AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

It's all over the REAL news this morning. Are you only able to type lies on Internet forums and incapable of sourcing reputable news sites, not 'twitchy' and 'the blaze'? What kind of irresponsible citizen DOESN'T EVEN WATCH THE SPEECH? I SAW IT WITH MY OWN FUCKING EYES, LOSER!
Link, photos? When asked you provided response to those who HAVE posted links.
My god you're a fucking idiot. The video is ALL OVER THE WEB. Go be a real citizen and WATCH, instead of a manipulated sheep who bleats Breitbart lies.
The video is linked in this thread, bleaters. The stupid is VERY STRONG in you!
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…

I dont read comments from dirtbags like you
Dirtbags who prove you're a lying puke. Not fucking surprised, you're a shitstain who can't gracefully admit that you're WRONG.
Ya, what he said
Oh? How was she attacked?
Didn't read the article, huh?
How about her and her husband being DIS-Respected?
How about being called too stupid to know she was 'being used'?

When snowflakes ask such ignorant questions I truly don't know if they are 'playing dumb' or being serious... :p
Didn't read the article, huh?
Maybe a person could read an article pertaining to your OP if you had posted the fucking link, shit for brains! You really should have another idiot proof read your bullshit propaganda first that you "dig up" down in that cesspool you dwell in!
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!

Hey dickhead. I was there when Obama was droning people to death just as much as I'm here now that trumps pulling the same bs.

You are confused Moon Bat.

First of all Moon Bat the mission was planned under Obama. Trump actually had little to do with it a couple of weeks in office. If you want to blame anybody for the collaborate damage then blame the Obama administration. Blaming Trump for Obama's mission is not exactly cool, know what I mean?

Second of all the only thing that Trump did last night was honor a fallen hero and acknowledge the fact that the intelligence gathered during the raid was worthwhile. Who, except a really shithead Moon Bat hateful Libtard, would not want to honor our fallen heroes and to laud a successful mission that will lead to less terrorism?

Third of all Moon Bat go read Trump's foreign policy speech of last July. He outlined a very firm non interventionism approach, which is much more refreshing than that convoluted approach Obama had. Trump is not afraid to do what is necessary to protect this country but he understands that it is not a good thing to fight other people's wars for them. If you really believe in that hipply peacenik bullshit that you spout then you would embrace Trump's non interventionism philosophy.
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'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
The Navy SEAL Widow is a Widow because of Trump.

You skipped that part ....
You stupid ass. That Navy Seal died to preserve ungrateful fools as yourself. The war on terrorism began long before Trump took office.
Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
D-Day was considered a failure, also. Maybe we should have stayed home that day. Moron.
"Nearly the whole country was moved by the presence of Carryn Owens, widow of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, during President Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Nearly, but not all. Some liberals used the emotional moment to attack both the president and the grieving widow."

Liberals / Snowflakes shamelessly use a tribute to a fallen soldier and his wife as an opportunity to attack the newly elected President - despicable.

The sad thing is they either don't know or don't care how bad this looks / is, or that this sort of act from them is why they lost the last election, why they have suffered back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, and have lost over 1,000 political positions the last 8 years...
Source? But I did cringe when Trump brought up the death of Owens. A tribute to him, a consolation for the grieving widow, is well done. But when he took the opportunity at that time to do a CYA for his decision (if it was his) and emphasize the so-called data gained, in spite of comments otherwise by military, I wished he had just shut up after giving a moving tribute to the fallen. But I don't trust Trump, so you can take it for what it's worth. If OTOH, the widow was comforted that her husband did not die needlessly, I can take the CYA.
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.
So...they didn't clap? I call that a lie.
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
"Nearly the whole country was moved by the presence of Carryn Owens, widow of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, during President Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Nearly, but not all. Some liberals used the emotional moment to attack both the president and the grieving widow."

Liberals / Snowflakes shamelessly use a tribute to a fallen soldier and his wife as an opportunity to attack the newly elected President - despicable.

The sad thing is they either don't know or don't care how bad this looks / is, or that this sort of act from them is why they lost the last election, why they have suffered back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, and have lost over 1,000 political positions the last 8 years...
What was this "attack" you speak of?
Shit for brains, the president has nothing to do with the planning and the execution of military operations. He did not organize it? he did not plan it? he certainly did not execute it… military folk are to be given credit/praise.
No one joins the military not to get deployed, go back to your safe space you fucking spineless snowflake.
Shit happens, and anyway them are a bunch of fucking Muslims over there who have pure hatred towards the United States. People like you make Americans look bad…
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.
Well, grew up on the Pineridge Indian reservation in SD, was in the National Guard for eight years, started my own business in my early 20s, been debt-free for 20+ years, been self-employed for 20+ years. Sell firearms and ammo, mining leases, and timber leases for a living…
Being an American Indian and not being politically correct is probably one of my greatest characteristics..
Shit for brains YOU are - of course he does! He had the FINAL WORD on that mission, which Obama had declined to authorize because he READ THE INTEL and it wasn't convincing enough to RISK LIVES.

Trump didn't read the intel, he made a political decision ( I'll look tough to my shit for brains followers ) over dinner with Jared & Bannon. He sacrificed a military patriot for his ego, fucking draft dodging puke!
You don't understand shit because your politically correctness gets in the way. Only reason why Obama was not advised and that's the keyword advised - because there was no full moon. shit for brains.
Your fucking spineless Messiah Obama has no understanding of the military never did never will that's the reason why the military did not vote for the fuck up.
Go back to your mothers basement to your safe space. :itsok:
I don't need a safe space, I'm right here telling the truth while you lie, lie, lie and can't be bothered to read real news or watch a fucking Presidential address with your own eyes. What, attention span too short, you can't watch something that lasts a whole hour? Bleating lying sheep!
So you are in your mothers basement? Thought so
No I'm not, it's my day off. I have a law degree from Georgetown and spent 20 years in public interest advocacy, most recently as a county attorney responsible for 100% of criminal prosecution and civil litigation, a caseload that by ABA standards should have been carried by 3 attorneys, not one. I've managed several offices and run my own business. I have two undergraduate and two graduate degrees and an IQ measured at 140.

What are your life accomplishments? I'd be fascinated to know.

Sure..... :lmao:
The response of a loser whose accomplishments in life are limited to consuming and breeding, I'll wager.

You're a liar. I watched, they stood. Lying Trumpanzee.

Liberals Attack SEAL’s Widow, President Trump Over Tribute
It's all over the REAL news this morning. Are you only able to type lies on Internet forums and incapable of sourcing reputable news sites, not 'twitchy' and 'the blaze'? What kind of irresponsible citizen DOESN'T EVEN WATCH THE SPEECH? I SAW IT WITH MY OWN FUCKING EYES, LOSER!

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