AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Another "dumpster" coming to the aid of the fool in the white house.
He, "the gropenfuherer",was a chicken shit then and he is one now.

If you actively pursued them to avoid the draft then it is dodging the draft. Just like getting daddy to get you in the Guard.
I was one of those people who got drafted during the Vietnam war (April 1970)

Believe me, nobody wanted to go, and avoiding being drafted was the national sport among the young people, 18 to 26 year olds.

I don't blame anyone who gamed the system and avoided being conscripted. ...... :cool:

Quick explanation you will not understand because you have a lack of oxygen to your brain for keeping "the donalds" member in your mouth so long.
"the gropenfuherer" dodged the draft with a chickenshit excuse of bone spurs.
The draft was being used then, numb nuts.
During President Obamas' college years there was no call to duty via the draft.
Once again, you won't understand it but we try to help those less fortunate.


Nice try at deflection, though...


Sorry but I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him...
So, you're inability to substantively address the counterpoint - namely, Drump's lack of military experience - stems from other things.


...I doubt you have any convictions whatsoever about the President having served in the military...

Personally, I am a US Army veteran - having served in war-time, although not in a war-theater, and in a REMF -caliber support role.

I think it is important that a Commander-in-Chief have prior military experience and some knowledge of the military, whenever practicable.

Trouble is, sometimes it's impractical, and must occupy a lower priority, when the candidate with military experience turns out to be a bumbler or asshat.

Consequently, my 'conviction' is that it's important, but that it does not trump all other considerations.

...Just sounded like typical Moon Bat hate against Trump. Hiding behind a "Centralist" title doesn't change it.
Stating that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military is not LibTard Speech.

His lack of military experience is established FACT.

But thank you for playing.

Consolation prizes may be claimed tomorrow during normal business hours... second door on the Right.


Next slide, please.

You shit in your mess kit when you voted for Obama and bitch about Trump's lack of military service.

Of course you forgot to mention that Monica Lewinsky's boy friend's wife's husband blatantly avoided the draft during the Vietnam War and said that he "loathed the military" but yet you filthy ass Moon Bats that make statements about Trump not serving still voted for Slick Willy and Monica Lewinsky's boy friend's wife so you have no credible on complaining about Trump's lack of military service. Especially after you assholes voted for the cowardly Kenyan Catastrophe who hung out with his Communist buddies and being a pot head instead of serving his country.

Lack of military service sure as hell didn't stop you Moon Bats from voting for that blatant draft dodger Joe Biden for VP or that other chickenshit Tim Kane for VP so you can just climb down from your high horse about things you really don't give a shit about. It just makes you look like a hypocritical fool when you post that crap.

Maybe you want the rules to be that you can complain about every Republican but it is OK for any Democrat to do the same thing that you complain about the Republican doing. Is that the rules you partisan asshole Moon Bats live by? The Rules of Hypocrisy? Is that it numbnuts?
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...

It's not like Herr Drumpf has a frigging clue about the military, either...

Except, of course, he knows more about defeating ISIS than the Generals do..

Did you believe him when he said that, on the campaign trail?
did obummer or Hitlery serve? I'm trying to understand the relevance with this post.
Watching this story on the night news . Everyone is standing and clapping .

This thread is more right wing lies !

They lie because Trump lies. Monkey see monkey do.
no one gave me an ultimatum to sit on my hands like the dems received prior to the president's speech. i wonder if they served crackers after the speech for all the pollies.
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about them, now... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf.

Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.

Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?

Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
If you actively pursued them to avoid the draft then it is dodging the draft. Just like getting daddy to get you in the Guard.

Trump got 4 college deferments and one medical deferment.
Many National Guard units and individuals serving in the Guard were sent to Vietnam as needed. And, as soon as you fly a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter jet, you can say bad things about the Guard. Until then, you are a pussy.
By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

That is correct. Once they found that the red line Obama drew in Syria was a joke and there were no US support troops in Iraq, they decided to go for it.
The red line thast forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons? That red line, jackass?

The Russians forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons dipshit.
Trump's vulgar display of using that poor woman for political gain was disgusting. Her husband died because of a poorly planned Yemen raid that was planned over dinner by Trump, Bannon, and Kushner. Pitiful.

That is a bald faced lie.
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.

That story is a lie kkk boy. And there already already threads boring is with this little conspiracy theory
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

That is correct. Once they found that the red line Obama drew in Syria was a joke and there were no US support troops in Iraq, they decided to go for it.
The red line thast forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons? That red line, jackass?

The Russians forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons dipshit.

That would be false. Like everything else trumpsters say.
Quick explanation you will not understand because you have a lack of oxygen to your brain for keeping "the donalds" member in your mouth so long.
"the gropenfuherer" dodged the draft with a chickenshit excuse of bone spurs.
The draft was being used then, numb nuts.
During President Obamas' college years there was no call to duty via the draft.
Once again, you won't understand it but we try to help those less fortunate.

Take it up with the Armed Forces Doctor that disqualified Trump. You are an ignorant shitbird.

"Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968."
God, the Democrats are so sleazy. Wasserman-Schultz is almost as bad as the beast.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

That is correct. Once they found that the red line Obama drew in Syria was a joke and there were no US support troops in Iraq, they decided to go for it.
The red line thast forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons? That red line, jackass?

The Russians forced Assad to give up his chemical weapons dipshit.

That would be false. Like everything else trumpsters say.

For the edification of the brain dead.

The Washington Times - Sunday, May 17, 2015

"President Obama’s infamous “red line” in Syria seems to have been fully erased.

Amid recent reports Syrian President Bashar Assad again used chemical weapons in his nation’s ongoing civil war, Mr. Obama is taking a much different approach than he did in 2012 and 2013, when the U.S. declared itself on the verge of military intervention after Mr. Assad unleashed sarin gas and other chemical agents despite clear warnings from the White House.

The most explicit of those warnings came in the form of the president’s “red line” declaration, in which he said the use of chemical weapons was a step too far and would bring dire consequences for Mr. Assad and his forces.

The incident was a pivotal foreign policy moment for Mr. Obama and served as a key test of whether he would back up his words with military action.

In the end, the U.S., with the help of Russia, secured an international agreement requiring Syria to give up much of its chemical weapons stockpile. The U.S. never mounted military strikes, and the administration claimed it had used diplomacy rather than force to achieve its objective.

But now it seems clear history is repeating itself, and Mr. Assad again is relying on chemical weapons.

This time, Mr. Obama’s red line is nowhere to be found.

At a press conference last week, the president mentioned no possibility of military strikes and instead said the U.S. expects allies of Mr. Assad, chiefly Russia, to intervene and convince the Syrian government to stop using chemical weapons.

“My commitment was to make sure that Syria was not using chemical weapons and mobilizing the international community to assure that that would not happen. And, in fact, we positioned ourselves to be willing to take military action. The reason we did not was because Assad gave up his chemical weapons. That’s not speculation on our part. That, in fact, has been confirmed by the organization internationally that is charged with eliminating chemical weapons,” Mr. Obama said last Thursday after a Camp David meeting with officials from the Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf.

“If we have the kinds of confirmation that we need, we will, once again, work with the international community and the organization charged with monitoring compliance by the Syrian government, and we will reach out to patrons of Assad, like Russia, to put a stop to it,” Mr. Obama declared."
Obama saved thousands of American lives getting us out of Iraq.
By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
They strengthened in Syria & then came into Iraq.

Iraq was Iraq's responsibility after we left. Had we left a token force there they would have been the ones dying fighting ISIS.

What do you think Obama sent back to Iraq if it isn't a token force?
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.
' ...You shit in your mess kit when you voted for Obama and bitch about Trump's lack of military service.
I thought Obumble did a decent job with economic recovery, and some (certainly) not all domestic policy, and was a train-wreck with respect to our military, and foreign policy.

And have said so around here, repeatedly, over a span of years... laughing at his Orgasmic ObamaBots, just like I laugh at Tiny TrumpBots... cultists or the worst sort on both sides.

Hardly someone who shit in his mess kit over the prospect of an Obumble presidency or two.

And, I did not bitch about Trump's lack of military service.

I stated it as pure fact, without elaboration, as mere counterpoint to someone bitching about some Dimocrat or another.

Go back and look at the origins of that exchange, if you like; the evidence will bear me out, but, in truth, I really don't give a rat's ass about the opinion of TrumpBots, either.

Nice try.


You shit in your mess kit when you voted for Obama and bitch about Trump's lack of military service.

The word for that is hypocrisy.

Kind of like Obama calling Bush's debt "unpatriotic" and then turning around and adding $10 trillion of his own to it.
You're full of shit clean up to your ears, boy...
Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.

Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?

Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
If you actively pursued them to avoid the draft then it is dodging the draft. Just like getting daddy to get you in the Guard.

Trump got 4 college deferments and one medical deferment.
Many National Guard units and individuals serving in the Guard were sent to Vietnam as needed. And, as soon as you fly a single seat, single engine supersonic fighter jet, you can say bad things about the Guard. Until then, you are a pussy.

Pay attention.

I was drafted in 1971. At basic training we had a whole platoon of guys in my company who were national guard guys. Practically every one of them admitted, happily, that they joined the Guard to avoid being drafted and risk going to Vietnam.

You got any REAL LIFE experiences?

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