AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.
Your response exposes just how ignorant you truly are...
They're allowing their petty partisan hate to get the best of em. And they don't realize that Americans are watching. I've been saying all along, the Democrats are gonna regret all this sore loser hissy-fit stuff. Most Americans don't respect that. Rational logical folks are over it.

They don't really care because their "followers" are just as delusional as they are most of the time.
Democrats have to salvage something. Not standing isn't nearly as bad as lying about the success of the mission to create the fiction that the man died for nothing.
"Nearly the whole country was moved by the presence of Carryn Owens, widow of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, during President Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Nearly, but not all. Some liberals used the emotional moment to attack both the president and the grieving widow."

Liberals / Snowflakes shamelessly use a tribute to a fallen soldier and his wife as an opportunity to attack the newly elected President - despicable.

The sad thing is they either don't know or don't care how bad this looks / is, or that this sort of act from them is why they lost the last election, why they have suffered back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, and have lost over 1,000 political positions the last 8 years...
"Nearly the whole country was moved by the presence of Carryn Owens, widow of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, during President Donald Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Nearly, but not all. Some liberals used the emotional moment to attack both the president and the grieving widow."

Liberals / Snowflakes shamelessly use a tribute to a fallen soldier and his wife as an opportunity to attack the newly elected President - despicable.

The sad thing is they either don't know or don't care how bad this looks / is, or that this sort of act from them is why they lost the last election, why they have suffered back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, and have lost over 1,000 political positions the last 8 years...
Oh? How was she attacked?
They don't care. They hate America. Proof? They are going to put a known Anti-Semite, a person who said he doesn't believe in America and thinks The Constitution is a Barrier to Progressive Ideas, a person who openly states that Christians are a scourge on humanity. Ellison is a Radical Islamocist, Uncle Tom Racist who would sell out his own people and America to spread Islam.

This guy is a more dangerous whack job, and Bigot than Obama Bin Lying. But The Dems love him. The Dem founded KKK is back in style. The Dems just doubled down on Racism. Fitting as their party started in Bigotry, and now they Doubled Down on Bigotry like a dog returning to his vomit.
These pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats are like the biggest assholes on the planet. They prove it every day.
Oh? How was she attacked?
Didn't read the article, huh?
How about her and her husband being DIS-Respected?
How about being called too stupid to know she was 'being used'?

When snowflakes ask such ignorant questions I truly don't know if they are 'playing dumb' or being serious... :p
I love watching the the Democrats demonstrate slow suicide. 2, and 4 years from now the few remaining hangers-on of this dying party will be able to look back at moments like these, and see just where they went wrong.
'AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump'

Just Liberals being liberals....

They are working on their 3rd, back-to-back-to-BACK, 'historic, record-setting election ass-kicking/loss and more than 2,000 political seats / positions lost as they go the way of the Dodo Bird.

Cheering & clapping because Trump stupidly wasted the life of one of our nations finest on a failed raid that resulted in the deaths of civilians in large numbers, including children is unacceptable behavior. Anyway you look at it.

No Moon Bat. Honoring the name of a fallen hero.

The fact that you don't understand that speaks volumes to you.

By the way, where were you Moon Bats when Obama was killing children?
It's great how he brings out a war window while he beats the drums of war! Let's make more !

Back in the day y'all called it "politicizing tradgety " .
Says the snowflake whose President dragged the US into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional Wars and used his own personal Drone Assassination Program to act as judge, jury, and executioner to kill people abroad - 'bad guys', Americans, men, women, children....AFTER winning the Nobel Peace Prize.



Timmy, you just got owned.

The hate they are filled with must be very tough to live with and to others around them. Though they do surround themselves by those that are filled with the same hate. Misery loves company, they say.
I have to admit that as an Alpha male, I was moved when Ryan Owens wife was given a standing ovation. On the other hand, what the Democrats did by disrespecting his honor and her by not standing in appreciation was horrific. It was pure unAmerican. It showed pure hatred towards our Military and their families. I will never forget! Last night's tribute to Owens was one of America's finest moments in history.

Democrats just cemented their reputation as un-American shitbags.

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