AZ passes law saying life beings pre-conception

"I think it's important that it remain legal, because I think it's important for people, for medical reasons and other reasons," Laura Bush on CNN's Larry King when asked about Roe v. Wade

Betty Ford openly declared her support for Roe v Wade, stating in a television interview that the decision took the issue “out of the backwoods and put [it] in the hospital where it belongs.”

Barbara Bush, in stunning contrast with the position her husband has maintained for the last 12 years, contends that abortion is "a personal choice" and that Republicans should drop the rigid anti-abortion plank from the party platform. "The personal things should be left out of, in my opinion, out of platforms and conventions." LA Times

Ayn Rand:
"One method of destroying a concept is by diluting its meaning. Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the anti-abortionists obliterate the rights of the living."

Hillary Clinton:
"I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion."

Hedy Epstein- Epstein was born to a Jewish family in Freiburg, Germany, and in 1939 fled Nazi persecution via the Kindertransport to England. All but two of her family were killed at Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. and is pro choice.

I would be very careful when using words to put people into a catagory simply based on an issue that some might have a disagreement with you on. As most of those might have common ground to stand on it is not something that benefits what some might have mentioned on here, but yet. each of those women up there was a daughter to a fathter and like me who has a daughter, I would hope that the society she lives in is free for her to make the choices she see's fit , from from the intrusion of others and a Govt. that is motived by the opinions of one religions view.

Navy, do you know why people fight for tight regulations on abortion (and some even want it illegal)? Because it destroys/end/terminates the life of another human. That human can not speak for themselves so others speak for them.

I wonder how many aborted humans would have chosen death over the chance at a life?
I am constantly surprised by postions held by some who call themselves "conservatives". When I first started voting for Sen. Goldwater and many other's through the years the basic concept of "conservative" was that men and women were better able to decide for themselves their destiny than an all intrusive Govt. and likewise a respect for the Constitution. This Bill here in Arizona while seeking to stop "abortion" after 20 weeks and frankly other than for the life of the mother, I cannot see a reason why someone would choose to do that. That said the Bill itself on it's face flys in the face of the principles that the party long held dear and seeks a Govt. solution which is "more" intrusive not "less", and still further, it is built upon the concept of one religions views of when life beings thus flying in the face of the 1st Amendment. If this bill had sought to limit abortions after 20 weeks the language in it that defines when life begins as well as some other language that limits access and choice that Americans make would not be needed and the bill would go something like this and would have my full support.

Be it known that in the State of Arizona after 20 weeks of pregnancy, no abortions will be performed in this state and any and all persons having license to perform these prodecures after 20 weeks will be held guilty in a court of law.

The state of Arizona and it's legislature has spent a lot of time on bills at the Center for Arizona Policy which we have been forced to defend in any number of state and federal courts at the expense of the taxpayers here. CAP does not care about costing the state jobs, in their mission to force their moral views on the citizens of this state and to call themselves "conservatives" , I would suggest they read a book.

“I know there are those who say a conservative should be pro-life, which I am, but I’m not sure a person has to be that to qualify as a conservative. Nor am I sure that a person must be opposed to pornography, which I am. In both cases there are questions of individual rights and responsibilities which are arguable."

Lyn Nofgizer

"A lot of so-called conservatives don't know what the word means. They think I've turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right."
Sen. Barry Goldwater

“I’d love to see a point where Roe vs. Wade is irrelevant, and could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary. But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade, which would then force women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations.”
Sen. John McCain

The states are not free, under the guise of protecting maternal health or potential life, to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies. ~Justice Harry A. Blackmun, Roe v. Wade, 22 January 1973

I might remind people that this bills title is " The Women's Health and Safety Act "


what he said...

it's probably a good idea for some so-called conservatives to read that over a few dozen times.

Women's individual rights don't trump the rights of their children. Women should not be granted special permission to kill their children, just because they give birth to them.

Gosh I sure hope they don't. I thought killing your children after they are born has always been illegal.
Ultimately the right to abortion is hotly contested because it benefits men for women to obtain abortions. It benefits rapists, it benefits child molesters who get their victims pregnant, it benefits pimps and human traffickers.

And THAT is why men fight so hard to keep it legal. It has nothing to do with the rights of women. It has to do with the abuse and subjugation of them.

Absolutely! This is the unabridged truth. Now, we see that men and easily manipulated women want to basically legalize and create a new right, one to give a right to intentionally cause a miscarriage. In effect, giving the option of legally terminating a pregnancy to men who don't want to be a baby daddy.
Ultimately the right to abortion is hotly contested because it benefits men for women to obtain abortions. It benefits rapists, it benefits child molesters who get their victims pregnant, it benefits pimps and human traffickers.

And THAT is why men fight so hard to keep it legal. It has nothing to do with the rights of women. It has to do with the abuse and subjugation of them.

Absolutely! This is the unabridged truth. Now, we see that men and easily manipulated women want to basically legalize and create a new right, one to give a right to intentionally cause a miscarriage. In effect, giving the option of legally terminating a pregnancy to men who don't want to be a baby daddy.

"I think it's important that it remain legal, because I think it's important for people, for medical reasons and other reasons," Laura Bush on CNN's Larry King when asked about Roe v. Wade

Betty Ford openly declared her support for Roe v Wade, stating in a television interview that the decision took the issue “out of the backwoods and put [it] in the hospital where it belongs.”

Barbara Bush, in stunning contrast with the position her husband has maintained for the last 12 years, contends that abortion is "a personal choice" and that Republicans should drop the rigid anti-abortion plank from the party platform. "The personal things should be left out of, in my opinion, out of platforms and conventions." LA Times

Ayn Rand:
"One method of destroying a concept is by diluting its meaning. Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the anti-abortionists obliterate the rights of the living."

Hillary Clinton:
"I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion."

Hedy Epstein- Epstein was born to a Jewish family in Freiburg, Germany, and in 1939 fled Nazi persecution via the Kindertransport to England. All but two of her family were killed at Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. and is pro choice.

I would be very careful when using words to put people into a catagory simply based on an issue that some might have a disagreement with you on. As most of those might have common ground to stand on it is not something that benefits what some might have mentioned on here, but yet. each of those women up there was a daughter to a fathter and like me who has a daughter, I would hope that the society she lives in is free for her to make the choices she see's fit , from from the intrusion of others and a Govt. that is motived by the opinions of one religions view.

Navy, do you know why people fight for tight regulations on abortion (and some even want it illegal)? Because it destroys/end/terminates the life of another human. That human can not speak for themselves so others speak for them.

I wonder how many aborted humans would have chosen death over the chance at a life?

Zoom. I've said it many times on here, that I take no issue with anyone wanting to protect a "baby" that is viable , in other words, after 20 weeks I see little issue with that and in fact Justice O'Conner said as much in upholding Roe v. Wade. I honestly don't think you would find many who would disagree with that as well. Again, where I part company with most, especially with HB2036 is the language that defines life as beginning at conception and seeking to limit choice based on that definition. At least in my humble opinion that has little to do with protecting life but more so has to do with the enforcment of one religious view upon the people of the state of Arizona over others. I also don't see it as serving much to the debate to label your fellow Americans as something they are clearly not, when I have more faith in Americans to make the right choice. I suppose as an old "conservative" here Zoom, that the when a laws does what HB 2036 has in it I see it as way past the bounds of what I deem as what Govt. should be doing and seeking to legislate what is a moral issue. Had this been a clear issue of just stopping abortions after 20 weeks then there would have been no need for most of the language in the bill and further for the entire bill as that matter had been settled in the above mentioned case already.

what he said...

it's probably a good idea for some so-called conservatives to read that over a few dozen times.

No doubt you would advise everyone to log on to Democratic Underground to have their opinions on issues assigned, just as you do...

Thinking is such a bother, you of the left avoid it at all costs.
My point went right over your head. Figures.

Moron. It isn't "a potential human life", it is human from the moment it is conceived. It doesn't "become more human"; it has everything it needs right from the get go. It goes through stages of development but it is a living human from beginning. Your rambling highlights the pro-choice meme beautifully . . . "de-humanize" the thing and poof! no problem destroying it.


so feel free to make your own choices.

stay out of others'.

it's not that complicated.

Pro-choice is about a woman's choice to end the life of another human. Got it.

Exactly. Choice. You are trying to remove her choice. You won't be able to. If it is made illegal, she will still find a way, as she has since the beginning of time. Some ways will cost her her own life as well. Some will render her unable to ever conceive again. And I know you're fine with that. Because what you want for this nameless, faceless 'her' is more important than how her own life unfolds.
We don't want to limit choice.
We want to limit abortion, or the abuse of women with the intention of killing babies that are seen as a "burden".

There's a difference. Murder isn't a CHOICE that anyone should be afforded. Not women, not pimps, not child molesters or rapists. Pregnancy is a fact of life, and if you get pregnant, the outcome is a baby. Whether you keep that baby or not IS a choice. But not whether you can kill it or not.
Exactly. Choice. You are trying to remove her choice. You won't be able to.

You must hate murder laws. Should I have the choice to kill the fucker behind me who plays rap full blast at 2 AM.

Are you trying to remove my choice?

If it is made illegal, she will still find a way, as she has since the beginning of time.

People still murder, and have since the beginning of time. I guess we better repeal laws against it.

Some ways will cost her her own life as well.

Sometimes, if you don't murder the gangsta from the other hood, they will murder you. Laws against murder could cost you your life.

Some will render her unable to ever conceive again. And I know you're fine with that. Because what you want for this nameless, faceless 'her' is more important than how her own life unfolds.

If you can't kill your offspring at will, with no consequence, are any of us really free?

You should start the "Susan Smith Foundation for Mothers Rights."
Ultimately the right to abortion is hotly contested because it benefits men for women to obtain abortions. It benefits rapists, it benefits child molesters who get their victims pregnant, it benefits pimps and human traffickers.

And THAT is why men fight so hard to keep it legal. It has nothing to do with the rights of women. It has to do with the abuse and subjugation of them.

Absolutely! This is the unabridged truth. Now, we see that men and easily manipulated women want to basically legalize and create a new right, one to give a right to intentionally cause a miscarriage. In effect, giving the option of legally terminating a pregnancy to men who don't want to be a baby daddy.


That's a hard one to read sober. I'll have to try again, later.
Ultimately the right to abortion is hotly contested because it benefits men for women to obtain abortions. It benefits rapists, it benefits child molesters who get their victims pregnant, it benefits pimps and human traffickers.

And THAT is why men fight so hard to keep it legal. It has nothing to do with the rights of women. It has to do with the abuse and subjugation of them.

Absolutely! This is the unabridged truth. Now, we see that men and easily manipulated women want to basically legalize and create a new right, one to give a right to intentionally cause a miscarriage. In effect, giving the option of legally terminating a pregnancy to men who don't want to be a baby daddy.

Or men who don't want anyone to know they're banging an underaged girl. Or men who want to exert control over their abused partner's reproduction.
so feel free to make your own choices.

stay out of others'.

it's not that complicated.

Pro-choice is about a woman's choice to end the life of another human. Got it.

Exactly. Choice. You are trying to remove her choice. You won't be able to. If it is made illegal, she will still find a way, as she has since the beginning of time. Some ways will cost her her own life as well. Some will render her unable to ever conceive again. And I know you're fine with that. Because what you want for this nameless, faceless 'her' is more important than how her own life unfolds.

Glad to see you acknowledge that a women's choice means she chooses to end the life of another human. Few ever admit that.

How many aborted humans to you think would have chosen death instead of a chance at a life?
"Life beings pre conception>" what the hell does life beings even mean?

It doesn't say that. Jillian has a sub-50 IQ and is regurgitating idiocy from the hate sites. The law uses a well established medical term, "Gestational Age" that calculates the last menses to determine the developmental state of the baby. Since ovulation occurs about two weeks after menses, the morons of the left are shrieking that Az has defined life two weeks before conception.

The left are a bunch of uneducated goons, ignorantly spewing nonsense.
The Laws says the following...

"Unborn child" means the offspring of human beings from
conception until birth

That concept is not a concept shared by every religion in the world, and as such because the premise of HB 2036 is built around it then the bill seeks to to step on the 1st Amendment rights of those who do not share this, further, had the main aim of this bill been to stop Abortion after 20 weeks then it would have just reaffirmed the Casey decision whose opinion was written by a former justice from Arizona.
The Laws says the following...

"Unborn child" means the offspring of human beings from
conception until birth

That concept is not a concept shared by every religion in the world, and as such because the premise of HB 2036 is built around it then the bill seeks to to step on the 1st Amendment rights of those who do not share this, further, had the main aim of this bill been to stop Abortion after 20 weeks then it would have just reaffirmed the Casey decision whose opinion was written by a former justice from Arizona.

Stop making sense! The right wants to use government to force their opinions on you while they get big government out of our day to day lives.

Why does the right hate the poor after they are born if they value pre-life so much? I don't get it, where does this compassion for life go anyway?
Pro-choice is about a woman's choice to end the life of another human. Got it.

Exactly. Choice. You are trying to remove her choice. You won't be able to. If it is made illegal, she will still find a way, as she has since the beginning of time. Some ways will cost her her own life as well. Some will render her unable to ever conceive again. And I know you're fine with that. Because what you want for this nameless, faceless 'her' is more important than how her own life unfolds.

Glad to see you acknowledge that a women's choice means she chooses to end the life of another human. Few ever admit that.

How many aborted humans to you think would have chosen death instead of a chance at a life?

I agreed with what I bolded and made red so no, I didn't admit that and no; I won't be answering for the ZEFs who didn't make it.

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