"B ... but Obama!"

True. The individual doesn't have the right to outlaw speech, but the government does.
Where is that in the Constitution?

Regulate... Maybe. But I disagree.

I can still yell FIRE in a theatre.

I wouldn't advise it.

Thanks Government has no ability to outlaw speech.

The government can't completely outlaw speech, but they can throw you in jail for having spoken it. The government similarly can't completely outlaw murder, or using illegal drugs. They don't have a means of preventing behavior. Only the means to punish it afterwards.
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media.

This time they're defending a group of self-proclaimed racists who, if they had the power, would gladly exterminate non-white people, using "b ... but ANTIFA! But BLM! But deep state!"

Seriously, it's kinda gross. First of all, Hillary and Obama are IRRELEVANT! That's why everyone rolls their eyes when you drag us back to them. We don't give a shit about them anymore.

Second of all, how are you all so sure it was the demonstrators who started the violence, when the neo-nazis were running around with torches, combat gear, and clubs? Where is your evidence of this?

You guys are honestly coming off as supporters of white nationalism. You do realize that, right?

Do you dwell in a cave? You must do, you must have missed the Antifa burning down Berkley, California and attacking innocent people with clubs and heavy chains and also throwing Molotov Cocktails at the police.

What happened at Charlottesville with the auto, that was a random lone wolf, who probably has mental health issues, you cannot paint ALL White people with his brush, so stop attempting to do that you fucking moron.

You know EXACTLY like when a random lone wolf Muslim commits an act of horror and you Leftist Maniacs immediately get into threads telling everyone:

That was a random lone wolf, who probably has mental health issues, you cannot paint ALL Muslims with his brush, the majority of Muslims are peaceful.
Could we leave Nazi's out of the discussion, really a small group, the fact that they use religion & race to gather support from those who religion & race are important. Nazi's caused the death of millions of people and the destruction of city's towns, caused the whole world to be involved in war, who in hell supports that?
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media.

Trump said North Korea has been doing what they're now doing for the last 20+ years. And blames previous administrations for not fixing the problem.

Well Trump is in the big chair now, yet complains about nobody fixing healthcare, taxes, deficits, national debt, Afghanistan, you name it, it's somebody elses fault, not Trumps.

Yet Trump said fixing all those things would be easy, and he'd get them done in his first 100 days

Still waiting...
When are you going to offer up a solution instead of insults?

You expect a 20 year problem to be resolved overnight?

And yes. This problem should have been addressed over the last 20 years.

Nope, he's going to dance around the edges and call names.
Could we leave Nazi's out of the discussion, really a small group, the fact that they use religion & race to gather support from those who religion & race are important. Nazi's caused the death of millions of people and the destruction of city's towns, caused the whole world to be involved in war, who in hell supports that?

Aw c'mon, if you take away the Nazi card they have nothing.
True. The individual doesn't have the right to outlaw speech, but the government does.
Where is that in the Constitution?

Regulate... Maybe. But I disagree.

I can still yell FIRE in a theatre.

I wouldn't advise it.

Thanks Government has no ability to outlaw speech.

The government can't completely outlaw speech, but they can throw you in jail for having spoken it. The government similarly can't completely outlaw murder, or using illegal drugs. They don't have a means of preventing behavior. Only the means to punish it afterwards.

In America your government cannot do that, you have the First Amendment, the right to Freedom of Speech.
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media. Factually incorrect, but perhaps people are pointing out the hypocrisy, and you don't see the connection.

This time they're defending a group of self-proclaimed racists who, if they had the power, would gladly exterminate non-white people, using "b ... but ANTIFA! But BLM! But deep state!" The defense would be the left's initiation and desire to destroy white people, American traditionalism, the Constitution and twist the meanings of all things, even when it contradicts nature.

Seriously, it's kinda gross. First of all, Hillary and Obama are IRRELEVANT! That's why everyone rolls their eyes when you drag us back to them. We don't give a shit about them anymore. So irrelevant you started a thread. Incidentally, your brain is kinda gross.

Second of all, how are you all so sure it was the demonstrators who started the violence, when the neo-nazis were running around with torches, combat gear, and clubs? Where is your evidence of this? The evidence is on video. You should look. The evidence is logic. You know, it was the counter protesters who headed off the protesters. Use your head. And why no mention of they carrying weapons? See my first response. And I could give a shit they were carrying torches.

You guys are honestly coming off as supporters of white nationalism. You do realize that, right? No I don't. Not everyone "thinks" like you. Thank God for that.
The less our Government gets done the happier I am.

I can live with this for 7 more years.

Remind me when the government can't pass the debt ceiling, or pass a FY 2018 budget. How much you like that the government can't get something done.
You just don't get it, I guess.

Who laughs and applauds terror and murder? ISIS does. And now neo-nazis, apparently!!! And there are a whole legion of nazi-sympathizers just rearing to defend them.

Next time you guys start going on about moderate Muslims covering for the extremists, I'm just gonna laugh and shake my head, remembering this hypocrisy.
Just as bad as the rest of them.

You just don't get it either.


No, seriously, your comment made no sense.

For the entirety of my life I was a Democrat.

The accusations of Nazi, the name calling, etc. towards those who refuse to agree with the vocal and violent Progressives has gotten stale and old.

I've parted with the Democrats since the Progressives have taken over.

This country has been divided and I don't see a return to addressing the actual problems we are experiencing.

I don't find any of it amusing or funny.

The hypocracy is thick. Everywhere.

My point is... You choose to join it instead of rejecting it.

Keep throwing the insults an accusations.


Now you get it.

This crowd get sexually excited when they read the word Nazi, it's why they type Nazi so much, they get a thrill from looking at the word and thinking about Nazi's, they are completely obsessed and totally hysterical.

Leftism is a mental illness, Leftism is full of sexual degenerates who get a thrill from weirdo stuff like this.
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media. Factually incorrect, but perhaps people are pointing out the hypocrisy, and you don't see the connection.

This time they're defending a group of self-proclaimed racists who, if they had the power, would gladly exterminate non-white people, using "b ... but ANTIFA! But BLM! But deep state!" The defense would be the left's initiation and desire to destroy white people, American traditionalism, the Constitution and twist the meanings of all things, even when it contradicts nature.

Seriously, it's kinda gross. First of all, Hillary and Obama are IRRELEVANT! That's why everyone rolls their eyes when you drag us back to them. We don't give a shit about them anymore. So irrelevant you started a thread. Incidentally, your brain is kinda gross.

Second of all, how are you all so sure it was the demonstrators who started the violence, when the neo-nazis were running around with torches, combat gear, and clubs? Where is your evidence of this? The evidence is on video. You should look. The evidence is logic. You know, it was the counter protesters who headed off the protesters. Use your head. And why no mention of they carrying weapons? See my first response. And I could give a shit they were carrying torches.

You guys are honestly coming off as supporters of white nationalism. You do realize that, right? No I don't. Not everyone "thinks" like you. Thank God for that.

You have video evidence the white supremeists started the violence?
In America your government cannot do that, you have the First Amendment, the right to Freedom of Speech.

Again, the USSC alrleady said that no right is absolute. If the government has a "compelling interest" they can pass laws punishing the exercise of that right.
The less our Government gets done the happier I am.

I can live with this for 7 more years.

Remind me when the government can't pass the debt ceiling, or pass a FY 2018 budget. How much you like that the government can't get something done.
Remind me when these idiots can do their fucking job and actually pass a budget.

Sequester them and keep them there until they do their job.

The less the government does to us the better off we are.
Could we leave Nazi's out of the discussion, really a small group, the fact that they use religion & race to gather support from those who religion & race are important. Nazi's caused the death of millions of people and the destruction of city's towns, caused the whole world to be involved in war, who in hell supports that?

We could ask the same about the Communists and yet look how many people wave the Commie flag in public, look how many people at this forum support the Far Left ie. Communists and are actually members of the Far Left themselves.

Myself and others frequently post the below about the Communist Death Total, and nobody has ever seen ANY Far Left at this forum respond adequately, all they want to talk about is the usual horsecrap and never this below, well how can they being Communists themselves they support the below and don't think for a minute IF the Commies take control of the Western Agenda they won't start murdering hundreds of millions of ANYONE who disagrees with them.

There has NEVER been ANY group as vicious, violent and murderous as the Communist filth.

You have video evidence the white supremeists started the violence?

We have video the white supremacists started the murders.

One person isn't murders, one person.

Where is the video? There is little information. The video that most people saw that auto was surrounded by an out of control mob attacking the auto with rocks and heavy sticks, they also were all blocking the road so auto's couldn't drive down the road.

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