AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.

Obama saved thousands of American lives getting us out of Iraq.
By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.
Iraq threw us out. They were probably tired of us using their oil to pay for the war.
They couldn't have thrown us out if Obama had not run on getting out right away. They used that to pressure the US into an early withdrawal. Even then they couldn't have thrown us out if we didn't want to go.
He ran on a residual force. Got anymore lies?
What a stupid thing to say. But it hasn't stopped you before.

Obama keeps his promise on getting combat troops out of Iraq
One of President Barack Obama's top promises during the 2008 campaign was to bring the war in Iraq to a close. A major step, he said, would be to get combat troops out of the country by about 16 months after taking office.
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.

Obama saved thousands of American lives getting us out of Iraq.
By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.
ISIS grew & strengthened in Syria. Not Iraq.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? You're brain dead!
I saw another clip of the speech last night. All the Democrats were standing.
The thread title is a lie. The OP'er has a pattern of being both a hardcore malicious racist and posting misinformation and outright lies, like this one.
...So that is an important factor for you? Tell me some of the people you have voted for. Lets see if you are a hypocrite or not.

Sure... why not?... what-the-hell...

1. Nixon - 1972 - military experience
2. Carter - 1976 - military experience
3. John Anderson of Illinois (Congressman)(R)(independent) - 1980 - military experience
4. Ronald Reagan - 1984 - military experience
5. George H.W. Bush - 1988 - military experience
6. Bubba Clinton - 1992 - no military experience
7. Bubba Clinton - 1996 - no military experience
8. George W. Bush - 2000 - military experience
9. George W. Bush - 2004 - military experience
10. Barack Obama - 2008 - no military experience
11. Barack Obama - 2012 - no military experience
12. Hillary Clinton - 2016 - no military experience (and yes, I held my nose in the voting booth, and felt like I needed a shower, afterwards)

7 votes (58%) with military experience, 5 votes (42%) without... in my case, the (decisive) majority = WITH.

It's important; it's just not a concern that overrides all else; nothing whatsoever hypocritical about that.

Stating that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is not competent in military matters is a matter of FACT, not partisan brainwashing.

Learn to tell the difference.

It sure as hell when you bitch about Trump not serving but then you voted for candidates that never served themselves.

Makes you a first class Moon Bat hypocrite, doesn't it?

Thanks for playing Moon Bat. Got anything else?
I did not bitch about Trump not having military experience.

I simply stated it as fact, in counterpoint to a related post.

Go back to the original in that series, to see that I'm right.

Fact is not partisan brainwashing.

Statement of fact is not the same as partisan brainwashing, nor is it bitching.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you're a phukking moron, aren't you? Previously, I had thought better of you. I was wrong.

Stop trying to backpedal. You can't justify your hypocrisy by claiming you were only stating the facts. You wouldn't have mentioned "the fact" if it wasn't something you felt was important.

You don't get to pretend that it is an important fact that Trump didn't serve in the military while you voted for other shitheads like Monica Lewinsky's boy friend who not only did not serve but blatantly avoided the draft and stated that he
loathed the military. Anybody that voted for Slick Willy or that asshole Obama never has the moral or intellectual ground to make comments about other Presidents not having military service.

You failed that test. Got anything else about Trump you want to bitch about?

By the way, I didn't vote for Trump. I am a real Conservative and he is big government Liberal that although will do a much better job than Crooked Hillary and he will improve the economy through some tax cuts and less regulations he won't really significantly dismantle this out of control Federal government like it needs to be done. Also he will continue with debt and out of control spending. Improvement is good but we need much than that. I am consistent in my beliefs. It doesn't look like you are in yours.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.
What the OP posted was 100% accurate.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.
What the OP posted was 100% accurate.
No, it is not. Go watch the video on youtube or wherever you want. It shows the Dems standing and clapping.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.
What the OP posted was 100% accurate.
No, it is not. Go watch the video on youtube or wherever you want. It shows the Dems standing a clapping.
Post the vid.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if it was a criminal killed by a cop

they would have cheered the criminal for 10 minutes

since they have become the fck the police party I see you not only bought into the lie of the OP, you wish to add to it.
What the OP posted was 100% accurate.
No, it is not. Go watch the video on youtube or wherever you want. It shows the Dems standing a clapping.
Post the vid.
Post the one that shows them not standing and clapping.
Dims are traitors. Nobody really cares what they do.
The scandal of the day centers on trump's people colluding with Russians to impact the US election. That would make that side the traitors, not the people exposing the treason.
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...
One of the snowflakes' favorite Presidents was a draft dodger - Slick Willy.
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about them, now... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf.

Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.

Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?

Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.

Nice try at deflection, though...


Sorry but I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him...
So, you're inability to substantively address the counterpoint - namely, Drump's lack of military experience - stems from other things.


...I doubt you have any convictions whatsoever about the President having served in the military...

Personally, I am a US Army veteran - having served in war-time, although not in a war-theater, and in a REMF -caliber support role.

I think it is important that a Commander-in-Chief have prior military experience and some knowledge of the military, whenever practicable.

Trouble is, sometimes it's impractical, and must occupy a lower priority, when the candidate with military experience turns out to be a bumbler or asshat.

Consequently, my 'conviction' is that it's important, but that it does not trump all other considerations.

...Just sounded like typical Moon Bat hate against Trump. Hiding behind a "Centralist" title doesn't change it.
Stating that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military is not LibTard Speech.

His lack of military experience is established FACT.

But thank you for playing.

Consolation prizes may be claimed tomorrow during normal business hours... second door on the Right.


Next slide, please.

You shit in your mess kit when you voted for Obama and bitch about Trump's lack of military service.

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