AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
see post #71 stupid fk. Pelosi is having a cigarette.
Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
see post #71, again.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
see post #71 stupid fk. Pelosi is having a cigarette.
Sure she is...when there's no smoking there. :lol: You'll believe anything if it's a RW package, won't you? :rofl:
Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
see post #71, again.
I see post #71....what exactly are you saying it proves that my video does not?
No, they didn't. You need glasses. Most that did, did o briefly.
Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm
I actually watched how they responded. They ALL stood, they ALL clapped for her. So, why would the RW lie about that?
see post #71, again.
I see post #71....what exactly are you saying it proves that my video does not?
Why was Trump using this tragedy for his personal political gain, especially after he blamed his subordinates for getting this guy killed in the first place?

How can a human being sink that low?
Why was Trump using this tragedy for his personal political gain, especially after he blamed his subordinates for getting this guy killed in the first place?

How can a human being sink that low?
You know this whole "attacked Ryan's widow", "didn't stand and applaud for her" lie is going to be added to the RW mythos.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....
The way I heard it was that it was stale intel that Obama let go cold.
Typical of BONOBO: Too chicken shit to make ANY decision which in ANYWAY could affect his precious 'legacy'.
He KNEW if he had sent the raid he'd be held responsible. "Why not do nothing and let Trump get the blame?"
Trump had been the president for FIVE days!!!!!!
The BONOBO 'Generals' came to him and ADVISED him to go ahead with the mission which had been planned by the BONOBO administration for MONTHS.
I wonder how the fucking BONOBO asslickers would have reacted if this had happened to BONOBO in his first FIVE days?????
Ya fucking right!
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Why was Trump using this tragedy for his personal political gain, especially after he blamed his subordinates for getting this guy killed in the first place?

How can a human being sink that low?
You know this whole "attacked Ryan's widow", "didn't stand and applaud for her" lie is going to be added to the RW mythos.

Trump has fully normalized lying on the Right. Not that it wasn't 80% 'normal' before.

That's what role models do. Trump, the con man without a conscience, the megalomaniac, the pathological liar,

is currently the Right's number one role model. He dictates how they act.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....
The way I heard it was that it was stale intel that Obama let go cold.
Typical of BONOBO: Too chicken shit to make ANY decision which in ANYWAY could affect his precious 'legacy'.
He KNEW if he had sent the raid he'd be held responsible. "Why not do nothing and let Trump get the blame?"
Bonobo? What the heck is that?
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?

And when did I do any such thing?
You inserted yourself in a conversation, called me an arrogant jerk and demanded I explain my point - so I did.

Still not happy? Go cry a river, dear.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....

All the wives who became widows while Obama was "president" became widows because of Obama.

You skipped that part.

Next time you have the urge to make an inane remark, put a cork in it.
You make a correct point....but how many times did President Obama announce that it was the generals' fault that those SEALs were killed?
I found this interesting...

“There are a lot of people who have a lot of reason to be frustrated with him, to be fearful of him. But that was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics, period. And he did something extraordinary. And for people who have been hoping that he would become unifying, hoping that he might find some way to become presidential, they should be happy with that moment. For people who have been hoping that maybe he would remain a divisive cartoon, which he often finds a way to do, they should begin to become a little bit worried tonight, because that thing you just saw him do, if he finds a way to do that over and over again, he's going to be there for eight years. Now, there was a lot that he said in that speech that was counterfactual, that was not right, that I oppose and will oppose. But he did something tonight that you cannot take away from him. He became president of the United States.”

Trump critic Van Jones: ‘One of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics, period’

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