Australian woman killed by a police Mohammed Noor

Except....not really....Castille did everything he was told. Did not reach for his gun and did not have it in his hand. He should not have been shot. Shooting of Philando Castile - Wikipedia

The difference is he's a black man. This victim is a white woman. Oh and the cop is a Somali American. Can you see all the bandwagons lining up?

We've heard different versions, I notice two things, you bringing race into it and once again vehemently defending a Muslim ...somethings never change

Haven't defended him. Try again liar.

What I said: We don't have all the facts but it looks like the police reacted badly.

Oh and look at you, you have to bring muslims into it.

Watch who you call a liar, slug and give it time, you can't help yourself when it comes to Muzzies.

Ask anyone

I am calling YOU a liar because I haven't defended him in the least.

Call away and I'm calling YOU an Islamapologist, deny it and YOU are a liar

Geez how childish. You can't even admit when you're wrong.

Point is - police reacted badly and this seems to happen too often.
I'd like to see where in police training an officer is encouraged to fire a round OVER his partner in the drivers seat
Yes rightwinger, , why the police who was seating on the the driver seat did not shoot if there were a threat ?
He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.
I mean why no statement on why he shot her?

I agree miketx, it is Very suspicious to have closed the camera and moreover it could also have killed his teammate also


According to Noor’s version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.

It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle.

Moments before as the officers drove into the alley, they noticed a young man ride past on a bicycle.

As the officers watched the cyclist ride past on the passenger side of the vehicle, they were startled by a pounding on the driver’s side, the source revealed via KSTP.

The sound led the officers to believe they were ‘caught in an ambush’ the source told, with Noor firing his gun, which was in his lap at the time.

The bullet fired past Harrity in the driver’s seat, through the open driver’s side window and struck Justine Damond in the abdomen.

Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman. At the time, Noor had perceived the approaching figure who Hannity was already speaking to as a threat.

Both he and Harrity gave CPR to the victim before help and back up arrived, with Damond pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
If that report is true he and the department are screwed. Gun on the lap? Firing without seeing the target? Horrible case but people need to know not to spook cops these days. They are jumpy, and not without reason but they can be legally wrong and you legally dead.

That's just it. They're too quick to react with lethal force.
Yes, but it's easy to Monday morning quarterback from the safety of our computers.

Yes it is - and I feel bad for the cops too in these situations and decisions are made very quickly.
I'd like to see where in police training an officer is encouraged to fire a round OVER his partner in the drivers seat
Yes rightwinger, , why the police who was seating on the the driver seat did not shoot if there were a threat ?

Two different people, different levels of experience one saw a threat, we don't know what the other saw.
Still no statement on why he shot her. Never seen anything like this.

He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.
I mean why no statement on why he shot her?

I agree miketx, it is Very suspicious to have closed the camera and moreover it could also have killed his teammate also


According to Noor’s version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.

It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle.

Moments before as the officers drove into the alley, they noticed a young man ride past on a bicycle.

As the officers watched the cyclist ride past on the passenger side of the vehicle, they were startled by a pounding on the driver’s side, the source revealed via KSTP.

The sound led the officers to believe they were ‘caught in an ambush’ the source told, with Noor firing his gun, which was in his lap at the time.

The bullet fired past Harrity in the driver’s seat, through the open driver’s side window and struck Justine Damond in the abdomen.

Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman. At the time, Noor had perceived the approaching figure who Hannity was already speaking to as a threat.

Both he and Harrity gave CPR to the victim before help and back up arrived, with Damond pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
....After having responded to a 911 call from Damond about a possible sexual assaulttaking place in a back alley near her home, the officer was on high alert and found himself spooked when an unidentified figure emerged from the dark and ran towards the vehicle....
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I'd like to see where in police training an officer is encouraged to fire a round OVER his partner in the drivers seat
Yes rightwinger, , why the police who was seating on the the driver seat did not shoot if there were a threat ?

Two different people, different levels of experience one saw a threat, we don't know what the other saw.
Ridiculous, the policeman at the driver seat was not blind and deaf
Still no statement on why he shot her. Never seen anything like this.

He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.
I mean why no statement on why he shot her?

I agree miketx, it is Very suspicious to have closed the camera and moreover it could also have killed his teammate also


According to Noor’s version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.

It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle.

Moments before as the officers drove into the alley, they noticed a young man ride past on a bicycle.

As the officers watched the cyclist ride past on the passenger side of the vehicle, they were startled by a pounding on the driver’s side, the source revealed via KSTP.

The sound led the officers to believe they were ‘caught in an ambush’ the source told, with Noor firing his gun, which was in his lap at the time.

The bullet fired past Harrity in the driver’s seat, through the open driver’s side window and struck Justine Damond in the abdomen.

Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman. At the time, Noor had perceived the approaching figure who Hannity was already speaking to as a threat.

Both he and Harrity gave CPR to the victim before help and back up arrived, with Damond pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
....After having responded to a 911 call from Damond about a possible sexual assaulttaking place in a back alley near her home, the officer was on high alert and found himself ‘spooked’ when an unidentified figure emerged from the dark and ran towards the vehicle....
But Tilly it did not make a black ink outside, and it seems to me that they could differentiate a woman in pyjamas and a angry man?
He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.
I mean why no statement on why he shot her?

I agree miketx, it is Very suspicious to have closed the camera and moreover it could also have killed his teammate also


According to Noor’s version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.

It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle.

Moments before as the officers drove into the alley, they noticed a young man ride past on a bicycle.

As the officers watched the cyclist ride past on the passenger side of the vehicle, they were startled by a pounding on the driver’s side, the source revealed via KSTP.

The sound led the officers to believe they were ‘caught in an ambush’ the source told, with Noor firing his gun, which was in his lap at the time.

The bullet fired past Harrity in the driver’s seat, through the open driver’s side window and struck Justine Damond in the abdomen.

Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman. At the time, Noor had perceived the approaching figure who Hannity was already speaking to as a threat.

Both he and Harrity gave CPR to the victim before help and back up arrived, with Damond pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
....After having responded to a 911 call from Damond about a possible sexual assaulttaking place in a back alley near her home, the officer was on high alert and found himself ‘spooked’ when an unidentified figure emerged from the dark and ran towards the vehicle....
But Tilly it did not make a black ink outside, and it seems to me that they could differentiate a woman in pyjamas and a angry man?
I agree. It's very strange. And the more experienced officer - who was closer to the woman - was apparently talking to her. Why would the other officer shoot past the more experienced officer from within the car? None of it makes sense. It's a terrible tragedy for Justine and her husband to be.
He shot her THROUGH the police car door as she explains the reason for her call. So no, I don't recall this happening recently. Have there been bad shoots? Sure, usually under suspicious circumstances. But to shoot an unarmed woman as she stands at your car talking to you?

And why the fuck is an immigrant who has very little understanding of America in general given a damn badge? THAT is a ridiculous policy to allow.
I mean why no statement on why he shot her?

I agree miketx, it is Very suspicious to have closed the camera and moreover it could also have killed his teammate also


According to Noor’s version when they reached the end of the alley, they came across a waiting, panicking figure.

It was dark, and the figure was moving around and approached their vehicle.

Moments before as the officers drove into the alley, they noticed a young man ride past on a bicycle.

As the officers watched the cyclist ride past on the passenger side of the vehicle, they were startled by a pounding on the driver’s side, the source revealed via KSTP.

The sound led the officers to believe they were ‘caught in an ambush’ the source told, with Noor firing his gun, which was in his lap at the time.

The bullet fired past Harrity in the driver’s seat, through the open driver’s side window and struck Justine Damond in the abdomen.

Noor said he did not know whether the figure who rushed towards their vehicle was the 911 caller or even if it was a man or woman. At the time, Noor had perceived the approaching figure who Hannity was already speaking to as a threat.

Both he and Harrity gave CPR to the victim before help and back up arrived, with Damond pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
....After having responded to a 911 call from Damond about a possible sexual assaulttaking place in a back alley near her home, the officer was on high alert and found himself ‘spooked’ when an unidentified figure emerged from the dark and ran towards the vehicle....
But Tilly it did not make a black ink outside, and it seems to me that they could differentiate a woman in pyjamas and a angry man?

The article said it was dark. I suspect they saw running movement, the article also said they feared ambush. I think police are taught to shoot too quickly.
one saw a threat, we don't know what the other saw.
That's speculation. I could do far less and be charged with murder

Yes, it is speculation - basically the entire thread is us speculating because we don't really know. And yes - you would probably be charged with murder. Like I said earlier, juries are very reluctant to convict police of murder.

...Noor, who has since been suspended form the Minneapolis P.D., believed he’d been ‘thrown under the bus’ by his Minneapolis police colleagues, the friend said....

‘He feels like he is being thrown under the bus and his colleagues are accusing him of not showing proper police conduct on Saturday night.
‘His feeling is ‘I am an immigrant, a Muslim and not white… but that is OK as I know the Somalian community and friends will support me.’

Mohamed Noor ambushed: How I shot Justine Damond by mistake - Scallywag and Vagabond
One officer is and experienced veteran the other a rookie who seems to have made a very bad judgement call and killed an innocent unarmed person.

There've been a number of cases like that. Too many in fact.
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.

Yeah, sure. It can't possibly be the fact that the cop involved was a political hire, had numerous issues in training, was detested by his brother officers and was completely unsuited to be a cop. Noooo, couldn't possibly be that, no it has to be our "gun culture".

What a 'tard.
Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.

Yeah, sure. It can't possibly be the fact that the cop involved was a political hire, had numerous issues in training, was detested by his brother officers and was completely unsuited to be a cop. Noooo, couldn't possibly be that, no it has to be our "gun culture".

What a 'tard.

Was he?

I'm not seeing him as any different then the cop who shot Castille or a number of other occassions where unarmed unthreatening people were shot by police. I think there is a bigger problem involved.
Neither did Philando.
I never heard of the guy, so I never commented. Don't know the details and frankly don't care. THIS thread is about a woman gunned down in cold blood with no one being held accountable.

Looks like we have a pattern

Police who shoot first and ask questions later

Gun culture. Just about every week a cop is gunned down. So our police are always on edge and gun down many themselves.

Wrong. It's shitty training of police, and poor selection in the first place.

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