AZ may be back in play with Ryan VP Pick

Think about it; the large Hispanic voting block is heavily in the Democrat's camp thanks to the current junta's rulings....Now Medicare is being assailed. This will put the enormous block of retirees and seniors in AZ in play.

It does lead one to wonder what the Governor was thinking. VP picks aren't staffed out; this was him. Is he really this much of a political neophyte?

I think this is the nail in Romney's coffin. If ever there was a person to help ignite the fire for Democrats, this pick was it. All this talk about Dems not being as motivated as Republicans just changed. It will be interesting to see how Obama fares with his fundraising now. Something tells me it is going to increase dramatically.
Is he really this much of a political neophyte?

He has been running for office most of his adult life.

That's what makes his hiding of tax returns so fishy. Its not as though he didn't know what to expect and what other candidates have done.

He is corrupt and dishonest and, unlike Christianity, his religion boldly states its acceptable to lie to get what you want.
I'm disappointed that he picked Ryan, not sure why he felt he had to go bold with a vp pick. The next 3 months Romney is going to have to defend Ryan's budget, and try to get all of those senior citizens who remember those commericals and headlines about how Ryan wants to kill Medicare to trust him that he doesn't really want the Ryan budget.
I suspect that any senior that worked their entire life to be able to retire to Az would rather eat cat food than watch the America they grew up do 4 more under Obama.

So are you saying that the medicare reforms Congressman Ryan are sponsoring will lead to Seniors eating cat food?

That never happened and it won't happen now. Simple reason is, no matter how the Rs work to hurt the middle class, vets, the elderly, dog and cat food is more expensive than human food.
I'm disappointed that he picked Ryan, not sure why he felt he had to go bold with a vp pick. The next 3 months Romney is going to have to defend Ryan's budget, and try to get all of those senior citizens who remember those commericals and headlines about how Ryan wants to kill Medicare to trust him that he doesn't really want the Ryan budget.

He's hoping the sheeples will forget about his past lies and "gaffes" (truths). He wants us to forget he's hiding his tax returns.

For the rw's, I have no doubt the ploy will work quite well.
I suspect that any senior that worked their entire life to be able to retire to Az would rather eat cat food than watch the America they grew up do 4 more under Obama.

Good! You hold THAT thought! You obviously do not know what Americans over the age of 50 are thinking.. Neither does Mittens.

Maybe you should eat a can of cat food yourself? You might re-think your position. It will be a more enjoyable experience if you read the lable first. :lol:
I suspect that any senior that worked their entire life to be able to retire to Az would rather eat cat food than watch the America they grew up do 4 more under Obama.

So are you saying that the medicare reforms Congressman Ryan are sponsoring will lead to Seniors eating cat food?

Worst case, doomsday-ABC News style?

Yep they would eat it up and die free.

Oh good grief.

You win Dumbest Post Today.
I suspect that any senior that worked their entire life to be able to retire to Az would rather eat cat food than watch the America they grew up do 4 more under Obama.

So are you saying that the medicare reforms Congressman Ryan are sponsoring will lead to Seniors eating cat food?

Worst case, doomsday-ABC News style?

Yep they would eat it up and die free.

You guys are in rare form today. Cat food. Okay.
I'm disappointed that he picked Ryan, not sure why he felt he had to go bold with a vp pick. The next 3 months Romney is going to have to defend Ryan's budget, and try to get all of those senior citizens who remember those commericals and headlines about how Ryan wants to kill Medicare to trust him that he doesn't really want the Ryan budget.

I could almost understand it if Florida wasn't such an important state for him. If he doesn't win it; game over. It's that simple. Nearly every poll in the world agrees. And he just picked the guy who is going to put the livelihood of senior citizens--many of whom live in Floriad--in jeopardy.
Seniors want social security...and they don't want to be robbed by illegals roaming places like Mesa (often called Mesaco).

Obama does not have a chance in AZ and Flake will take the senate seat.
It's safe to say Arizona has plenty of reason to not like Obama.
I think Obama should set up some kiosks in various cities thruout Arizona and every major metropolitan center in the country. They should be on busy street corners. They should be called "Romney/Ryan Food Banks". They should give away cat and dog food free to passerbye's. They should also be located near every senior center in the land.

This would drive home the urgency of NOT electing Romney/Ryan.

The media would immediately pick up on this gimmick and soon AARP would get involved.

[ame=]Food Pantry to Provide Free Pet Food - YouTube[/ame]
It's safe to say Arizona has plenty of reason to not like Obama.

The GOP has given Arizonans two big reasons to love him. It closer than some think.

It' my home state. I have relatives all over the place.

It ain't going to Obama. In fact, there are some who have intonated that Obama should go walk the paths in the areas the state has declared off limits because they can't keep people safe.

Contrary to what BUGGY says, old folks don't make up a huge percentage of the state. It is a huge convention and tourist state, has industry, agriculture and has a mini silicon valley (home to Motorola and has several Intel sites).

In short, seniors won't make a huge difference like they will in Florida.

Obama is cooked and the senate seat will go to Flake.
It's safe to say Arizona has plenty of reason to not like Obama.

The GOP has given Arizonans two big reasons to love him. It closer than some think.

It' my home state. I have relatives all over the place.

It ain't going to Obama. In fact, there are some who have intonated that Obama should go walk the paths in the areas the state has declared off limits because they can't keep people safe.

Contrary to what BUGGY says, old folks don't make up a huge percentage of the state. It is a huge convention and tourist state, has industry, agriculture and has a mini silicon valley (home to Motorola and has several Intel sites).
Yes, I know.

In short, seniors won't make a huge difference like they will in Florida.
Four years ago, Napalitano was finishing up her 2nd term as Governor. It's not Texas; there is political life in the Democrats our here. McCain didn't exactly run away with the state; Bush actually got better numbers.

The Governor isn't exciting anyone--just look at this board!!!
Obama is cooked and the senate seat will go to Flake.
The Governor may win AZ but he won't win the election. It's a foregone conclusion.
The Governor may win AZ but he won't win the election. It's a foregone conclusion.


I just got word that they are calling off the election based on your predictions.

Well they should. The Governor should give his concession speech at the convention and save everyone a lot of time and money.

Why don't you write him and tell him that.

I'm sure he'd listen to you.

The only problem is that (besides that fact that he wouldn't) is that the groundswell in places like Missouri....against Obama are going to cost democratic senators like McCaskill her seat. She's toast. Nelson's seat goes do several others. The GOP is at least at 50/50 even if Romney loses (and the dems won't have people like Lugar to suck on them anymore...his replacement will kick their asses....and say hello to Ted Cruz). And the house is going to be even stronger.

So you keep bleating about it being over.
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I just got word that they are calling off the election based on your predictions.

Well they should. The Governor should give his concession speech at the convention and save everyone a lot of time and money.

Why don't you write him and tell him that.

I'm sure he'd listen to you.

He said he would when I wrote him. I'm guessing it's another flip-flop

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