even with whitey was the LAPD that was on trial...the clever shyster lawyeres hired by oj were able to trick the jury not even to mention the fact that californians are in awe of anyone famous.

If you want the truth about oj had and maybe still has a documentary on the civil trial....which proved o.j.'s guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt.

The Shoes That Proved O.J. Simpson's Guilt | Highsnobiety

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

So, that's why these white cops get off too? Or do you want to revise this logic?

Wtf are you babbling about? Do you even know? Stick to the subject.

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.
Still no statement on why he shot her. Never seen anything like this.

He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.


She was essentially killed by the "let's celebrate diversity and the affirmative action " mindsets of the left.

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

So, that's why these white cops get off too? Or do you want to revise this logic?

Wtf are you babbling about? Do you even know? Stick to the subject.

Even you cannot explain your own logic
Two lessons are instantly available after this incident.

1. Never intentionally move to a liberal controlled shithole.

2. Hiring quotas are STUPID and should be ended.

It may not be a matter of quotas. Good policing is heavily dependent on good community relations. Part of that means that it is helpful to have on the force people who are part of that community. That doesn't automatically mean it is a substandard choice either.

I do think we are seeing systemic flaws in training, with shootings like these.

There is something else that bothers me. Listening to the news driving home, I heard what the police chief had to say. On the one hand she said he went through training with no problems and no red flags....on the other she effectively threw him under the bus. When I compare that to statements made surrounding similar police shootings of unarmed people, there is quite a difference. Usually they are very closed mouthed and give very little info. This one seems to be treated differently.

This also occurred in a high end neighborhood, with very little crime, shootings were rare. Why did Noor have his gun out on his lap? Jumpy and nervous are the two words used most often to describe him. That does not seem like a good trait for the job.
Only in the US allowing Muslims guns, does this happen
1. I have seen nothing about his religion. Have you?

2. He is Somali and while the dominant religion is Islam., there are Somali Christians

3. What the fuck does his religion or nationality have to do with what happened. ? Do you know what happened?
had nothing to do with multiculturalism. OJ had the wealth to hire top notch defense attorneys. He could have been caught with a smoking gun and gotten off.
He got away with murder because his black jury wanted to get even with whitey
He had a good lawyer. You think joe blow black would have?

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

So, that's why these white cops get off too? Or do you want to revise this logic?

Wtf are you babbling about? Do you even know? Stick to the subject.

Even you cannot explain your own logic

Learn to read, idiot.
BREAKING: Minneapolis police chief resigns amid fallout of fatal shooting of Australian woman

There needs to be MAJOR change in the police department when citizens are afraid to call 9-11

The fault here is the Police being forced to hire unqualified people. And of all the minorities in Minn. Islam is spoonfed and protected by far. It just cost a life to test a theory that has failed.

.Justine Damond, 40, assassinated by the police Saturday, July 15, 2017 @Handout/Reuters

A woman was killed Saturday night by the Minnesota police following her call to the emergency department. An investigation has been opened.
What happened on Saturday night for a policeman to shoot Justine Damond, a woman with no history? This 40-year-old yoga and meditation teacher was shot dead by one of the two policemen who intervened after her call to the 911 US emergency service. She wanted to report a possible assault in a lane near her home in Minneapolis. The Minnesota state authorities opened an investigation to shed light on the still unclear circumstances of his death.

"We all want to know more"
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which investigates shootings involving police officers in the northern United States, did not indicate what caused the shooting. The individual cameras of the two policemen were not activated at the time of the drama. "The BCA investigation is only at its beginnings," the agency said in a statement, adding that additional information would be available after the interrogation of the persons involved and possible witnesses.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, citing three unidentified sources, the police shot the victim wearing pajamas through a window of their vehicle after she approached one of the doors to talk to them. "I'm disgusted and deeply disturbed," Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, told a news conference on Sunday. "We know very little at this stage. We all want to know more. "
"All I know is that they took his life from him"
Local television station WCCO has identified the perpetrator of the fatal shot as Mohammed Noor, a Somali immigrant who joined the local police in 2015. The victim, according to Australian sources, had moved from Sydney to Minneapolis to join her fiance.
A man who identified himself as his step-son explained that she had been killed after contacting the police to report a possible crime. "She heard a noise in the alley so she called the police and the cops arrived," Zach Damond told Facebook. "And then all I know is that they took his life from him." Several hundred people gathered on Sunday to pay tribute to the 40-year-old and ask for explanations.

Une Australienne tuée par la police américaine

Nothing will happen to him because he was a politically motivated diversity hire. They cannot allow anything to happen to him. What's the life of one innocent white woman compared to the lefts agenda?

Juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police and it's understandable as to why.

What's the life of one inncoent black man like Castille compared to the right's agenda?

Using your logic.

You need to look up "logic" because you don't know what it is. It's apples and oranges dumbass.

No. Dumbass. It is the difference between a young black man and a white woman.

A young black thug and an innocent person. Apples and oranges dolt.

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