AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Watching this story on the night news . Everyone is standing and clapping .

This thread is more right wing lies !

I knew it was a lie as soon as I saw the thread title. Didn't need to see any video.
Of course it is...all one has to do is watch the video of last night. But the RW sheep fall for these kinds of lies every time.

It makesya wonder. Why do some people care not one wit about their credibility?

Just baffles me. It's one of the most valuable & treasured components in our human exchange with each other.

It's immensely important for people to get it right so they can be taken seriously. Sure, we sometimes fail, but it's important to work with verifiable facts.

Yet some will spout provable lies endlessly, and think it doesn't matter, or that their credibility won't suffer. I don't get it.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....

All the wives who became widows while Obama was "president" became widows because of Obama.

You skipped that part.

Next time you have the urge to make an inane remark, put a cork in it.
You make a correct point....but how many times did President Obama announce that it was the generals' fault that those SEALs were killed?

Obama blamed it on Bush.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....
And the Narcissist inChief used her as a prop.
Remember Trump's last contact with a Gold Star family?
He slammed them and the Trumpies cheered.
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...
One of the snowflakes' favorite Presidents was a draft dodger - Slick Willy.
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about them, now... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf.

Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.
Calling oneself an alpha male. I'm not sure what to think of that.

Anyway, on topic, the SEAL should still be here.
all rats care about is stealing from the middle class and poor to pay for their summer and winter homes

Specifically, how much did petulant former President Obama help the low and middle class income workers over the past eight years?
Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz never clapped or stood once. That little bitch should be run out of the country for the things she has done. And Bernie Sanders should be leading the charge for what she did to him in the primary and the election. But like I always say...there are no real men in the democrat party.
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...
One of the snowflakes' favorite Presidents was a draft dodger - Slick Willy.
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about them, now... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf.

Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.

Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Of course it is...all one has to do is watch the video of last night. But the RW sheep fall for these kinds of lies every time.

It makesya wonder. Why do some people care not one wit about their credibility?

Just baffles me. It's one of the most valuable & treasured components in our human exchange with each other.

It's immensely important for people to get it right so they can be taken seriously. Sure, we sometimes fail, but it's important to work with verifiable facts.

Yet some will spout provable lies endlessly, and think it doesn't matter, or that their credibility won't suffer. I don't get it.

None of bodecea sock accounts watched the speech either
If Bruce freakaziod Jenner was being honored for wearing a dress. The Democrats would have stood up cheering and clapping for 10 minutes. ..... :cuckoo:
if that white chick who felt like a black chick was there making a speech about a womans right to feel like another species was nothing to be embarrassed about, yah, the rats would all stand up and cheer.

Yup. 'Post of the Year' Nominee. :thup:
all rats care about is stealing from the middle class and poor to pay for their summer and winter homes

Specifically, how much did petulant former President Obama help the low and middle class income workers over the past eight years?

I would say he didn't get the Bush tax cuts reversed. Not because he didn't want too, but it would have been devastating to the low and middle class.
I would say he didn't get the Bush tax cuts reversed. Not because he didn't want too, but it would have been devastating to the low and middle class.

You really should do a bit more research before posting anything.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama drastically increased taxes during his reign and it was, as you know, devastating to the low and middle income households.

President Obama also put millions more on the welfare and food stamp rolls. He also shrank the numbers of people in the low and middle income while increasing the percentage of the very wealthy. Was that what Obama had promised to do?
...If you are concerned about things like that then why did you vote for that Obama piece of shit that hung out with his commie friends instead of serving in the military?...
Understood... accepted... nolo contendre... no argument.

Why did I vote for Obumble... twice?

1. The country could not take a third Bush term, which is what we would have had under McSame... so I voted for what I perceived as the lesser of two evils.

2. The country did not need another scion of an elitist ruling-class pseudo-nobility like Mittens... Mister Forty-Seven Percent... so I voted for the lesser of two evils.

Field better candidates and I'll consider voting for your party again.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...That sorry sonofabitch didn't know how to spell military when he became Commander in Chief and certainly his terrible foreign policy indicated he didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground...
Agreed, re: the Military, and Foreign Policy.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...Then you have that piece of shit Crooked Hillary who is married to a card carrying draft dodger who said in a letter that was published that he "loathed the military". ..

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...You aren't really concerned about that, are you?...
I was, indeed, concerned about such things, then, just as I am concerned about such things, now.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...Just spouting typical mindless Libtard hate, aren't you?

I'm a Centrist.

Voting Pub in years when I think the Republic needs it, when you field a candidate worth a damn, or when the Other Guy is bad enough so that Pubs are the lesser evil.

Voting Dem in years when I think the Republic needs it, when they field a candidate worth a damn, or when the Other Guy is bad enough so that Dems are the lesser evil.

No... MY crime in your eyes is that I'm disparaging your Orange Demigod... although, like Mussolini, I'm sure he'll get the trains to run on time again.

But what does all that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?


Nice try at deflection, though...

Laugh away, Flash, but that doesn't answer the question... quite probably because you, yourself, cannot field a sustainable response... a safe assumption, apparently.

Nice try at deflection, though...


Sorry but I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him.

I doubt you have any convictions whatsoever about the President having served in the military.

Just sounded like typical Moon Bat hate against Trump. Hiding behind a "Centralist" title doesn't change it.
Other than a stint as a teenager at a military school...

And after dodging the draft five (5) times during the Vietnam War...
One of the snowflakes' favorite Presidents was a draft dodger - Slick Willy.
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about them, now... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf.

Clinton lied to avoid the draft. Trump, like many other Republican and Democrat politicians used the draft exemption as it was intended to be used.

Nothing funny about the draft dodger Clinton.

"While Clinton was a student at Oxford, he was drafted and supposed to be inducted into the army in July 1969, but Arkansas Senator William Fulbright allegedly pressured Colonel Eugene Holmes, the head of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas, to admit Clinton into the ROTC – which would result in a different draft classification for Clinton and allow him to receive a deferment. Clinton had promised to leave Oxford and enroll in law school at the University of Arkansas in order to enter the ROTC program and receive a draft deferment since the military required a student to be attending classes full-time before they could be admitted to a University’s ROTC program. Colonel Holmes supposedly bent to the pressure and admitted Clinton to the ROTC program which resulted in Clinton receiving a deferment that allowed him to avoid induction into the Army. However, instead of enrolling at the University of Arkansas and joining the ROTC, Clinton returned to England for another year at Oxford. The temporary ROTC status was enough to keep Clinton out of the Army."

How did Clinton dodge the draft?

Although what he did may not have been against the law, Clinton’s broken promises and contradictory statements about his efforts to avoid the draft were prime examples of the kind of self-serving doublespeak that later earned him the sobriquet “Slick Willie.” As Maraniss concluded in his Clinton biography, First in His Class:

Bill Clinton, Felonious Draft Dodger?
Doesn't matter... we're not talking about Bubba and his draft-dodging... we're talking about Draft Dodger Drumpf and HIM not knowing shit about the Military.

DO try to stay focused, eh?
...If you are concerned about things like that then why did you vote for that Obama piece of shit that hung out with his commie friends instead of serving in the military?...
Understood... accepted... nolo contendre... no argument.

Why did I vote for Obumble... twice?

1. The country could not take a third Bush term, which is what we would have had under McSame... so I voted for what I perceived as the lesser of two evils.

2. The country did not need another scion of an elitist ruling-class pseudo-nobility like Mittens... Mister Forty-Seven Percent... so I voted for the lesser of two evils.

Field better candidates and I'll consider voting for your party again.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...That sorry sonofabitch didn't know how to spell military when he became Commander in Chief and certainly his terrible foreign policy indicated he didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground...
Agreed, re: the Military, and Foreign Policy.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...Then you have that piece of shit Crooked Hillary who is married to a card carrying draft dodger who said in a letter that was published that he "loathed the military". ..

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...You aren't really concerned about that, are you?...
I was, indeed, concerned about such things, then, just as I am concerned about such things, now.

But what does that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?

...Just spouting typical mindless Libtard hate, aren't you?

I'm a Centrist.

Voting Pub in years when I think the Republic needs it, when you field a candidate worth a damn, or when the Other Guy is bad enough so that Pubs are the lesser evil.

Voting Dem in years when I think the Republic needs it, when they field a candidate worth a damn, or when the Other Guy is bad enough so that Dems are the lesser evil.

No... MY crime in your eyes is that I'm disparaging your Orange Demigod... although, like Mussolini, I'm sure he'll get the trains to run on time again.

But what does all that have to do with my original counterpoint that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military?


Nice try at deflection, though...

Trump doesn't have to know shit about the military. He just has to have the common sense to know to fix it, then delegate its management to his generals.
In other words, you're a fool.

Nice try at deflection, though...


Sorry but I didn't vote for Trump so I don't have to defend him...
So, you're inability to substantively address the counterpoint - namely, Drump's lack of military experience - stems from other things.


...I doubt you have any convictions whatsoever about the President having served in the military...

Personally, I am a US Army veteran - having served in war-time, although not in a war-theater, and in a REMF -caliber support role.

I think it is important that a Commander-in-Chief have prior military experience and some knowledge of the military, whenever practicable.

Trouble is, sometimes it's impractical, and must occupy a lower priority, when the candidate with military experience turns out to be a bumbler or asshat.

Consequently, my 'conviction' is that it's important, but that it does not trump all other considerations.

...Just sounded like typical Moon Bat hate against Trump. Hiding behind a "Centralist" title doesn't change it.
Stating that Herr Drumpf doesn't know shit about the military is not LibTard Speech.

His lack of military experience is established FACT.

But thank you for playing.

Consolation prizes may be claimed tomorrow during normal business hours... second door on the Right.


Next slide, please.
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