Average college undergrad IQ is now 102. In 1939 it was 119!

Multiple reasons for the decline in undergraduate IQ, but yikes from 119 down to 102?

Nuke the Department of Education. Pre Department of Education USA was #1 in the world, we’re now paying for our economy suicide and intellectual pedophilia. Close it immediately and zero out their funding
After this picture was taken, things went down hill.
It's a long term, well-engineered slide into the sewer by subhuman shit that hates wholesome, normal people.

Those depraved fringefucks need to be returned to a marginalized status... we will laugh and point at them again, like we have since caveman days. And the Universe will be back in balance.

democrats nasty as fuck.jpg
Multiple reasons for the decline in undergraduate IQ, but yikes from 119 down to 102?

Could simply be that the general population was a lot dumber in 1939 so being able to just read and write decently put you ahead of the curve. IQ is normed i.e. curved to keep the average around 100 whether society is dumb as a box of rocks or Vulcan geniuses.
Multiple reasons for the decline in undergraduate IQ, but yikes from 119 down to 102?

I'm surprised it hasn't dropped considerable more than 17 points since 1977. You should see college graduates fail the Officer's Candidate Battery Test. I have seen double bolo from people with a decent college grade point average, on a test you only get to attempt twice.
Nuke the Department of Education. Pre Department of Education USA was #1 in the world, we’re now paying for our economy suicide and intellectual pedophilia. Close it immediately and zero out their funding
We didn't educate every student back then. After the Ed Dept was formed, we did. As with any statistics, if you include data that was ignored in the beginning, the average will drop once you include them.
Multiple reasons for the decline in undergraduate IQ, but yikes from 119 down to 102?

What happens to the average of a dataset as you add more units, in this case undergraduate students?

From the article:

As a college degree has been increasingly portrayed as the ticket to a lucrative job and a comfortable middle-class life, a greater proportion of young adults has been attending. Abetting this process are readily attainable government student loans.
But there’s a potential problem with this open door to academia. According to statistics from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, only 58% of students manage to attain their degrees within six years. What’s more, the rate of dropping out is negatively linked with IQ — the lower an undergraduate’s IQ, the more likely it is that they will leave college without a degree, potentially saddled with debt. One influential study showed that for white American undergraduates with an IQ only slightly above average, their chance of graduating is essentially 50-50.

The population of the United States was 130.88 million in 1939. Currently it is close to 340.00 million, a little less than 3 times the population in 1939 (38%).

An IQ of 102 is still considered average as is 119:

IQ, explained in 9 charts
Multiple reasons for the decline in undergraduate IQ, but yikes from 119 down to 102?

Yeah, they've been dumbing people down..on purpose.
Affirmative Action.
And government-backed student loans, and doing away with entry exam requirements.
In 1939, only the wealthy could attend college.
It was not till the late 40s with the GI Bill that the average person could attend college.
By the 1960s, Community Colleges were being built to make College more accessible

Also, in 1939 you could get a good paying job with just an 8th grade education. Now, most require a degree
In 1939, only the wealthy could attend college.
It was not till the late 40s with the GI Bill that the average person could attend college.
By the 1960s, Community Colleges were being built to make College more accessible

Also, in 1939 you could get a good paying job with just an 8th grade education. Now, most require a degree

What has that got to do with Americans being slow witted and badly informed ?

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