Author: "No More Candy-Assed Christianity"

I don't deal in 'contentions'....I deal in facts.

I stated succinctly and consistently.....the Democrat/Liberal/Fascist/Communist LBJ statute prevents the free speech of religious Americans/

And I proved it.
No you did not in any way. How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?

"How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?"

What a scummy little liar you are, Comrade Pinko!

I never said any such thing.

What I have said, more than once, is this:

Here it is again:
Answer the question:
Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Your fear of addressing this simple query certainly proves everything I've said.

Proving you a liar and supporter of totalitarianism was just a bonus.
"How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?"

What a scummy little liar you are, Comrade Pinko!

I never said any such thing..
This wasn't you?
I don't deal in 'contentions'....I deal in facts.

I stated succinctly and consistently.....the Democrat/Liberal/Fascist/Communist LBJ statute prevents the free speech of religious Americans/
Or are you saying you are not a religious American?

And you still have not shown that the Johnson amendment deprives anyone of their free speech. Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity. I already explained why that is in the government's interest. If an organization prefers to lobby or campaign, they can...just not as a 501(c)(3). I also pointed out how some groups split to do both...part of the organization is 501(c)(3) and another part is 501(c)(4)
"How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?"

What a scummy little liar you are, Comrade Pinko!

I never said any such thing..
This wasn't you?
I don't deal in 'contentions'....I deal in facts.

I stated succinctly and consistently.....the Democrat/Liberal/Fascist/Communist LBJ statute prevents the free speech of religious Americans/
Or are you saying you are not a religious American?

And you still have not shown that the Johnson amendment deprives anyone of their free speech. Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity. I already explained why that is in the government's interest. If an organization prefers to lobby or campaign, they can...just not as a 501(c)(3). I also pointed out how some groups split to do both...part of the organization is 501(c)(3) and another part is 501(c)(4)

"Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity."

1. Why?

2. By what right does the government restrict either the exercise of one's religion, or one's freedom of speech.

3.Answer the question:
Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

4. When did you become a Fascist?
Is it because you look good in brown?
"How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?"

What a scummy little liar you are, Comrade Pinko!

I never said any such thing..
This wasn't you?
I don't deal in 'contentions'....I deal in facts.

I stated succinctly and consistently.....the Democrat/Liberal/Fascist/Communist LBJ statute prevents the free speech of religious Americans/
Or are you saying you are not a religious American?

And you still have not shown that the Johnson amendment deprives anyone of their free speech. Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity. I already explained why that is in the government's interest. If an organization prefers to lobby or campaign, they can...just not as a 501(c)(3). I also pointed out how some groups split to do both...part of the organization is 501(c)(3) and another part is 501(c)(4)

"Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity."

1. Why?
You have to ask that? Really?
It is in the government's interest to promote and support charitable and other nonprofit groups that work for the public good.
Part of that support is tax exemption for the organization.
Another part is tax exemption for donations to that organization.
It is also in the government's interest to make sure that such organizations are actually doing that which they were formed.
Part of that is making sure they are not crossing bounds with another tax category, or being used to avoid laws about lobbying or campaigning.
Talking about issues is fine, it's the actions that become a problem.
"How is your free speech prevented by the Johnson amendment?"

What a scummy little liar you are, Comrade Pinko!

I never said any such thing..
This wasn't you?
I don't deal in 'contentions'....I deal in facts.

I stated succinctly and consistently.....the Democrat/Liberal/Fascist/Communist LBJ statute prevents the free speech of religious Americans/
Or are you saying you are not a religious American?

And you still have not shown that the Johnson amendment deprives anyone of their free speech. Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity. I already explained why that is in the government's interest. If an organization prefers to lobby or campaign, they can...just not as a 501(c)(3). I also pointed out how some groups split to do both...part of the organization is 501(c)(3) and another part is 501(c)(4)

"Restriction of political activities is a condition of receiving a tax exemption as a charity."

1. Why?
You have to ask that? Really?
It is in the government's interest to promote and support charitable and other nonprofit groups that work for the public good.
Part of that support is tax exemption for the organization.
Another part is tax exemption for donations to that organization.
It is also in the government's interest to make sure that such organizations are actually doing that which they were formed.
Part of that is making sure they are not crossing bounds with another tax category, or being used to avoid laws about lobbying or campaigning.
Talking about issues is fine, it's the actions that become a problem.

"It is in the government's interest to promote and support charitable and other nonprofit groups that work for the public good.
Talking about issues is fine, it's the actions that become a problem."

You're lying again.

"Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. The prohibition applies to all campaigns including campaigns at the federal, state and local level. Violation of this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes. Those section 501(c)(3) organizations that are private foundations are subject to additional restrictions that are not described in this fact sheet.

Political campaign intervention includes any and all activities that favor or oppose one or more candidates for public office. The prohibition extends beyond candidate endorsements."
Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations

Soooo.....which us the more appropriate appellation for you.....Comrade Pinko, or Comrade Pinocchio????

Let's review......restriction on either one's expression of their religion, or on one's free speech, by Democrats/Liberals/Progressives is clearly a part of the LBJ statute.

One which you have supported throughout this thread.

Calling you out every time you lie has become quite a hobby of mine.
".... for their organizations to remain tax exempt under section 501(c)(3), leaders cannot make partisan comments in official organization publications or at official functions of the organization."
Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations

Answer the question:
Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Why have Democrats dishonored the Constitution????

"The little-known tax provision applies exclusively to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, precluding them from endorsing — or campaigning against — candidates for federal elected office.

But many Republicans and conservatives have long held that the amendment, which was authored by then-Texas Democrat Sen. Lyndon Johnson, unfairly constrains churches' First Amendment rights, a claim laid out in the 2016 GOP platform.

"Republicans believe the federal government, specifically the IRS, is constitutionally prohibited from policing or censoring speech based on religious convictions or beliefs, and therefore we urge the repeal of the Johnson Amendment," the platform reads. "We pledge to … safeguard religious institutions against government control."

"Pastors should be the ones to decide what they preach from the pulpit … that should be a pastor’s decision, not the IRS," Holcomb told the Deseret News."
Why many churches can't endorse political candidates

Except, of course, under a Führer.

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