AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

...Trump doesn't have to know shit about the military. He just has to have the common sense to know to fix it, then delegate its management to his generals...
Considering how many times he's put his foot in his mouth, whatever in the world leads you to believe that he has a lick of common sense?

And, pray tell, what is he "fixing", only to farm-out the heavy lifting to OUR generals?

Did he not tell us during his 2016 campaign that he knows more about our enemies and how to fight them than the generals? (... "Believe me") ???

And then did he not turn around, once enthroned, and tell his generals to come up with a plan within X (60? 90?) days?

I thought HE knew better than THEM?


...In other words, you're a fool.

Because I dare to question the Orange Robber Baron's competency, in a military context?



I'm easy to beat, but you've gotta do better than that.

Better luck next time.
Glad you find it funny, Smoke.. you've got nothing to come back at me with on that one, but... glad you find it funny...
Glad you find it funny, Smoke.. you've got nothing to come back at me with on that one, but... glad you find it funny...

Glad you find it funny, Smoke.. you've got nothing to come back at me with on that one, but... glad you find it funny...
You demise the potus with childish names after six weeks in office. You are a leftist brainwashed hack.
You are a fool.
It's great how he brings out a war window while he beats the drums of war! Let's make more !

Back in the day y'all called it "politicizing tradgety " .

And just as bad

After whining about wasting 6 trillion dollars on the middle east, president trump takes a hardline stance on terrorism so he too can waste trillions of dollars on the Middle East. Groundbreaking.
Glad you find it funny, Smoke.. you've got nothing to come back at me with on that one, but... glad you find it funny...

Glad you find it funny, Smoke.. you've got nothing to come back at me with on that one, but... glad you find it funny...
You demise the potus with childish names after six weeks in office. You are a leftist brainwashed hack.
You are a fool.
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.

Wake me up when it sinks into your tiny little mind, that deflection is not a substitute for substance... sounds like I'm gonna get a nice, long nap.
...So that is an important factor for you? Tell me some of the people you have voted for. Lets see if you are a hypocrite or not.

Sure... why not?... what-the-hell...

1. Nixon - 1972 - military experience
2. Carter - 1976 - military experience
3. John Anderson of Illinois (Congressman)(R)(independent) - 1980 - military experience
4. Ronald Reagan - 1984 - military experience
5. George H.W. Bush - 1988 - military experience
6. Bubba Clinton - 1992 - no military experience
7. Bubba Clinton - 1996 - no military experience
8. George W. Bush - 2000 - military experience
9. George W. Bush - 2004 - military experience
10. Barack Obama - 2008 - no military experience
11. Barack Obama - 2012 - no military experience
12. Hillary Clinton - 2016 - no military experience (and yes, I held my nose in the voting booth, and felt like I needed a shower, afterwards)

7 votes (58%) with military experience, 5 votes (42%) without... in my case, the (decisive) majority = WITH.

It's important; it's just not a concern that overrides all else; nothing whatsoever hypocritical about that.

Stating that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is not competent in military matters is a matter of FACT, not partisan brainwashing.

Learn to tell the difference.
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You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.

Whether or not the other poster is a hypocrite has nothing to do with whether or not Trump has military experience.

Moon Bat, if you make a fucking big deal about something then we need to know if you really have strong convictions or if you are simply a partisan asshole that says one thing but believes another. Kind of like you stupid Moon Bats that bitched about Bush's debt but voted for that Obama jackass that ran up substantially more debt. Or like the hippy peacenik Moon Bats that bitch about war but then vote for Democrats that fight wars like that Obama jackass that has was at war every day of eight year administration or Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend that bombed Baghdad, bombed Bosnia, sent troops to Somali and drones to Afghanistan. Or like the stupid Moon Bats that complained about Bush only serving in the Air National Guard but then find out that they voted for Slick Willy in 1992 who never served and who said he loathed the military..

It is OK if your heartfelt convictions is that somebody that never served in the military should not be Commander in Chief. Vote that way. However, if that is your conviction then you wouldn't have voted for Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary, that asshole Obama or that batshit crazy shithead Bernie Sanders.

I just want to find out if he really believes the anti Trump hate that he is posting or if he simply another Moon Bat hypocrite masquerading as a "Centralist".
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.
So, it is OK for the Orange Turd to place the blame on the military & then lie about the intel found as he uses a fallen soldier's widow as a prop to get an ovation.

He should have said : "I apologize for sending your husband to his death over dinner all because I needed a win to move up in the approval polls." But hey, he knows more about ISIS than the Generals so how did he allow thew generals to do this when he knew better?
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.
Iraq threw us out. They were probably tired of us using their oil to pay for the war.
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. These same Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
If she was there, Republicans would be lining up for a date.
...So that is an important factor for you? Tell me some of the people you have voted for. Lets see if you are a hypocrite or not.

Sure... why not?... what-the-hell...

1. Nixon - 1972 - military experience
2. Carter - 1976 - military experience
3. John Anderson of Illinois (Congressman)(R)(independent) - 1980 - military experience
4. Ronald Reagan - 1984 - military experience
5. George H.W. Bush - 1988 - military experience
6. Bubba Clinton - 1992 - no military experience
7. Bubba Clinton - 1996 - no military experience
8. George W. Bush - 2000 - military experience
9. George W. Bush - 2004 - military experience
10. Barack Obama - 2008 - no military experience
11. Barack Obama - 2012 - no military experience
12. Hillary Clinton - 2016 - no military experience (and yes, I held my nose in the voting booth, and felt like I needed a shower, afterwards)

7 votes (58%) with military experience, 5 votes (42%) without... in my case, the (decisive) majority = WITH.

It's important; it's just not a concern that overrides all else; nothing whatsoever hypocritical about that.

Stating that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is not competent in military matters is a matter of FACT, not partisan brainwashing.

Learn to tell the difference.

It sure as hell when you bitch about Trump not serving but then you voted for candidates that never served themselves.

Makes you a first class Moon Bat hypocrite, doesn't it?

Thanks for playing Moon Bat. Got anything else?
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.

Obama saved thousands of American lives getting us out of Iraq.
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.
Iraq threw us out. They were probably tired of us using their oil to pay for the war.
They couldn't have thrown us out if Obama had not run on getting out right away. They used that to pressure the US into an early withdrawal. Even then they couldn't have thrown us out if we didn't want to go.
...So that is an important factor for you? Tell me some of the people you have voted for. Lets see if you are a hypocrite or not.

Sure... why not?... what-the-hell...

1. Nixon - 1972 - military experience
2. Carter - 1976 - military experience
3. John Anderson of Illinois (Congressman)(R)(independent) - 1980 - military experience
4. Ronald Reagan - 1984 - military experience
5. George H.W. Bush - 1988 - military experience
6. Bubba Clinton - 1992 - no military experience
7. Bubba Clinton - 1996 - no military experience
8. George W. Bush - 2000 - military experience
9. George W. Bush - 2004 - military experience
10. Barack Obama - 2008 - no military experience
11. Barack Obama - 2012 - no military experience
12. Hillary Clinton - 2016 - no military experience (and yes, I held my nose in the voting booth, and felt like I needed a shower, afterwards)

7 votes (58%) with military experience, 5 votes (42%) without... in my case, the (decisive) majority = WITH.

It's important; it's just not a concern that overrides all else; nothing whatsoever hypocritical about that.

Stating that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is not competent in military matters is a matter of FACT, not partisan brainwashing.

Learn to tell the difference.

It sure as hell when you bitch about Trump not serving but then you voted for candidates that never served themselves.

Makes you a first class Moon Bat hypocrite, doesn't it?

Thanks for playing Moon Bat. Got anything else?
I did not bitch about Trump not having military experience.

I simply stated it as fact, in counterpoint to a related post.

Go back to the original in that series, to see that I'm right.

Fact is not partisan brainwashing.

Statement of fact is not the same as partisan brainwashing, nor is it bitching.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you're a phukking moron, aren't you? Previously, I had thought better of you. I was wrong.
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.
Iraq threw us out. They were probably tired of us using their oil to pay for the war.
They couldn't have thrown us out if Obama had not run on getting out right away. They used that to pressure the US into an early withdrawal. Even then they couldn't have thrown us out if we didn't want to go.
He ran on a residual force. Got anymore lies?
You tell 'em, tiger... but it doesn't change a thing... you did not substantively counter the idea that Herr Drumpf has no competency in military matters.
You have the mind of a drunk toddler. How do you know what he doesn't know? And where were you the last eight years? Obama pulled out of Iraq against military advice and we've been dribbling back in ever since.

Obama saved thousands of American lives getting us out of Iraq.
By creating ISIS? Iraq had calmed down by then so you are full of it.

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