Average Canadian Family Paying More Than 12K Yearly to Fund Public Healthcare


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
So many people point to Canada as a role model for socialist healthcare. Some in Canada brag that it's "free" healthcare for all. Leftists love to throw the word "free" around, as if anything is actually free. No, it's expensive to fund healthcare. You don't get a bill when you go to the doctor but the average family pays over $12,000 a year. Each individual pays over $4,000, over $330 a month. That is not cheap. While it's free to some, most workers pay a hefty sum. Taxes in Canada are ridiculously high, with a high percent going just for their healthcare system. How long can they survive? As it is, my Canadian friends tell me that there are waiting lists for most healthcare tests and procedures. One woman I know was on a waiting list for an MRI and they told her the wait would be 12 - 15 months.

Not much better in Britain, where ER are overcrowded and many patients are on cots in hallways. Some patients are even treated right in the ER waiting room with no privacy.

Then you look at our VA, the shining example of government-run healthcare. It's a mess. People die waiting for care. Long waiting lists for appointments. And the left wants that for the entire country. Typical leftist thinking. They don't think it's fair that some don't have adequate care while most do. Instead of finding ways to improve things for some, they demand a system that brings down quality for everyone (but the politicians and their friends). They want equal outcomes for EVERYTHING, even if that means equal misery. Why does that make some feel better to think that they can drag others down and make them suffer?

Millions of Americans loved their healthcare plans and their doctors. Obama promised to leave us alone. He lied his ass off, as did all the Dems. If they wanted to help those who couldn't or wouldn't help themselves, there was no need to hurt us all both financially and by forcing us to give up doctors and plans we were happy with.

Costs skyrocketed after Obamacare passed. Can barely afford EpiPen now. That is always what happens when government promises to foot the bill. Of course, Big Pharma helped write Obamacare.

Average Canadian family paying more than $12K to fund public health care: study
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

And that doesn't cover all of my bills- I still have copays- and I still have to pay the percentages.

I have friends who live in Canada- and I don't know a single Canadian who doesn't prefer their system to the American system.
They want to have free healthcare they just have to convince Americans to accept a 50% income tax. No sliding scale, just a straight 50% if you make $10.00 or ten million. Hard to do when a number of people are complaining they did not get enough of a tax cut. When you consider that some states and cities are suing because their constituents are not getting enough of a tax break so the state or city can increase taxes.

Then you talk about that great Medicare for all plan. Medicare does not cover all medical expenses so you need supplemental insurance to cover what Medicare does not. So who covers the supplemental? As always liberals really do not think things out. They just know they want free.
So many people point to Canada as a role model for socialist healthcare. Some in Canada brag that it's "free" healthcare for all. Leftists love to throw the word "free" around, as if anything is actually free. No, it's expensive to fund healthcare. You don't get a bill when you go to the doctor but the average family pays over $12,000 a year. Each individual pays over $4,000, over $330 a month. That is not cheap. While it's free to some, most workers pay a hefty sum. Taxes in Canada are ridiculously high, with a high percent going just for their healthcare system. How long can they survive? As it is, my Canadian friends tell me that there are waiting lists for most healthcare tests and procedures. One woman I know was on a waiting list for an MRI and they told her the wait would be 12 - 15 months.

Not much better in Britain, where ER are overcrowded and many patients are on cots in hallways. Some patients are even treated right in the ER waiting room with no privacy.

Then you look at our VA, the shining example of government-run healthcare. It's a mess. People die waiting for care. Long waiting lists for appointments. And the left wants that for the entire country. Typical leftist thinking. They don't think it's fair that some don't have adequate care while most do. Instead of finding ways to improve things for some, they demand a system that brings down quality for everyone (but the politicians and their friends). They want equal outcomes for EVERYTHING, even if that means equal misery. Why does that make some feel better to think that they can drag others down and make them suffer?

Millions of Americans loved their healthcare plans and their doctors. Obama promised to leave us alone. He lied his ass off, as did all the Dems. If they wanted to help those who couldn't or wouldn't help themselves, there was no need to hurt us all both financially and by forcing us to give up doctors and plans we were happy with.

Costs skyrocketed after Obamacare passed. Can barely afford EpiPen now. That is always what happens when government promises to foot the bill. Of course, Big Pharma helped write Obamacare.

Average Canadian family paying more than $12K to fund public health care: study
The Ep Pen was done by a member of the House who is related to the CEO of the company who makes the pen.
So many people point to Canada as a role model for socialist healthcare. Some in Canada brag that it's "free" healthcare for all. Leftists love to throw the word "free" around, as if anything is actually free. No, it's expensive to fund healthcare. You don't get a bill when you go to the doctor but the average family pays over $12,000 a year. Each individual pays over $4,000, over $330 a month. That is not cheap. While it's free to some, most workers pay a hefty sum. Taxes in Canada are ridiculously high, with a high percent going just for their healthcare system. How long can they survive? As it is, my Canadian friends tell me that there are waiting lists for most healthcare tests and procedures. One woman I know was on a waiting list for an MRI and they told her the wait would be 12 - 15 months.

Not much better in Britain, where ER are overcrowded and many patients are on cots in hallways. Some patients are even treated right in the ER waiting room with no privacy.

Then you look at our VA, the shining example of government-run healthcare. It's a mess. People die waiting for care. Long waiting lists for appointments. And the left wants that for the entire country. Typical leftist thinking. They don't think it's fair that some don't have adequate care while most do. Instead of finding ways to improve things for some, they demand a system that brings down quality for everyone (but the politicians and their friends). They want equal outcomes for EVERYTHING, even if that means equal misery. Why does that make some feel better to think that they can drag others down and make them suffer?

Millions of Americans loved their healthcare plans and their doctors. Obama promised to leave us alone. He lied his ass off, as did all the Dems. If they wanted to help those who couldn't or wouldn't help themselves, there was no need to hurt us all both financially and by forcing us to give up doctors and plans we were happy with.

Costs skyrocketed after Obamacare passed. Can barely afford EpiPen now. That is always what happens when government promises to foot the bill. Of course, Big Pharma helped write Obamacare.

Average Canadian family paying more than $12K to fund public health care: study

But it's "free healthcare"
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

And that doesn't cover all of my bills- I still have copays- and I still have to pay the percentages.

I have friends who live in Canada- and I don't know a single Canadian who doesn't prefer their system to the American system.
Then that should mean that they don't have to come over the border like they do for operations to save their lives.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

And that doesn't cover all of my bills- I still have copays- and I still have to pay the percentages.

I have friends who live in Canada- and I don't know a single Canadian who doesn't prefer their system to the American system.
Then that should mean that they don't have to come over the border like they do for operations to save their lives.

No Canadian I know of has done that. I am sure that it can happen- of course Americans travel outside the United States to obtain medical treatments that they can afford also.
So many people point to Canada as a role model for socialist healthcare. Some in Canada brag that it's "free" healthcare for all. Leftists love to throw the word "free" around, as if anything is actually free. No, it's expensive to fund healthcare. You don't get a bill when you go to the doctor but the average family pays over $12,000 a year. Each individual pays over $4,000, over $330 a month. That is not cheap. While it's free to some, most workers pay a hefty sum. Taxes in Canada are ridiculously high, with a high percent going just for their healthcare system. How long can they survive? As it is, my Canadian friends tell me that there are waiting lists for most healthcare tests and procedures. One woman I know was on a waiting list for an MRI and they told her the wait would be 12 - 15 months.

Not much better in Britain, where ER are overcrowded and many patients are on cots in hallways. Some patients are even treated right in the ER waiting room with no privacy.

Then you look at our VA, the shining example of government-run healthcare. It's a mess. People die waiting for care. Long waiting lists for appointments. And the left wants that for the entire country. Typical leftist thinking. They don't think it's fair that some don't have adequate care while most do. Instead of finding ways to improve things for some, they demand a system that brings down quality for everyone (but the politicians and their friends). They want equal outcomes for EVERYTHING, even if that means equal misery. Why does that make some feel better to think that they can drag others down and make them suffer?

Millions of Americans loved their healthcare plans and their doctors. Obama promised to leave us alone. He lied his ass off, as did all the Dems. If they wanted to help those who couldn't or wouldn't help themselves, there was no need to hurt us all both financially and by forcing us to give up doctors and plans we were happy with.

Costs skyrocketed after Obamacare passed. Can barely afford EpiPen now. That is always what happens when government promises to foot the bill. Of course, Big Pharma helped write Obamacare.

Average Canadian family paying more than $12K to fund public health care: study
The figures you quote would be welcome by many Americans.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.
You don't understand anything about it, do you?
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.
You don't understand anything about it, do you?

Do you have a point, or anything to add to the discussion?
So many people point to Canada as a role model for socialist healthcare. Some in Canada brag that it's "free" healthcare for all. Leftists love to throw the word "free" around, as if anything is actually free. No, it's expensive to fund healthcare. You don't get a bill when you go to the doctor but the average family pays over $12,000 a year. Each individual pays over $4,000, over $330 a month. That is not cheap. While it's free to some, most workers pay a hefty sum. Taxes in Canada are ridiculously high, with a high percent going just for their healthcare system. How long can they survive? As it is, my Canadian friends tell me that there are waiting lists for most healthcare tests and procedures. One woman I know was on a waiting list for an MRI and they told her the wait would be 12 - 15 months.

Not much better in Britain, where ER are overcrowded and many patients are on cots in hallways. Some patients are even treated right in the ER waiting room with no privacy.

Then you look at our VA, the shining example of government-run healthcare. It's a mess. People die waiting for care. Long waiting lists for appointments. And the left wants that for the entire country. Typical leftist thinking. They don't think it's fair that some don't have adequate care while most do. Instead of finding ways to improve things for some, they demand a system that brings down quality for everyone (but the politicians and their friends). They want equal outcomes for EVERYTHING, even if that means equal misery. Why does that make some feel better to think that they can drag others down and make them suffer?

Millions of Americans loved their healthcare plans and their doctors. Obama promised to leave us alone. He lied his ass off, as did all the Dems. If they wanted to help those who couldn't or wouldn't help themselves, there was no need to hurt us all both financially and by forcing us to give up doctors and plans we were happy with.

Costs skyrocketed after Obamacare passed. Can barely afford EpiPen now. That is always what happens when government promises to foot the bill. Of course, Big Pharma helped write Obamacare.

Average Canadian family paying more than $12K to fund public health care: study

Dear Clementine
How much do Canadians vs. Americans pay for prisons, incarceration
and other legal/court costs involved in crimes including corporate and govt corruption?

If we petitioned Congress from both left and right,
from Ted Cruz to Sheila Jackson Lee, to get taxpayers
paid back for all the crime and corruption we pay for because of
the "wrongdoings of others", how much credit would we own
in the Federal Reserve that we could demand that Govt charge
back to Wrongdoers to pay instead of billing to innocent taxpayers.

Where's our due process of law, where's proof that we did any
wrongdoing to lose our income, our liberty, our ability to pay for
education, health care and other things for ourselves and our families?

Why is the wrong person being punished because the govt failed
to protect us from crime and corruption by wrongdoers costing us this much?

Where is the lawsuit or petition?
Where can we sign up and demand class action level reimbursement?
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

Canadians are very aware of how much they are paying in taxes- and how that pays for their health benefits.

As I said- I pay more than that much for my health insurance and I am lucky enough to be with a company that has a group health program- but of course my actual coverage still doesn't cover as much as a Canadian would get in coverage.

You know how many Canadians file for bankruptcy because of medical expenses? Zero.

You know how many Americans file for bankruptcy because of medical expenses?
Medical expenses is probably the number one reason why Americans file for bankruptcy- a conservative estimate is between18% to 25% of all personal filings.

Personal bankruptcies are down 50% in the US. Thanks, Obamacare?

I think Americans don't so much want 'free stuff' as much as Americans want to be able to get medical care without risking bankruptcy to get it.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.

I suppose that depends on who's running the government at any given time.
I pay more than 12K a year in health insurance for my family. And I am lucky enough to work for a company that has a health insurance program.

Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.

I suppose that depends on who's running the government at any given time.

Clearly not- since the same thing has happened under the last three Presidents.
Yes. The "free" thing is just marketing. We'll still pay. It just a question of who's running the show. First, they convinced us that it had to be our employers, and now they're trying to convince us it must be the government.

What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.

I suppose that depends on who's running the government at any given time.

Clearly not- since the same thing has happened under the last three Presidents.

Are you still talking about Canada? Because here we elect people like Trump. Not sure why anyone would want him in charge of our healthcare.
What 'free thing' are the voices in your head talking about?

It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.

I suppose that depends on who's running the government at any given time.

Clearly not- since the same thing has happened under the last three Presidents.

Are you still talking about Canada? Because here we elect people like Trump. Not sure why anyone would want him in charge of our healthcare.
So how did Obama work out? He pushed the "Affordable Health Care" act down our throats with no intention of making it affordable. He instead used it as cover for a massive expansion of Medicaid and Medicare. President Trump is starting where Obama should have started, bringing drug costs down.
It's just a common way to present government provided health care. It's referenced that way in several threads here in the health care forum, not in my head. But thanks for the insult!

In any case, what really changes is who is in control, government or individuals.

What really changes is that people no longer go bankrupt from medical bills when they get sick.

I suppose that depends on who's running the government at any given time.

Clearly not- since the same thing has happened under the last three Presidents.

Are you still talking about Canada? Because here we elect people like Trump. Not sure why anyone would want him in charge of our healthcare.
So how did Obama work out? He pushed the "Affordable Health Care" act down our throats with no intention of making it affordable.
Yes he did. Don't be so defensive. I was pointing out to Syriusly that putting government in charge of things it shouldn't be in charge of has its downside. Eventually, someone you don't like will be making the call. And with government, unlike a free market, you have no choice in the matter. You have to wait until the next election and cast your one meager vote in hopes of things working out that way you want.

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