AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

...Your contempt for National Guardsmen and Reservist is noted.
I have the greatest respect for the restructured-reformed-reintegrated Reserves and National Guard of the post-Vietnam era.

I have zero respect for the so-called 'service' of those of the Vietnam Era who joined the Guard or Reserve simply to avoid the draft and hazardous duty in Vietnam.

These would include Bubba, Shrub and Drumpf.

Nice try.


Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, junior... you're borin' the hell outta me.

Next slide, please.
...Getting legitimate draft deferments is not draft dodging. You are the one that needs to stay focused.
When you duck out of your military obligation to the Republic, in any case except demonstrable hardship, you are dodging the draft. Sorry.

You need to take that up with the Congress that authorized college deferments.
Whatever for?

It won't change the fact that Bubba Clinton dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that George W. dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

It won't change the fact that Herr Drumpf dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era.

Bubba Clinton lied his way out of the draft. George W got an Honorable Discharge from the Texas Air National Guard. Trump got congressional authorized deferments from the draft.

Do you consider everyone that volunteered to serve in the military a draft dodger?
Clinton, Shrub and Drumpf all dodged the draft; each in their own way; each avoiding hazardous duty during wartime.
And many, including myself, don't blame any of them. That war was the biggest military mistake of this nation. Good for anyone who managed to avoid going.

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