AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.

it is not a lie the average American knows the party supports cop killers

and that the party hates the police
Republicans support the police killing black people. Armed, not armed, guilty., innocent - makes no difference,. Hell, they even gunned down a 12 year old kid.
you are a liar
Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?

Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
If you actively pursued them to avoid the draft then it is dodging the draft. Just like getting daddy to get you in the Guard.

Trump got 4 college deferments and one medical deferment.
Many National Guard units and individuals serving in the Guard were sent to Vietnam as needed. And, as soon as you fly a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter jet, you can say bad things about the Guard. Until then, you are a pussy.

Pay attention.

I was drafted in 1971. At basic training we had a whole platoon of guys in my company who were national guard guys. Practically every one of them admitted, happily, that they joined the Guard to avoid being drafted and risk going to Vietnam.

You got any REAL LIFE experiences?
Ah, yes...RAs, USs, ARs and NGs... the first two categories were the only ones I'd want humpin' the boonies alongside me, back then...

Back in the day when one's Daddy had to have money, to get you into the AR or NG, to keep your ass out of 'Nam...

Still, every once-in-a-blue-moon, we'd hear about an AR or NG unit getting called up, and the RAs and USs would laugh their asses off... pure justice.
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By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

Iraq was Iraq's responsibility after we left. Had we left a token force there they would have been the ones dying fighting ISIS.

What do you think Obama sent back to Iraq if it isn't a token force?

The Iraqis are beating ISIS and the US has 4 combat deaths. You wanted thousands of Americans to die.

that is ALL we need to know about you.
Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?

Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
If you actively pursued them to avoid the draft then it is dodging the draft. Just like getting daddy to get you in the Guard.

Trump got 4 college deferments and one medical deferment.
Many National Guard units and individuals serving in the Guard were sent to Vietnam as needed. And, as soon as you fly a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter jet, you can say bad things about the Guard. Until then, you are a pussy.

Pay attention.

I was drafted in 1971. At basic training we had a whole platoon of guys in my company who were national guard guys. Practically every one of them admitted, happily, that they joined the Guard to avoid being drafted and risk going to Vietnam.

You got any REAL LIFE experiences?

Once again, many National Guard units and individuals were activated and sent to Vietnam.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

Iraq was Iraq's responsibility after we left. Had we left a token force there they would have been the ones dying fighting ISIS.

What do you think Obama sent back to Iraq if it isn't a token force?

The Iraqis are beating ISIS and the US has 4 combat deaths. You wanted thousands of Americans to die.

that is ALL we need to know about you.

A token force of special ops troops is in Iraq now dipshit.
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.

You need to take that up with the Congress that authorized college deferments.
Whatever for?

It won't change the fact that Bubba Clinton dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that George W. dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that Herr Drumpf dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.

it is not a lie the average American knows the party supports cop killers

and that the party hates the police
Republicans support the police killing black people. Armed, not armed, guilty., innocent - makes no difference,. Hell, they even gunned down a 12 year old kid.
you are a liar
Not at all. Republicans ignore the cases where law enforcement guns down unarmed black men. Your silence implies support.

You ran around with "Blue Lives Matter" mocking BLM & proving your stupidity by not even understanding what BLM is all about.
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.

it is not a lie the average American knows the party supports cop killers

and that the party hates the police
Republicans support the police killing black people. Armed, not armed, guilty., innocent - makes no difference,. Hell, they even gunned down a 12 year old kid.
you are a liar
Not at all. Republicans ignore the cases where law enforcement guns down unarmed black men. Your silence implies support.

You ran around with "Blue Lives Matter" mocking BLM & proving your stupidity by not even understanding what BLM is all about.

the republicans as well as normal people support the police in justified shootings asshole

the same people also support going after a cop who has done wrong

the problem with retards like you

is that you think all shootings are unjustified
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.

You need to take that up with the Congress that authorized college deferments.
Whatever for?

It won't change the fact that Bubba Clinton dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that George W. dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that Herr Drumpf dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

Bubba Clinton lied his way out of the draft. George W got an Honorable Discharge from the Texas Air National Guard. Trump got congressional authorized deferments from the draft.

Do you consider everyone that volunteered to serve in the military a draft dodger?
What the fuck are you talking about. This is about "the gropenfuherer", but President Clinton used a college deferment, but this loser,"the peemesiter" who brags about his athletic ability suddenly.......had bone spurs.
He is a fucking liar.

Quick explanation you will not understand because you have a lack of oxygen to your brain for keeping "the donalds" member in your mouth so long.
"the gropenfuherer" dodged the draft with a chickenshit excuse of bone spurs.
The draft was being used then, numb nuts.
During President Obamas' college years there was no call to duty via the draft.
Once again, you won't understand it but we try to help those less fortunate.


Nice try at deflection, though...


Sorry but I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him...
So, you're inability to substantively address the counterpoint - namely, Drump's lack of military experience - stems from other things.


...I doubt you have any convictions whatsoever about the President having served in the military...

Personally, I am a US Army veteran - having served in war-time, although not in a war-theater, and in a REMF -caliber support role.

I think it is important that a Commander-in-Chief have prior military experience and some knowledge of the military, whenever practicable.

Trouble is, sometimes it's impractical, and must occupy a lower priority, when the candidate with military experience turns out to be a bumbler or asshat.

Consequently, my 'conviction' is that it's important, but that it does not trump all other considerations.

...Just sounded like typical Moon Bat hate against Trump. Hiding behind a "Centralist" title doesn't change it.
Stating that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military is not LibTard Speech.

His lack of military experience is established FACT.

But thank you for playing.

Consolation prizes may be claimed tomorrow during normal business hours... second door on the Right.


Next slide, please.

You shit in your mess kit when you voted for Obama and bitch about Trump's lack of military service.

Of course you forgot to mention that Monica Lewinsky's boy friend's wife's husband blatantly avoided the draft during the Vietnam War and said that he "loathed the military" but yet you filthy ass Moon Bats that make statements about Trump not serving still voted for Slick Willy and Monica Lewinsky's boy friend's wife so you have no credible on complaining about Trump's lack of military service. Especially after you assholes voted for the cowardly Kenyan Catastrophe who hung out with his Communist buddies and being a pot head instead of serving his country.

Lack of military service sure as hell didn't stop you Moon Bats from voting for that blatant draft dodger Joe Biden for VP or that other chickenshit Tim Kane for VP so you can just climb down from your high horse about things you really don't give a shit about. It just makes you look like a hypocritical fool when you post that crap.

Maybe you want the rules to be that you can complain about every Republican but it is OK for any Democrat to do the same thing that you complain about the Republican doing. Is that the rules you partisan asshole Moon Bats live by? The Rules of Hypocrisy? Is that it numbnuts?
What the fuck are you talking about. This is about "the gropenfuherer", but President Clinton used a college deferment, but this loser,"the peemesiter" who brags about his athletic ability suddenly.......had bone spurs.
He is a fucking liar.

You stupid Moon Bat. You are confused about this. His deferment was running out and he told Col Holmes that he would join up after he came back from Europe so Holmes extended the deferment. Col Holmes did something that no human being ever do. He trusted Bill Clinton to be truthful.

Slick Willy then sent Col Holmes a letter saying that he had no intentions of doing what he said because he "loathed the military".

Slick Willy lied to extend the deferment like he lied many times in his life. He managed to to stay out of the draft doing that until the lottery came along where he got a high number.

Slick Willy was a piece of lying cowardly shit, just like his wife who not only supported him in his dishonesty but also stole valor from real veterans by claiming she was under fire in Bosnia when she never was.

Here is the short version of Slick Willy's dishonesty. If you are still confused and want more then there are many other articles about the deception.

Eugene Holmes, 88; Felt Clinton Duped Him Over ROTC

Eugene Holmes, 88; Felt Clinton Duped Him Over ROTC
January 19, 2005|From Times Staff and Wire Reports
Eugene J. Holmes, 88, a retired Army colonel who accused Bill Clinton of deceiving him to dodge the Vietnam War draft, died Saturday at his home in Fayetteville, Ark.

Holmes was director of the University of Arkansas Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in 1969 when Clinton -- then a Rhodes scholar attending Oxford University in England -- applied to the program to satisfy draft deferments. He never actually enrolled in the program.

In 1992, when Clinton was governor of Arkansas and running for president, Holmes said he had initially believed Clinton was genuinely interested in becoming an officer, but had changed his view.

"I believe that he purposely deceived me, using the possibility of joining the ROTC as a ploy to work with the draft board to delay his induction and get a new draft classification," Holmes said.
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.

You need to take that up with the Congress that authorized college deferments.
Whatever for?

It won't change the fact that Bubba Clinton dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that George W. dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that Herr Drumpf dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

Bubba Clinton lied his way out of the draft. George W got an Honorable Discharge from the Texas Air National Guard. Trump got congressional authorized deferments from the draft.

Do you consider everyone that volunteered to serve in the military a draft dodger?
Clinton, Shrub and Drumpf all dodged the draft; each in their own way; each avoiding hazardous duty during wartime.
One funny thing, as soon as it was shown enough times that every one stood for the seals wife, no opps, sorry, just change of subject.
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.

You need to take that up with the Congress that authorized college deferments.
Whatever for?

It won't change the fact that Bubba Clinton dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that George W. dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that Herr Drumpf dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

Bubba Clinton lied his way out of the draft. George W got an Honorable Discharge from the Texas Air National Guard. Trump got congressional authorized deferments from the draft.

Do you consider everyone that volunteered to serve in the military a draft dodger?
Clinton, Shrub and Drumpf all dodged the draft; each in their own way; each avoiding hazardous duty during wartime.

One of them served in the military during the Vietnam war. One of them got authorized college deferments and a physical deferment from the draft board Doctor, and one of them got college deferments and then lied to avoid serving.
Would you consider a volunteer who enlisted in the Navy or the Air Force and was stationed in the US or in Europe during Vietnam a draft dodger?
...One of them served in the military during the Vietnam war...

Serving in the Guard and Reserves during the Vietnam War was a rich man's child's way of weaseling out of dangerous duty during wartime.

This is very well documented, as in, for example, the following NPR article...

International Guard: How The Vietnam War Changed Guard Service

There are tons of others available at your fingertips, courtesy of Google, Bing, etc.

And I have personal knowledge that this is the case.

I was in the Army during the Vietnam War.

In both Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) companies of approximately 150 men...

About two thirds were either RA or US - Regular Army volunteers or conscripted draftees - and the remaining one third was a mix of AR and NG - Reserve and Guard - boys.

I - and hundreds of thousands of other RAs and USs who went-in during those times - bunked with ARs and NGs and lived with them for months on end during Stateside training.

ARs and NGs were routinely given a modicum of preferential treatment, they routinely denigrated RAs and USs, and routinely talked about their insulation from duty in Vietnam.

The Federal government was reluctant to activate Reserve and Guard units for duty in 'Nam because it inevitably lessened support for the war, so very few units were sent to 'Nam.

A handful of AR and NG members were individually activated, but virtually all of that handful, only because of a rear-echelon specialty that was in despreate short supply.

The Reserve and Guard served nobly and fiercely in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but, by then, it was not their father's Guard and Reserve, which had been a draft-dodger haven.

Don't even TRY to tell me what I know from long and bitter personal experience.

During the Vietnam War, the Guard and Reserve were used to dodge the draft, and to avoid duty in Vietnam.


...One of them got authorized college deferments...
Translation: dodging the draft by staying in school when his country needed him.

...and a physical deferment from the draft board Doctor...
Only after his academic excuses were exhausted; that's right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker.

...and one of them got college deferments and then lied to avoid serving...
Yep. He acted like a piece of shit, too. But that has nothing to do with your boy's own acting like a piece of shit - a piece of cowardly shit - during wartime.

...Would you consider a volunteer who enlisted in the Navy or the Air Force and was stationed in the US or in Europe during Vietnam a draft dodger?

Because they put their hat in the ring, and were willing to go where they were sent; at the same risk of being sent to 'Nam as any other RA or US; luck of the draw.

Helluva difference between those who answered their country's call, and those who contrived to stay out of harms' way during time of war, using one tactic or another.

No sale.
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...One of them served in the military during the Vietnam war...

Serving in the Guard and Reserves during the Vietnam War was a rich man's child's way of weaseling out of dangerous duty during wartime.

This is very well documented, as in, for example, the following NPR article...

International Guard: How The Vietnam War Changed Guard Service

There are tons of others available at your fingertips, courtesy of Google, Bing, etc.

And I have personal knowledge that this is the case.

I was in the Army during the Vietnam War.

In both Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) companies of approximately 150 men...

About two thirds were either RA or US - Regular Army volunteers or conscripted draftees - and the remaining one third was a mix of AR and NG - Reserve and Guard - boys.

I - and hundreds of thousands of other RAs and USs who went-in during those times - bunked with ARs and NGs and lived with them for months on end.

ARs and NGs were routinely given a modicum of preferential treatment, they routinely denigrated RAs and USs, and routinely talked about their insulation from duty in Vietnam.

The Federal government was reluctant to activate Reserve and Guard units for duty in 'Nam because it inevitably lessened support for the war, so very few units were sent to 'Nam.

A handful of AR and NG members were individually activated, but virtually all of that handful, only because of a rear-echelon specialty that was in despreate short supply.

The Reserve and Guard served nobly and fiercely in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but, by then, it was not their father's Guard and Reserve, which had been a draft-dodger haven.

Don't even TRY to tell me what I know from long and bitter personal experience.

During the Vietnam War, the Guard and Reserve were used to dodge the draft, and to avoid duty in Vietnam.


...One of them got authorized college deferments...
Translation: dodging the draft by staying in school when his country needed him.

...and a physical deferment from the draft board Doctor...
Only after his academic excuses were exhausted; that's right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker.

...and one of them got college deferments and then lied to avoid serving...[/QUOTE
Yep. He acted like a piece of shit, too. But that has nothing to do with your boy's own acting like a piece of shit - a piece of cowardly shit - during wartime.

...Would you consider a volunteer who enlisted in the Navy or the Air Force and was stationed in the US or in Europe during Vietnam a draft dodger?

It is your contention that failing the draft board physical is "right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker." That is your opinion and it is now worth addressing.

Here is a different perspective coming from a General, not from the left wing edited version in wikipedia.

"According to Gen. George S. Brown, testifying before Congress in 1973, prior to his confirmation as Air Force chief of staff, these four units were the best F-100 units in the Vietnam theater. Gen. Brown commanded the 7th Air Force in Vietnam and observed the Air National Guard in combat.

Also activated were the Air Guard F-101 Voodoo units that performed reconnaissance missions in temporary tours of duty around the world in 1968-1969. Air Guard airlift units also regularly flew supplies to Vietnam in support of the war effort.

Granted, most National Guard units did not go to Vietnam. Neither did a majority of active duty personnel. Many National Guard commanders prepared for expected activation in the early days of the war, but President Johnson decided against it. He didn't want to send a message around the world that America was declaring all-out war against Vietnam. Perhaps if Johnson had called up the National Guard in large numbers, the war might have taken a different turn and had the support of the American public.

Also often overlooked is the Army National Guard's role manning Nike missile anti-aircraft batteries and Air National Guard fighter interceptor units standing on 24-hour alert during the Vietnam era against the Cold War Soviet threat. Anti-war protests and racial tensions also saw the National Guard on duty throughout the Vietnam era."
...One of them served in the military during the Vietnam war...

Serving in the Guard and Reserves during the Vietnam War was a rich man's child's way of weaseling out of dangerous duty during wartime.

This is very well documented, as in, for example, the following NPR article...

International Guard: How The Vietnam War Changed Guard Service

There are tons of others available at your fingertips, courtesy of Google, Bing, etc.

And I have personal knowledge that this is the case.

I was in the Army during the Vietnam War.

In both Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) companies of approximately 150 men...

About two thirds were either RA or US - Regular Army volunteers or conscripted draftees - and the remaining one third was a mix of AR and NG - Reserve and Guard - boys.

I - and hundreds of thousands of other RAs and USs who went-in during those times - bunked with ARs and NGs and lived with them for months on end.

ARs and NGs were routinely given a modicum of preferential treatment, they routinely denigrated RAs and USs, and routinely talked about their insulation from duty in Vietnam.

The Federal government was reluctant to activate Reserve and Guard units for duty in 'Nam because it inevitably lessened support for the war, so very few units were sent to 'Nam.

A handful of AR and NG members were individually activated, but virtually all of that handful, only because of a rear-echelon specialty that was in despreate short supply.

The Reserve and Guard served nobly and fiercely in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but, by then, it was not their father's Guard and Reserve, which had been a draft-dodger haven.

Don't even TRY to tell me what I know from long and bitter personal experience.

During the Vietnam War, the Guard and Reserve were used to dodge the draft, and to avoid duty in Vietnam.


...One of them got authorized college deferments...
Translation: dodging the draft by staying in school when his country needed him.

...and a physical deferment from the draft board Doctor...
Only after his academic excuses were exhausted; that's right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker.

...and one of them got college deferments and then lied to avoid serving...[/QUOTE
Yep. He acted like a piece of shit, too. But that has nothing to do with your boy's own acting like a piece of shit - a piece of cowardly shit - during wartime.

...Would you consider a volunteer who enlisted in the Navy or the Air Force and was stationed in the US or in Europe during Vietnam a draft dodger?

It is your contention that failing the draft board physical is "right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker." That is your opinion and it is now worth addressing.

Here is a different perspective coming from a General, not from the left wing edited version in wikipedia.

"According to Gen. George S. Brown, testifying before Congress in 1973, prior to his confirmation as Air Force chief of staff, these four units were the best F-100 units in the Vietnam theater. Gen. Brown commanded the 7th Air Force in Vietnam and observed the Air National Guard in combat.

Also activated were the Air Guard F-101 Voodoo units that performed reconnaissance missions in temporary tours of duty around the world in 1968-1969. Air Guard airlift units also regularly flew supplies to Vietnam in support of the war effort.

Granted, most National Guard units did not go to Vietnam. Neither did a majority of active duty personnel. Many National Guard commanders prepared for expected activation in the early days of the war, but President Johnson decided against it. He didn't want to send a message around the world that America was declaring all-out war against Vietnam. Perhaps if Johnson had called up the National Guard in large numbers, the war might have taken a different turn and had the support of the American public.

Also often overlooked is the Army National Guard's role manning Nike missile anti-aircraft batteries and Air National Guard fighter interceptor units standing on 24-hour alert during the Vietnam era against the Cold War Soviet threat. Anti-war protests and racial tensions also saw the National Guard on duty throughout the Vietnam era."
You're swingin' after the bell, son...

You've already lost...

All the juicy rationalization in the world won't improve your position on this one iota...

And I'm not going to waste my time counterpointing your niche factoids that you're trying (and filing) to spin into substantive argument...

I've got better things to do today...

But thank you for playing.
...One of them served in the military during the Vietnam war...

Serving in the Guard and Reserves during the Vietnam War was a rich man's child's way of weaseling out of dangerous duty during wartime.

This is very well documented, as in, for example, the following NPR article...

International Guard: How The Vietnam War Changed Guard Service

There are tons of others available at your fingertips, courtesy of Google, Bing, etc.

And I have personal knowledge that this is the case.

I was in the Army during the Vietnam War.

In both Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) companies of approximately 150 men...

About two thirds were either RA or US - Regular Army volunteers or conscripted draftees - and the remaining one third was a mix of AR and NG - Reserve and Guard - boys.

I - and hundreds of thousands of other RAs and USs who went-in during those times - bunked with ARs and NGs and lived with them for months on end.

ARs and NGs were routinely given a modicum of preferential treatment, they routinely denigrated RAs and USs, and routinely talked about their insulation from duty in Vietnam.

The Federal government was reluctant to activate Reserve and Guard units for duty in 'Nam because it inevitably lessened support for the war, so very few units were sent to 'Nam.

A handful of AR and NG members were individually activated, but virtually all of that handful, only because of a rear-echelon specialty that was in despreate short supply.

The Reserve and Guard served nobly and fiercely in both Iraq and Afghanistan, but, by then, it was not their father's Guard and Reserve, which had been a draft-dodger haven.

Don't even TRY to tell me what I know from long and bitter personal experience.

During the Vietnam War, the Guard and Reserve were used to dodge the draft, and to avoid duty in Vietnam.


...One of them got authorized college deferments...
Translation: dodging the draft by staying in school when his country needed him.

...and a physical deferment from the draft board Doctor...
Only after his academic excuses were exhausted; that's right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker.

...and one of them got college deferments and then lied to avoid serving...[/QUOTE
Yep. He acted like a piece of shit, too. But that has nothing to do with your boy's own acting like a piece of shit - a piece of cowardly shit - during wartime.

...Would you consider a volunteer who enlisted in the Navy or the Air Force and was stationed in the US or in Europe during Vietnam a draft dodger?

It is your contention that failing the draft board physical is "right up there with paying some medical ethics castaway to write you a note for an un-needed handicap sticker." That is your opinion and it is now worth addressing.

Here is a different perspective coming from a General, not from the left wing edited version in wikipedia.

"According to Gen. George S. Brown, testifying before Congress in 1973, prior to his confirmation as Air Force chief of staff, these four units were the best F-100 units in the Vietnam theater. Gen. Brown commanded the 7th Air Force in Vietnam and observed the Air National Guard in combat.

Also activated were the Air Guard F-101 Voodoo units that performed reconnaissance missions in temporary tours of duty around the world in 1968-1969. Air Guard airlift units also regularly flew supplies to Vietnam in support of the war effort.

Granted, most National Guard units did not go to Vietnam. Neither did a majority of active duty personnel. Many National Guard commanders prepared for expected activation in the early days of the war, but President Johnson decided against it. He didn't want to send a message around the world that America was declaring all-out war against Vietnam. Perhaps if Johnson had called up the National Guard in large numbers, the war might have taken a different turn and had the support of the American public.

Also often overlooked is the Army National Guard's role manning Nike missile anti-aircraft batteries and Air National Guard fighter interceptor units standing on 24-hour alert during the Vietnam era against the Cold War Soviet threat. Anti-war protests and racial tensions also saw the National Guard on duty throughout the Vietnam era."
You're swingin' after the bell, son...

You've already lost...

All the juicy rationalization in the world won't improve your position on this one iota...

And I'm not going to waste my time counterpointing your niche factoids that you're trying (and filing) to spin into substantive argument...

I've got better things to do today...

But thank you for playing.

Your contempt for National Guardsmen and Reservist is noted.

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