Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G Read mo

Gee, what a good reason to blame teachers for everything that's wrong with our country.

Well, and cops and firefighters too. Can't forget all the awful things their doing - you know, like hiding their wealth in foreign countries so they don't have to pay tax on it.

rw's will fall for anything their owners tell them to believe.

we blame them for turning out unlearned students. in droves. how about that?
Union pensions = not sustainable but not a dem will recognize the fact

So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining, and is being counted upon for his/her future?
What great Americans you are.

Look, I have no problem with new hires having a different retirement system, or even people who are early in their careers who have the time left in their careers to make the changeover without much difficulty. But that's not what I hear from you peckerheads...you want to blow the whole fucking thing up and you don't give a shit who's eating cat food in their golden years.

Edit...in PA full retirement is 35 years...unless you are a state cop or in corrections...so I was using the norm, not the exceptions for my scenario.
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Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

And you left wing hacks will continue to let these union bosses live the high life..

So the head of the union earns 10 times + the salary of the average teacher, is that your point? Would a little context help?

PolitiFact | Viral Facebook post on CEO-worker pay ratio has obscure past

There's hyperbole on each side of the aisle, but the 'facts' as checked by the Tampa Bay Times seems to indicate that the union boss in the example from Fox is underpaid if compared to the compensation of CEO's in private firms.

Fox lies, a lie can be one of omission or one of commission or both.

Public sector,,,,, private sector.. got it now? or do you need some remedial help?
Union pensions = not sustainable but not a dem will recognize the fact

So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining, and is being counted upon for his/her future?
What great Americans you are.

Look, I have no problem with new hires having a different retirement system, or even people who are early in their careers who have the time left in their careers to make the changeover without much difficulty. But that's not what I hear from you peckerheads...you want to blow the whole fucking thing up and you don't give a shit who's eating cat food in their golden years.

Edit...in PA full retirement is 35 years...unless you are a state cop or in corrections...so I was using the norm, not the exceptions for my scenario.

then perhaps you union people should start paying "your fair share."
Union pensions = not sustainable but not a dem will recognize the fact

So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining

The Problem is far to often that Collective Bargaining you speak of was Corrupted. The Unions were Negotiating with Democrat appointed Negotiators with NO PROFIT motivation at all. Which have lead to unsustainable Obligations of State and Municipalities. Deals Struck with Politicians who only Cared that the Real Costs of the Deals they were signing would not come until years down the road, Well people we are now Years down the Road, and the Real Costs of all these Sweetheart Public Sector Union Deals is hitting us hard.

So it is real easy to sit here and say we can't take away what we promised them, but if we do nothing Eventually the only Option left will be Bankruptcy and then they will get Nothing anyways.

I am sorry, but you can not dismiss the Responsibility of Unions and their Members and pretend like they had nothing to do with Setting up an Unsustainable Situation.

Cities and States spending Half their money to pay for Retired workers simply is not going to work, something has to give.
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Union pensions = not sustainable but not a dem will recognize the fact

So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining, and is being counted upon for his/her future?
What great Americans you are.

Look, I have no problem with new hires having a different retirement system, or even people who are early in their careers who have the time left in their careers to make the changeover without much difficulty. But that's not what I hear from you peckerheads...you want to blow the whole fucking thing up and you don't give a shit who's eating cat food in their golden years.

Edit...in PA full retirement is 35 years...unless you are a state cop or in corrections...so I was using the norm, not the exceptions for my scenario.

then perhaps you union people should start paying "your fair share."

Perhaps if you knew what the fuck you are talking about, you'd just shut the fuck up while your ahead. I pay 7% of my gross into my retirement fund. The state starts to match it after 10 years of service(for new hires)...it was 15 when I started. So you assholes sitting there bitching about something you know nothing about is just par for the course in your little conservative boxes you've painted yourselves into via both the idiot box and your AM Radios.
So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining, and is being counted upon for his/her future?
What great Americans you are.

Look, I have no problem with new hires having a different retirement system, or even people who are early in their careers who have the time left in their careers to make the changeover without much difficulty. But that's not what I hear from you peckerheads...you want to blow the whole fucking thing up and you don't give a shit who's eating cat food in their golden years.

Edit...in PA full retirement is 35 years...unless you are a state cop or in corrections...so I was using the norm, not the exceptions for my scenario.

then perhaps you union people should start paying "your fair share."

Perhaps if you knew what the fuck you are talking about, you'd just shut the fuck up while your ahead. I pay 7% of my gross into my retirement fund. The state starts to match it after 10 years of service(for new hires)...it was 15 when I started. So you assholes sitting there bitching about something you know nothing about is just par for the course in your little conservative boxes you've painted yourselves into via both the idiot box and your AM Radios.

Yep, You are 100% Public Sector Union Contracts are posing no Problems at all for State and Local Governments across this Country.

we are just misinformed.
Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

And you left wing hacks will continue to let these union bosses live the high life..

I thought teachers made oodles of money.
You realize that the number quoted is just the monetary compensation, right?

I thought the Bush era tax cuts were for the rich only, yet now we hear that if they are allowed to sunset, it will crush the middle class.

If I had all day, I could go on like this, showing lies told by the left (and right) that are completely ignored by posters on this forum.

One last one. "Obama can do no right in the rights eyes and they just attack, attack, attack"

Yet ignore 8 years, day in, day out, of vile hatred directed at Bush.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

There is no one on these forums or any other forum, who is not a hypocrite.

Except MAYBE those who don't support EITHER party and pay dues to the Libertarians.
Yes, teachers are the enemy while oil companies are our friends.

Listen to yourself.
Union pensions = not sustainable but not a dem will recognize the fact

So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining

The Problem is far to often that Collective Bargaining you speak of was Corrupted. The Unions were Negotiating with Democrat appointed Negotiators with NO PROFIT motivation at all. Which have lead to unsustainable Obligations of State and Municipalities. Deals Struck with Politicians who only Cared that the Real Costs of the Deals they were signing would not come until years down the road, Well people we are now Years down the Road, and the Real Costs of all these Sweetheart Public Sector Union Deals is hitting us hard.

So it is real easy to sit here and say we can't take away what we promised them, but if we do nothing Eventually the only Option left will be Bankruptcy and then they will get Nothing anyways.

I am sorry, but you can not dismiss the Responsibility of Unions and their Members and pretend like they had nothing to do with Setting up an Unsustainable Situation.

Cities and States spending Half their money to pay for Retired workers simply is not going to work, something has to give.

No...I am sorry. Republican governors negotiate contracts too. During my 25 years in the State system, we've had Dick Thornburgh(R), Bob Casey(D), Tom Ridge(R), Ed Rendell(D), and Tom CORBETT(R).

Of course something has got to give....did you not read my post? But, the problem with you guys is you want ultra Draconian cuts right now with little to no regard to the people's lives you are going to destroy. My wife and I both work for the Commonwealth and we are 10 years from 35 and a full retirement. Smaller, less expensive government can be done humanely...by attrition.
So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining, and is being counted upon for his/her future?
What great Americans you are.

Look, I have no problem with new hires having a different retirement system, or even people who are early in their careers who have the time left in their careers to make the changeover without much difficulty. But that's not what I hear from you peckerheads...you want to blow the whole fucking thing up and you don't give a shit who's eating cat food in their golden years.

Edit...in PA full retirement is 35 years...unless you are a state cop or in corrections...so I was using the norm, not the exceptions for my scenario.

then perhaps you union people should start paying "your fair share."

Perhaps if you knew what the fuck you are talking about, you'd just shut the fuck up while your ahead. I pay 7% of my gross into my retirement fund. The state starts to match it after 10 years of service(for new hires)...it was 15 when I started. So you assholes sitting there bitching about something you know nothing about is just par for the course in your little conservative boxes you've painted yourselves into via both the idiot box and your AM Radios.

it's evidently not enough since it's unsustainable.. what part of that don't you understand?
So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining

The Problem is far to often that Collective Bargaining you speak of was Corrupted. The Unions were Negotiating with Democrat appointed Negotiators with NO PROFIT motivation at all. Which have lead to unsustainable Obligations of State and Municipalities. Deals Struck with Politicians who only Cared that the Real Costs of the Deals they were signing would not come until years down the road, Well people we are now Years down the Road, and the Real Costs of all these Sweetheart Public Sector Union Deals is hitting us hard.

So it is real easy to sit here and say we can't take away what we promised them, but if we do nothing Eventually the only Option left will be Bankruptcy and then they will get Nothing anyways.

I am sorry, but you can not dismiss the Responsibility of Unions and their Members and pretend like they had nothing to do with Setting up an Unsustainable Situation.

Cities and States spending Half their money to pay for Retired workers simply is not going to work, something has to give.

No...I am sorry. Republican governors negotiate contracts too. During my 25 years in the State system, we've had Dick Thornburgh(R), Bob Casey(D), Tom Ridge(R), Ed Rendell(D), and Tom CORBETT(R).

Of course something has got to give....did you not read my post? But, the problem with you guys is you want ultra Draconian cuts right now with little to no regard to the people's lives you are going to destroy. My wife and I both work for the Commonwealth and we are 10 years from 35 and a full retirement. Smaller, less expensive government can be done humanely...by attrition.

you don't give a shit about humane when you're screaming to raise everyone's taxes.
The Problem is far to often that Collective Bargaining you speak of was Corrupted. The Unions were Negotiating with Democrat appointed Negotiators with NO PROFIT motivation at all. Which have lead to unsustainable Obligations of State and Municipalities. Deals Struck with Politicians who only Cared that the Real Costs of the Deals they were signing would not come until years down the road, Well people we are now Years down the Road, and the Real Costs of all these Sweetheart Public Sector Union Deals is hitting us hard.

So it is real easy to sit here and say we can't take away what we promised them, but if we do nothing Eventually the only Option left will be Bankruptcy and then they will get Nothing anyways.

I am sorry, but you can not dismiss the Responsibility of Unions and their Members and pretend like they had nothing to do with Setting up an Unsustainable Situation.

Cities and States spending Half their money to pay for Retired workers simply is not going to work, something has to give.

No...I am sorry. Republican governors negotiate contracts too. During my 25 years in the State system, we've had Dick Thornburgh(R), Bob Casey(D), Tom Ridge(R), Ed Rendell(D), and Tom CORBETT(R).

Of course something has got to give....did you not read my post? But, the problem with you guys is you want ultra Draconian cuts right now with little to no regard to the people's lives you are going to destroy. My wife and I both work for the Commonwealth and we are 10 years from 35 and a full retirement. Smaller, less expensive government can be done humanely...by attrition.

you don't give a shit about humane when you're screaming to raise everyone's taxes.

Taxes have to be raised.
So a 50-something year old public servant who has paid into their pension fund for 25years should just be relegated to poverty because you hate the idea of paying him/her what was promised, agreed upon via collective bargaining

The Problem is far to often that Collective Bargaining you speak of was Corrupted. The Unions were Negotiating with Democrat appointed Negotiators with NO PROFIT motivation at all. Which have lead to unsustainable Obligations of State and Municipalities. Deals Struck with Politicians who only Cared that the Real Costs of the Deals they were signing would not come until years down the road, Well people we are now Years down the Road, and the Real Costs of all these Sweetheart Public Sector Union Deals is hitting us hard.

So it is real easy to sit here and say we can't take away what we promised them, but if we do nothing Eventually the only Option left will be Bankruptcy and then they will get Nothing anyways.

I am sorry, but you can not dismiss the Responsibility of Unions and their Members and pretend like they had nothing to do with Setting up an Unsustainable Situation.

Cities and States spending Half their money to pay for Retired workers simply is not going to work, something has to give.

No...I am sorry. Republican governors negotiate contracts too. During my 25 years in the State system, we've had Dick Thornburgh(R), Bob Casey(D), Tom Ridge(R), Ed Rendell(D), and Tom CORBETT(R).

Of course something has got to give....did you not read my post? But, the problem with you guys is you want ultra Draconian cuts right now with little to no regard to the people's lives you are going to destroy. My wife and I both work for the Commonwealth and we are 10 years from 35 and a full retirement. Smaller, less expensive government can be done humanely...by attrition.

Republicans don't get a pass either. None of them have the Profit Motivation a Private Company has when Negotiating

The Problem with us Guys? You have no idea what I want, or how I would do anything, you are just lumping me in with a group and making assumptions about me.

Sure Attrition should be used when ever possible, but there are some States, and Cities where they do not have the time for that. Cities spending 66% of their Budgets on the Legacy costs of Retired workers. They can't afford to wait, they have to Either Renegotiate those contracts, or they are already considering Bankruptcy, where believe me, the UNIONS will get an even worse deal, than if they play ball now.

You don't have to be a right winger, Rich, or even a Republican to understand that, it's just mathematics.
Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

And you left wing hacks will continue to let these union bosses live the high life..
CEO Pay: Highest Salaries Equal 3,489 Years For Typical Worker

WASHINGTON -- David Simon of Simon Property received a pay package worth more than $137 million for last year, and the typical CEO took home $9.6 million, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Here are some ways to think about just how much money those salaries represent.

Simon's $137 million is almost entirely in stock awards that could eventually be worth $132 million. The company said it wanted to make sure Simon wasn't lured to another company.

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker – paid $7.25 per hour, as some workers at Simon malls are – would have to work one month shy of 9,096 years to make what Simon made last year. A person making the national median salary, $39,312 by AP calculations, would have to work 3,489 years.

BY THE HOUR: Assuming Simon worked a 60-hour week, his pay was $43,963.64 per hour, or $732.73 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum-wage worker would have to labor for nearly three years to make what Simon earns in an hour. The average U.S. worker makes slightly less in one year than Simon makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: Simon makes about 342 times the $400,000 annual salary of President Barack Obama. In fact, if you add the salaries of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court justices, all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives and all 50 governors, it is less than $110 million, so Simon makes well more than government's top 600 leaders. In the past 100 years, U.S. taxpayers have paid a total of $80.6 million, adjusted for inflation, to presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Obama.

The median CEO salary of $9.587 million:

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker would have to work 636 years to make that much. A person making the national average salary would have to work 244 years to make the median CEO salary.

BY THE HOUR: If you assume the CEO works a 60-hour week, the pay comes to $3,072.84 per hour, or $51.21 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum wage worker would have to labor more than 10 weeks to make what the median CEO earns in an hour. It would take the average U.S. worker nearly a month to make what the average CEO makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: The CEO who made the median salary took in 12 times the total $789,674 in gross income that President Obama reported last year. But it is less than half the $20.9 million in income that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney reported in his tax filing.
Why does Fox News hate teachers? Plus, I didn't see even one live link in the article for supporting proof of their claims.
The Real Problem here is for years the Way Unions and the Politicians they Negotiated with did it, was to Back load these Contracts, and push most of the major costs of them down the road 10 to 15 years in many cases. That way they could give the Unions what they wanted, but not really be on the Hook for the Cost of it for years, likely when they were not even in office anymore.

well now it is 10 to 15 years later and the Bill is coming due, all over the place, and we don't have the money to pay the piper.
Pub dupes! Absolute morons...CEOs now making 350x the workers....used to be 23x in the 50's, this union guy makes 12x. BFD...
Pub dupes! Absolute morons...CEOs now making 350x the workers....used to be 23x in the 50's, this union guy makes 12x. BFD...

CEO's actually do something, They Run a Company and Make a profit for their Share holders. All these fucking Public Sector Union Big wigs do is Take money, and give it to one Political Party over the other all the time.

Seeing how you are a Die Hard Liberal, I understand why you don't see a problem with that.


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