AZ Supreme Court Orders Hearing On Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Case


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
It looks like the envelopes and signatures will be examined. If so the election in Maricopa should be thrown out. We all know who will be the winners if that happens. The law says if the election is in serious doubt it will be taken out of the total.

“The signature verification allegation was remanded to the Maricopa County Superior Court, which was waiting on the high court to determine if she must pay sanctions to Hobbs and Fontes regarding her claim of 35,563 unaccounted early ballots being added to Maricopa County’s final tally,” the report said.

On Thursday, the state’s high court granted a request by defendants of $2,000 in sanctions against Lake’s counsel for “asserting ‘the undisputed fact that 35,563 unaccounted for ballots were added to the total number of ballots,’ and for repeating such false assertions in an additional filing in this proceeding,” the ruling stated.

However, the defendants’ requests for attorneys’ fees as sanctions were denied by the justices. The court also ordered “that the trial court shall forthwith conduct such proceedings as appropriate to resolve” the charges regarding the alleged signature verification process violations.

Noted polling firm Rasmussen Reports following the high court’s ruling: “Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona will now be checked for missing or mismatched signature issues in a race that has captured international attention and is divided by less than 15,000 ‘votes.’ Waiting to see the actual court order.”

Robert Barnes

Honest media headline of AZ Supreme Court today in @KariLake case would be: "Arizona Supreme Court orders trial court "shall forthwith" proceed with the signature verification issue, while denying attorneys' fees request from county lawyers." Oddly, both facts missing from media.

The MSM does not want people to know. Why do you think that is?

Rasmussen Reports

Update: Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona will now be checked for missing or mismatched signature issues in a race that has captured international attention and is divided by less than 15,000 'votes.' Waiting to see the actual court order.

So am I, but I know some people that are not.
Robert Barnes


Fact check: false. Missing context. AZ Supreme Court denied sanctions for the petition noting
won on key issue. AZ Supreme Court denied sanctions for attorneys fees. AZ Supreme Court required small $2K court fee over use of word "undisputed" in 1 sentence. Very minor.

There goes the sanction argument. Maricopa will pay their own legal fees.
If you have to cheat to win you are near the end... and the left is near the end of their run.... and they know it so they are desperate... That's why our borders are wide open... dems fishing for more voters....
Is that a straw that I see? Finders keepers!

Do you live in AZ Lasta? I would assume so. Your dedication to the whatshername gal that got cheated is to be admired. I feel that I can root for you because, the AZ governor is meaningless here in Texas.
Is that a straw that I see? Finders keepers!
Hardly a straw. If it is done the court will throw out the results of the Maricopa election. The governor, Secretary of State and the AG. will be different people. And the MSM will have to report on it.
Hardly a straw. If it is done the court will throw out the results of the Maricopa election. The governor, Secretary of State and the AG. will be different people. And the MSM will have to report on it.
That would be really cool for you. Fingers crossed.
This group is separate from Lake. It is coming at the assholes running Maricopa elections big time.

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on the fight for withheld information from Maricopa County and Runbeck.

The MCBOS will lie in front of approaching bulldozers before they turn over those fraudulent envelopes.
I get the impression that at this point they're laughing their asses off and almost want to rub our faces in it.

We've all seen the VIDEO OF PEOPLE STUFFING BALLOT BOXES WITH STACKS OF BALLOTS AND RUBBER GLOVES ON, then removing the gloves, using their phones and taking off. There has been testimony in congress about all sorts of shady practices,
Elizabeth Warren as much of a shit head as she is sent a letter to the owners of Dominion Voting Systems and cited several problems that “threaten the integrity of our elections,” including “vote switching.” Of course bed wetters want to stuff that down a memory hole as well.

We've seen video of officials being blocked from entering ballot counting centers and all sorts of other shenanigans, Steven Crower just casually found numerous absentee ballots that traced back to parking lots and places that don't even really exist in just one town. Someone with serious resources and determination could probably find a fuckton more democrook voter registration cards addressed to bullshit addresses and ghosts.

We've seen court cases rejected and dismissed in spite of clear law violations, yet the entire judicial branch is clearly not willing to step in and address these issues, democrook lawyers certainly don't seem to want to investigate any accusations, file charges, prosecute cases and throw people in prison. Republicrats for that matter don't seem to want to take away the only means for democrook sociopaths to remain in power and continue their criminal and treasonous activity.

I'll never know or understand why, I don't think anyone who isn't on the take at the highest levels really understands who runs the shit show in DC and at the UN, but they clearly are MORTAL enemies of freedom loving Christian individuals. Have no delusions about it either. They would be doing shit to us that would make the Chi-Coms wince if not for that pesky 2nd Amendment.

It looks like the envelopes and signatures will be examined. If so the election in Maricopa should be thrown out. We all know who will be the winners if that happens. The law says if the election is in serious doubt it will be taken out of the total.

“The signature verification allegation was remanded to the Maricopa County Superior Court, which was waiting on the high court to determine if she must pay sanctions to Hobbs and Fontes regarding her claim of 35,563 unaccounted early ballots being added to Maricopa County’s final tally,” the report said.

On Thursday, the state’s high court granted a request by defendants of $2,000 in sanctions against Lake’s counsel for “asserting ‘the undisputed fact that 35,563 unaccounted for ballots were added to the total number of ballots,’ and for repeating such false assertions in an additional filing in this proceeding,” the ruling stated.

However, the defendants’ requests for attorneys’ fees as sanctions were denied by the justices. The court also ordered “that the trial court shall forthwith conduct such proceedings as appropriate to resolve” the charges regarding the alleged signature verification process violations.

Noted polling firm Rasmussen Reports following the high court’s ruling: “Apparently upwards of 300,000 mail ballots in Maricopa County Arizona will now be checked for missing or mismatched signature issues in a race that has captured international attention and is divided by less than 15,000 ‘votes.’ Waiting to see the actual court order.”
Give us an update.

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