AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
see post #71, again.
I see post #71....what exactly are you saying it proves that my video does not?
Libs sitting
More Examples of the lack of Class from despicable Snowflakes - this time it's Ex-Hillary Volunteers:


Ex-Clinton volunteer's tweet mocks SEAL widow

The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....

All the wives who became widows while Obama was "president" became widows because of Obama.

You skipped that part.

Next time you have the urge to make an inane remark, put a cork in it.
You make a correct point....but how many times did President Obama announce that it was the generals' fault that those SEALs were killed?
Anyone ever talk to him? LOL
The Democrats complete lack of respect while President Trump was honoring Ryan Owens and his wife was absolutely reprehensible. Liberals completely shamed themselves last night. What a disgrace that Democrats can't find it withing themselves to simply honor a fallen soldier and his wife who was present.

It's a fake story .
You can't see? Picked your nose and your head caved in?
Liberals are a pathetic group of snowflakes who don't like anyone stronger and smarter than them. All they do is talk stupid shit whenever they see someone who is a better person than they are.
And don't forget talk over
The Democrats complete lack of respect while President Trump was honoring Ryan Owens and his wife was absolutely reprehensible. Liberals completely shamed themselves last night. What a disgrace that Democrats can't find it withing themselves to simply honor a fallen soldier and his wife who was present.

It's a fake story .
You can't see? Picked your nose and your head caved in?
The Democrats complete lack of respect while President Trump was honoring Ryan Owens and his wife was absolutely reprehensible. Liberals completely shamed themselves last night. What a disgrace that Democrats can't find it withing themselves to simply honor a fallen soldier and his wife who was present.

It's a fake story .
You can't see? Picked your nose and your head caved in?

See what ? The camera was on the wife like the whole time .

You have the video that shows them sitting ?
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...

It's not like Herr Drumpf has a frigging clue about the military, either...

Except, of course, he knows more about defeating ISIS than the Generals do..

Did you believe him when he said that, on the campaign trail?
The Democrats complete lack of respect while President Trump was honoring Ryan Owens and his wife was absolutely reprehensible. Liberals completely shamed themselves last night. What a disgrace that Democrats can't find it withing themselves to simply honor a fallen soldier and his wife who was present.

It's a fake story .
You can't see? Picked your nose and your head caved in?

See what ? The camera was on the wife like the whole time .

You have the video that shows them sitting ?
Oh, they were. They're proud of it.
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...
One of the snowflakes' favorite Presidents was a draft dodger - Slick Willy.
They're allowing their petty partisan hate to get the best of em. And they don't realize that Americans are watching. I've been saying all along, the Democrats are gonna regret all this sore loser hissy-fit stuff. Most Americans don't respect that. Rational logical folks are over it.

They don't really care because their "followers" are just as delusional as they are most of the time.

They're digging their own graves. 'Trump-Hate Fatigue' has already set in for most of the country. And he's only been in there a little over a month. Democrats over-played their hand. I think they'll regret it.
One of these little pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats got fired for being an asshole and disrespecting the widow of a fallen hero. Just imagine how stupid and devoid of any moral foundation you have to be as to support both Clinton and Obama and then to think it is acceptable to demean the widow. .

That is a good thing but too bad those shithead Democrats last night in Congress can't also be fired. They deserve it.

Ex-Clinton volunteer slammed, loses job, after swipe at widow of fallen SEAL

Ex-Clinton volunteer slammed, loses job, after swipe at widow of fallen SEAL

Grilo’s LinkedIn page says he works as a principal for the Chicago-based Liberty Advisor Group. But as of Wednesday morning, Grilo’s profile page on the site had been deleted, and the company later confirmed that an employee had sent what they called "an offensive and inappropriate tweet" regarding the Gold Star family.

In a statement, the company said that while the message was from his personal account, "his comments were inconsistent with the Company's values."

"Regardless of whether the comments in the tweet were intended to cause the hurt and anger that they ultimately generated, they were unacceptable to us, and the individual who issued the tweet is no longer affiliated with Liberty," the statement said.

Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...

It's not like Herr Drumpf has a frigging clue about the military, either...

Except, of course, he knows more about defeating ISIS than the Generals do..

Did you believe him when he said that, on the campaign trail?

If you are concerned about things like that then why did you vote for that Obama piece of shit that hung out with his commie friends instead of serving in the military? That sorry sonofabitch didn't know how to spell military when he became Commander in Chief and certainly his terrible foreign policy indicated he didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Then you have that piece of shit Crooked Hillary who is married to a card carrying draft dodger who said in a letter that was published that he "loathed the military".

You aren't really concerned about that, are you? Just spouting typical mindless Libtard hate, aren't you?
Watching this story on the night news . Everyone is standing and clapping .

This thread is more right wing lies !

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