Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.
My grandfathers were both 10 times the man you ever will be.

Go to hell, motherfucker.

My grandfather could beat up your grandfather
Enjoy it. Today is going to be the last anyone ever hears of it. This person will be put on a shelf, and forgotten well before 2018 elections.

Don't count on it. In this political climate...anything is possible.

He won a state seat. Nationally this don’t work for democrats. This to them is nothing more then a senator saying “fuck” at a speach. Now, if they were smart, democrats would sit down with this guy and hear what he has to say about his win and take notes. This win was not about being a man who likes girl clothes. It was about NOT electing them.
and a bit more , a link to what taxpayer paid teachers are teaching 7th graders in NewYork Public Schools . --- Transgender lesson gets New York 7th-grade teacher suspended ---sure , she was suspended with pay so its just a paid vacation and the kids mind have been twisted .

no doubt, being an uneducated bigoted twit yourself, you'd think people being taught about others was a bad thing.

what I had a problem with my kid being taught was a book about a fish that was only accepted by the other fish when it gave away everything that made it special to the other fish.

Borg fish
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.
My grandfathers were both 10 times the man you ever will be.

Go to hell, motherfucker.

My grandfather could beat up your grandfather
Would it matter if they were cremated?
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

My grandfather was against blacks and white eating in the same room and women being allowed to work.

I am sure you and he would have had much in common.

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Yeah he was pretty terrible...

He rose a racist who thinks our president is too orange, women need affirmative actions, and blacks should have reparations.

Mostly that... although given your views I imagine he mostly made the mistake of letting a single mother raise your testosterone deprived self.

My grandfather did not raise me,that is what parents are for.

I am actually against any and all affirmative action programs and reparations. Not sure where you got the idea that I was. Perhaps you assume that anyone not a homophobic bigot like yourself is for those things.

I do often wonder why Trump is orange though.

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Bwahaha! Honestly, I SOOOO wish kilts were cool here for us men. Except for high heels and bras chicks have it made over guys in what clothes they get to ware.They have way more comfortable clothes then us. And yes, in my mother land men ware skirts. Really it’s not a big deal. But it is sad. This man did not win on ideals really, or if he did he isn’t getting ANY credit for anything other then being a man who looks like a manly girl. You even check out this guys platform? After his tiny blerb on the news?I did. The man ran his campaign well. He got his establishment opponent they exact same way Trump got Hillary. I’ll be flat out honest, my only issue with this man is will he carry out his duities as a person with a cause, or dealing with the issues his constituents sent him to do? Make no mistake, this man was not elected on ideals, he was a spankin’ to polititions both Democrat and republican. You will see more of this in ‘18.

So...not sure what to make of this post. It kinda reads like it was put through an internet translator.
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.

What does racism and or education have to do with this? This shit is rudimentary for anyone sane, without daddy issues and truly American. My teen daughter knows the Left is fucked up in the head.
Let’s hope she grows up to be better than you.

Do you hope she embraces the next big push from the Left....pedophilia?
You know, PROGRESS.
No, I don’t hope your daughter starts embracing pedophelia.

Good fucking grief. You people get crazier every day.

Is it really all that crazy?
If I would have told you ten years ago that in ten years it will be acceptable for people to choose their gender and that other people wouldn't consider these Loons to be bat shit crazy would you have called me crazy?
Dr. Renee Richards underwent trans sexual surgery

in 1975!

If you were just aware of the procedure ten years ago, where have you been?
and a bit more , a link to what taxpayer paid teachers are teaching 7th graders in NewYork Public Schools . --- Transgender lesson gets New York 7th-grade teacher suspended ---sure , she was suspended with pay so its just a paid vacation and the kids mind have been twisted .

no doubt, being an uneducated bigoted twit yourself, you'd think people being taught about others was a bad thing.

what I had a problem with my kid being taught was a book about a fish that was only accepted by the other fish when it gave away everything that made it special to the other fish.

Borg fish
Rainbow Fish.... I had to have a chat with the teacher after that one.
My favorite part about right winger's hysterical fear of transgendered people is the constant references to "science".

I don't think you guys understand what that word means.
He won a state seat. Nationally this don’t work for democrats.

That remains to be seen. The person she beat was a 25-year incumbent who proudly ran on homophobia.

This to them is nothing more then a senator saying “fuck” at a speach. Now, if they were smart, democrats would sit down with this guy and hear what he has to say about his win and take notes. This win was not about being a man who likes girl clothes. It was about NOT electing them.

So, weird you say that since the person she beat was a 25-year incumbent.
If not, he is a mere cross-dresser. Different illness.

That too is incorrect - crossdressers don't normally go for hormone treatment and such.

Illness? No - not that either. I could provide links for your edification, but that'd be a waste of time.
As if they aren't already ruined...right?
As hard as it is to watch this shit and take it gotta believe this just furthers the divide between the Dirty Democratic Party and 2,623 counties (30 states)...right?
We might have to learn to embrace the madness, sit back, drink a beer and watch them hang themselves.

Will honoring people's votes will be the downfall of the Democratic party? Great question
What does racism and or education have to do with this? This shit is rudimentary for anyone sane, without daddy issues and truly American. My teen daughter knows the Left is fucked up in the head.
Let’s hope she grows up to be better than you.

Do you hope she embraces the next big push from the Left....pedophilia?
You know, PROGRESS.
No, I don’t hope your daughter starts embracing pedophelia.

Good fucking grief. You people get crazier every day.

Is it really all that crazy?
If I would have told you ten years ago that in ten years it will be acceptable for people to choose their gender and that other people wouldn't consider these Loons to be bat shit crazy would you have called me crazy?
Dr. Renee Richards underwent trans sexual surgery

in 1975!

If you were just aware of the procedure ten years ago, where have you been?

Lili Elbe had the first surgery in 1930...
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
I ment exactly what I said. Sorry it confused you.

A person with a SERIOUS mental problem was just elected.

Leftism itself is a mental illness.

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Lumberjacks and fishermen kill themselves most often, does that mean they shouldn’t be allowed to serve their country?

Are lumberjacks and fisherman also mentally ill sex perverts? Perhaps a small percentage could be, however 100% of Transgenders are mentally ill sex perverts, it does not get more perverted than a biological man wanting to have his dick and balls chopped off.
I read an article in a medical magazine that said roughly 90% of transgenders go into the porn industry. I forget which mag in the doctor's waiting room I read it, but it said tens of thousands.
We let liberals teach okay? That's where it started! Had we not allowed their crap in schools it never would have become public policy!
There it is QUOTE " we let liberals teach" who would want to live where we only LET people teach who teach only what You or I want them to believe. that's half a education.

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.

Well, there's something to be said for having a man retain the seat. :rolleyes:
Lol you are such white trash.

Hmm, did I tweak something? How is my statement inaccurate?
You aren’t inaccurate, really - you’re just a misogynistic retard.
My favorite part about right winger's hysterical fear of transgendered people is the constant references to "science".

I don't think you guys understand what that word means.

It means that is you check Roem's DNA - the genetic code for everything you are - you will find that he remains a man.

Wearing women's clothes and chopping off one's penis does not a man make.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.

What does racism and or education have to do with this? This shit is rudimentary for anyone sane, without daddy issues and truly American. My teen daughter knows the Left is fucked up in the head.
Many people of my grandfathers era would never have voted for a black man as president and would have considered interatisl marriage as much of an abomination as transvestites.

Who would have thoght we'd get past all that :)

Guess its unpatriotic now to support those rights.

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