Australian woman killed by a police Mohammed Noor

Only in the US with our gun culture does this happen. All our cops are on edge with guns everywhere.

Yeah, sure. It can't possibly be the fact that the cop involved was a political hire, had numerous issues in training, was detested by his brother officers and was completely unsuited to be a cop. Noooo, couldn't possibly be that, no it has to be our "gun culture".

What a 'tard.

Was he?

I'm not seeing him as any different then the cop who shot Castille or a number of other occassions where unarmed unthreatening people were shot by police. I think there is a bigger problem involved.

Yes, he was pushed through the system even though he was considered not ready for the street. Both the Mayor and the Chief of police wanted a Somali on the dept so they cut corners to get one.

And the cop who shot Castile is likewise and incompetent cop who should be in jail IMO. They are woefully trained so instead of actually LOOKING at the situation, they merely go in guns blazing.

The cops of today are poorly selected, and even more poorly trained.
Neither did Philando.
I never heard of the guy, so I never commented. Don't know the details and frankly don't care. THIS thread is about a woman gunned down in cold blood with no one being held accountable.

Looks like we have a pattern

Police who shoot first and ask questions later

Gun culture. Just about every week a cop is gunned down. So our police are always on edge and gun down many themselves.

Wrong. It's shitty training of police, and poor selection in the first place.

I think that is the larger underlying problem in many of these police shootings.
hmm...according to this, he had problems in the community he policed...was not well regarded or liked: Minneapolis police damning of officer who shot Justine

Yep. No one wanted to work with him. He was considered a menace to all around him. This poor woman's death needs to be laid at the feet of those responsible for his hiring, the mayor and the Chief of police. They were both derelict in their duties to the citizens they swore an oath to serve and protect. Disgusting.
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KILLER cop Mohamed Noor is known in the townhouse complex where his large family lives as quick-tempered, “jumpy” and “extremely nervous”.

New insight into the character of the Minneapolis policeman emerged on Thursday as investigators released transcripts of the two emergency calls Australian life coach Justine Damond made just before Noor shot her dead last Saturday night.
He should be charged with involuntary manslaughter at the very least.
Let a jury take it from there.
His peers will be turd world Muslins. Wonder how that'll go.
I trust our jury system for the most part.
Itll go the way it went for OJ. Multiculturalism has destroyed what has always worked.

OJ had nothing to do with multiculturalism. OJ had the wealth to hire top notch defense attorneys. He could have been caught with a smoking gun and gotten off.
Neither did Philando.
I never heard of the guy, so I never commented. Don't know the details and frankly don't care. THIS thread is about a woman gunned down in cold blood with no one being held accountable.

Looks like we have a pattern

Police who shoot first and ask questions later

Gun culture. Just about every week a cop is gunned down. So our police are always on edge and gun down many themselves.

Wrong. It's shitty training of police, and poor selection in the first place.

I think that is the larger underlying problem in many of these police shootings.

Absolutely. The standards to be a cop must be, MUST be extremely high based on what their job entails. But instead the progressives have made sure we get some of the least capable, and least suited to be cops. Then, the top brass has abdicated their responsibilities by not even giving them the proper training to do their job properly.
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KILLER cop Mohamed Noor is known in the townhouse complex where his large family lives as quick-tempered, “jumpy” and “extremely nervous”.

New insight into the character of the Minneapolis policeman emerged on Thursday as investigators released transcripts of the two emergency calls Australian life coach Justine Damond made just before Noor shot her dead last Saturday night.

Jihadwatch? For god's sakes...
Funny how they do a total 180 and blame the cop and search his character and background instead of the victims.'s totally not about race. #BlueLivesMatter
Two lessons are instantly available after this incident.

1. Never intentionally move to a liberal controlled shithole.

2. Hiring quotas are STUPID and should be ended.
Funny how they do a total 180 and blame the cop and search his character and background instead of the victims.'s totally not about race. #BlueLivesMatter
Poor baby, not enough people condemning the woman for you?

Stupid racist bastard.

Not enough? Have you seen one? If so, that would be 1 more than I've seen lol.

But it's not about race.

Funny how they do a total 180 and blame the cop and search his character and background instead of the victims.'s totally not about race. #BlueLivesMatter
Poor baby, not enough people condemning the woman for you?

Stupid racist bastard.

Not enough? Have you seen one? If so, that would be 1 more than I've seen lol.

But it's not about race.

Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.
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KILLER cop Mohamed Noor is known in the townhouse complex where his large family lives as quick-tempered, “jumpy” and “extremely nervous”.

New insight into the character of the Minneapolis policeman emerged on Thursday as investigators released transcripts of the two emergency calls Australian life coach Justine Damond made just before Noor shot her dead last Saturday night.

Jihadwatch? For god's sakes...

Why not? Everyone else has an opinion. Did you see the women in his life? There are reasons his religion could have played a huge part in his decision to shoot.
Two lessons are instantly available after this incident.

1. Never intentionally move to a liberal controlled shithole.

2. Hiring quotas are STUPID and should be ended.

And the woman obviously wasn't following orders!:bow2:
You're pathetic. So blinded by skin color & your irrational fear of the men in blue that you can't even rationally discuss this topic.

Do tell what order did the police say they gave her that she didn't follow?

No Cookies | Daily Telegraph
But claims of an ambush yesterday infuriated Ms Damond’s family, whose newly hired high-profile lawyer told US television they “have no basis in fact” and were “ludicrous”.

Lawyer Robert Bennett told CBS that Ms Damond’s family does not want Officer Noor to stay in the force and they are considering a civil lawsuit over her death.

“This is an unbelievable situation,” Mr Bennett told CBS yesterday.

“The person who called 911 was shot in her pyjamas.

“Justine obviously wasn’t armed and there wasn’t any reason she should have been perceived to be....
Mohamed Noor is not a jihad terrorist. This was not a jihad attack. He is just a trigger-happy, panicky, reckless individual who held his job not because he was fit for it, but because of what he symbolized. And in the wake of his failure, Minneapolis multiculturalists aren’t about to reconsider their religion. On the contrary, they are doubling down. Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges has immediately recognized — as authorities do everywhere after jihad attacks — that the real victims are not those who were killed or wounded, but the Muslim community. She should have issued a statement saying that she recognized that Mohamed Noor was not hired because he was competent, but because he was a Somali Muslim, and that she sees now that Leftist social engineering on the police force costs lives. She should have promised that from now on, police officers will be hired based on their fitness for the job, not their religion or ethnicity.

Multiculture is a killer.

Justine Damond: Killed by “Islamophobia”

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