AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.
Well, grew up on the Pineridge Indian reservation in SD, was in the National Guard for eight years, started my own business in my early 20s, been debt-free for 20+ years, been self-employed for 20+ years. Sell firearms and ammo, mining leases, and timber leases for a living…
Being an American Indian and not being politically correct is probably one of my greatest characteristics..
Fine, then I'll respect you even if I think many of your political views are stupid. And you can stop making stupid childish comments accusing me of having never accomplished anything in life too - are you a decent enough human being to agree to those ground rules?

Incidentally I have connections on Pine Ridge, I prosecuted the molester of a little girl from there a few years ago, and I worked on the Blackfeet Rez for two years advocating in tribal court.
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?
Watch it again dumass. You're entire family IQ wouldn't add up to 140. If you feel the need to give your resume on a public forum, you have already failed yourself.
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?
Watch it again dumass. You're entire family IQ wouldn't add up to 140. If you feel the need to give your resume on a public forum, you have already failed yourself.
From someone too unintelligent to spell dumbass correctly. I won't bother trying to explain irony.

I'm so wounded by your biting wit.
Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?
Watch it again dumass. You're entire family IQ wouldn't add up to 140. If you feel the need to give your resume on a public forum, you have already failed yourself.
From someone too unintelligent to spell dumbass correctly. I won't bother trying to explain irony.

I'm so wounded by your biting wit.
Dumb ass is actually two words, dumass.
Your IQ just fell another 10 points.
That bothers you. But not the guy being dead?
it's why he was honored stupid fk. WTF is wrong with you awipes.

Oh, and the president was ensuring everyone knew he died a hero on a successful mission. So the left can pissoff.
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

I've purchased plenty over my lifetime as well as raised two children; what's your point you arrogant jerk?
That there is a lot more to life beyond basic biological processes? That people too lazy to actually participate in becoming informed by say, watching a speech for themselves should not be perpetuating lies they read from fake news sites on the interwebs?

And when did I do any such thing?
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.
they also didn't stand during the part about working together to get affordable healthcare for all Americans. He even emphazied all Americans. WTF is wrong with these fking douche bags? Hasn't that been their rhetoric?
No. Ryan as a voluntarily enlisted man knew he could someday end up in harms way. And his commitment as a Navy Seal, knew he would end up in harms way. He gave the ultimate sacrifice to our nations continued freedom, which he knew was always a possibility.
Ever know and visit with a Seal? If you did, you would know this.

May he Rest In Peace.
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....

No dumbass, she is a widow because her husband is a soldier who went into harms way to fight an enemy.

You mean SENT into harm's way by Trump.
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.
they also didn't stand during the part about working together to get affordable healthcare for all Americans. He even emphazied all Americans. WTF is wrong with these fking douche bags? Hasn't that been their rhetoric?

to old and feeble to stand anymore
Why would you want to misrepresent how they actually responded.
Actually no, they all weren't. And many of the Dem leaders that did, did so just briefly. Your video is only a minute vs mine at 3
They did stand, they did clap...for her. Now why would people like you want to misrepresent what happened.......hmmmmmmmmmm

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