
You're kidding, right?

Trump was viscerally opposed to tests. In fact, he even said, “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

I want you to spend a couple minutes thinking about the gravely dangerous stupidity behind that thought. It is the most astounding example of magical thinking I have ever heard. And believe me, I've heard some seriously crazy shit in my lifetime.

Imagine if I told you, "If we don't look for hurricanes, we would have very few hurricanes." That is just how determinedly dumb Trump is.

And in case you think Trump misspoke, he said it more than once. “If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”
You're kidding, right?

Trump was viscerally opposed to tests. In fact, he even said, “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

I want you to spend a couple minutes thinking about the gravely dangerous stupidity behind that thought. It is the most astounding example of magical thinking I have ever heard. And believe me, I've heard some seriously crazy shit in my lifetime.

Imagine if I told you, "If we don't look for hurricanes, we would have very few hurricanes." That is just how determinedly dumb Trump is.

And in case you think Trump misspoke, he said it more than once. “If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”
So if Joe Biden or the people who pull Biden’s strings are a lot smarter than Trump explain why Joe didn’t even have contracts signed to produce COVID-19 home tests until just recently.

It sounds to me like Joe wasn’t all that convinced that testing was necessary either. Either that of the big doo-fus forgot to work on the necessary contracts. If you are in early stages of dementia you tend to forget important items.

You're kidding, right?

Trump was viscerally opposed to tests. In fact, he even said, “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

I want you to spend a couple minutes thinking about the gravely dangerous stupidity behind that thought. It is the most astounding example of magical thinking I have ever heard. And believe me, I've heard some seriously crazy shit in my lifetime.

Imagine if I told you, "If we don't look for hurricanes, we would have very few hurricanes." That is just how determinedly dumb Trump is.

And in case you think Trump misspoke, he said it more than once. “If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”
I admit it was a dumb thing to say, but it's a smart thing to do.
No, they just annoy the shit out of me. Ungodly overweight, speak with mouths full of tobacco, never take any baths, and generally have the stupidest forms of entertainment. Plus the kids around here my age are dumb as fuck, and toothless by 19. That's why I'm moving to Pennsylvania, where the only difference is possibly an even more annoying accent.
Always enjoy reading your posts CF- you’re quite witty and you could be a paid writer given a format of interest.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly many people will instantly form an impression about someone, based strictly on their geographical location. I am glad to see a Kentuckian represent all good Kentuckians. There are many.

I might have a poster who is “above it all” challenge me on that premise. A couple of posters have already weighed in with a blanket generalization by extending the individual’s stupidity described in the OP to all state residents. Most third graders are smarter than that.
Always enjoy reading your posts CF- you’re quite witty and you could be a paid writer given a format of interest.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly many people will instantly form an impression about someone, based strictly on their geographical location. I am glad to see a Kentucky and represent all good Kentuckians. There are many.

I might have a poster who is above it all challenge me on that premise. A couple of posters have already weighed in with a blanket generalization by extending the individual’s stupidity described in the OP to all state residents. Most third graders are smarter than that.

I watch Family Guy every now and then and I LOVE the stereotype bits. They're hilarious. It's wrong to stereotype, but in my specific county, not only is it easy to do so, but it would also be the most accurate.
I watch Family Guy every now and then and I LOVE the stereotype bits. They're hilarious. It's wrong to stereotype, but in my specific county, not only is it easy to do so, but it would also be the most accurate.
I miss the days when we could poke fun at most everything without any malice intended. Now? It’s become so ridiculous that some people nitpick over little things that don’t have any impact on the real world. More like looking for things that might be offensive, could be offensive in 10 years, and things that were considered offensive 50 years ago.

The best jokes I have found are about my own behaviors! I remember a standup comedian who was “nailing” a lot of my faults during his act. Great comic. I laughed so much my face hurt.

It’s too bad there are many people who cannot take jokes when the subject matter (either true or false) is about them. Finding humor in life includes airing out human observations. Good and bad. Humor can connect people who hold opposing political views, and it happens on this board. Kudos to all posters who enjoy humor and can take a personal joke as well.
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If it makes you feel any better, my oldest son lives in KY.

That recent horrible tornado passed within a block of his house.
I’m glad your son and his family made it out OK! That’s my assumption anyway from the way you worded that. Tornadoes can be wicked beasts for sure, random jumps and fits. One block from his house is just way too close. I can’t imagine. I would probably think I was going to die from the rushing train sound so close. I hope the neighbors one block away lived?
The economy was in the tank when Trump left office. That's why gas was so cheap. Funny how you tards always fail to mention that. You also fail to mention high inflation and high gas prices are happening ALL OVER THE PLANET. Dipshit.

We would still have high inflation, supply chain snarls, a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and high gas prices if Trump was in office.

Meanwhile, Trump would be tweeting and taking credit for the record stock market, the 6 percent GDP growth (which he promised but never actually achieved), and low unemployment.

And you all would be crowing him to the skies.

Trump would also have made sure we all got $2000 stimulus checks instead of the $1400 checks the Dems gave us.

He would also be adding another $10 trillion to the debt during his next four years. And you all would be dead silent about it.

Oil is essential to the manufacturing of most goods.
Oil is essential to the packaging of almost all goods.
Oil is essential to the distribution and delivery of all goods.

Joey's war on oil are steroids to inflation.
Buy a vowel and the vowel is 'O'; stands for oil!!
I’m glad your son and his family made it out OK! That’s my assumption anyway from the way you worded that. Tornadoes can be wicked beasts for sure, random jumps and fits. One block from his house is just way too close. I can’t imagine. I would probably think I was going to die from the rushing train sound so close. I hope the neighbors one block away lived?
I think he said 15 people in his town died.
Oil is essential to the manufacturing of most goods.
Oil is essential to the packaging of almost all goods.
Oil is essential to the distribution and delivery of all goods.

Joey's war on oil are steroids to inflation.
Buy a vowel and the vowel is 'O'; stands for oil!!
Biden's war on oil. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay.

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Biden has approved more drilling on public lands than even Trump did!

U.S. to hold historic oil and gas lease sale days after COP26

The Biden administration today will offer leases to oil and gas companies on more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico — an area larger than New Mexico — days after a United Nations climate summit that aimed to phase out fossil fuel production worldwide.
  • Lease Sale 257, which was originally planned by the Trump administration, will be the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history.

“This administration went to Scotland and told the world that America’s climate leadership is back, and now it’s about to hand over 80 million acres of public waters in the Gulf of Mexico to fossil fuel companies,”
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a stateme
Biden's war on oil. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay.

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Biden has approved more drilling on public lands than even Trump did!

U.S. to hold historic oil and gas lease sale days after COP26

The Biden administration today will offer leases to oil and gas companies on more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico — an area larger than New Mexico — days after a United Nations climate summit that aimed to phase out fossil fuel production worldwide.
  • Lease Sale 257, which was originally planned by the Trump administration, will be the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history.

“This administration went to Scotland and told the world that America’s climate leadership is back, and now it’s about to hand over 80 million acres of public waters in the Gulf of Mexico to fossil fuel companies,”
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a stateme

You're a gas, gas, gas....
Inflation has the same effect as a flat tax.
Today's inflation rate is costing a family $5,000 a year.
Now if you're poor, you just got significantly poorer. If you're semi-well off, it's a minor inconvience.
Bidenista's are enemies of the poor!!
I would love to see a real investigation of a number of things if the Republicans take over the House or both the House and Senate.

The biggest problem with my dreams is the Republcicans are wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. They will likely decide to be nice guys once again and try to unite the country by doing nothing of any importance.

Republicans need to be led by a fighter not a bunch of nice guys in white hats. Trump was the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party in decades and of course the establishment GOP was and is too stupid to realize it.
The biggest problem with your dreams is that they are baseless fantasies rooted only in the wingnut blogosphere, invented by paid liars who butter their bread with your gullibility and aggressive ignorance.
You are free to visit the Capitol any time. You are not free to mount an insurrection to overthrow a duly elected government. You are not free to attack the Capitol police and kill and injure them.

Dumbfuck, there was no insurrection other than the one in your head.

Furthermore, I'm not talking about designated areas of the building, I'm talking about anywhere in the building. Public funds, public use.
Oops, sorry. Even your oathkeeper hillbilly hero called it an insurrection.
Ha. No. It wasn't.

Was the government anywhere close to being overthrown?

No. Not even close.

Entering a building your tax dollars give you every right to be in does not qualify as an insurrection.

I know you won't agree so any further discussion with you on the topic is pointless.
Ha. No. It wasn't.
Says only the people in your smallcult.

Sorry, but you guys will be the joke of history, not the people who write history.

Children in school will learn about the insurrection and about people like you who supported it and the orange pile of shit for whom it was committed. And it will not be positive.

You made your choice. Now you take your place in history.
Says only the people in your smallcult.

Sorry, but you guys will be the joke of history, not the people who write history.

Children in school will learn about the insurrection and about people like you who supported it and the orange pile of shit for whom it was committed. And it will not be positive.

You made your choice. Now you take your place in history.
Your increasingly childish responses tell me you have no clue what a legitimate insurrection is.

If that was an insurrection, it was the least effective insurrection in the history of insurrection.

If you want real insurrections, look no further than the Arab Spring. Look at governments with leaders who refuse to cede power after losing a fair election (and yes, snowflakes for brains, Trump did cede power on time and without incident on his part).

Spare me the false outrage and hollow commentary.
Your increasingly childish responses tell me you have no clue what a legitimate insurrection is.
Your crybabying and personal attacks will not help you.

Everyone outside of your cult knows it was a insurrection.

Crying to me is not going to change the place in history you have siezed for yourself.


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