"B ... but Obama!"

You just don't get it, I guess.

Who laughs and applauds terror and murder? ISIS does. And now neo-nazis, apparently!!! And there are a whole legion of nazi-sympathizers just rearing to defend them.

Next time you guys start going on about moderate Muslims covering for the extremists, I'm just gonna laugh and shake my head, remembering this hypocrisy.
Just as bad as the rest of them.

You just don't get it either.


No, seriously, your comment made no sense.

For the entirety of my life I was a Democrat.

The accusations of Nazi, the name calling, etc. towards those who refuse to agree with the vocal and violent Progressives has gotten stale and old.

I've parted with the Democrats since the Progressives have taken over.

This country has been divided and I don't see a return to addressing the actual problems we are experiencing.

I don't find any of it amusing or funny.

The hypocracy is thick. Everywhere.

My point is... You choose to join it instead of rejecting it.

Keep throwing the insults an accusations.


Now you get it.
I think you're misunderstanding me. Just because I take issue with the disturbing support of the neo-nazis I see on here doesn't mean I support the regressive left.

My views are not that black and white.
For instance, you can't practice a religion that carries out human sacrifice. Or greet your friend Jack in the airport by yelling out "Hi Jack"

Textbook response. Run to the illogical extreme. We aren't talking about those things are we? We're talking about White Supremacists and BLM. Any White Supremacist is free to call any Black person a "******", assuming of course he is willing to accept the consequences that said black man may visit upon his person.

The easiest way of proving what the USSC said, the government can place limits on constitutional rights.

And like the old joke, we've already established what you are, now we're just arguing over the price.

Are you afraid of the topic kid? By the way, another textbook "lefty" response, do you really think you can marginalize me by trying pin a label on me? What we've established is your lack of any real Constitutional understanding. You've shown that given your preference you'd use the Government as a bludgeon to try and stop anything from being said that offends you. You don't look good here Junior.
We're talking about White Supremacists and BLM. Any White Supremacist is free to call any Black person a "nig*er", assuming of course he is willing to accept the consequences that said black man may visit upon his person.

Since it's usually illegal to commit an assault based on a verbal battery, there should be no consequences. But that right is curtailed in a context which would tend to spur violence. Hence the prohibition of "inciting a riot"

LOL, once again you dance around the real point.
You just don't get it, I guess.

Who laughs and applauds terror and murder? ISIS does. And now neo-nazis, apparently!!! And there are a whole legion of nazi-sympathizers just rearing to defend them.

Next time you guys start going on about moderate Muslims covering for the extremists, I'm just gonna laugh and shake my head, remembering this hypocrisy.
Just as bad as the rest of them.

You just don't get it either.


No, seriously, your comment made no sense.

For the entirety of my life I was a Democrat.

The accusations of Nazi, the name calling, etc. towards those who refuse to agree with the vocal and violent Progressives has gotten stale and old.

I've parted with the Democrats since the Progressives have taken over.

This country has been divided and I don't see a return to addressing the actual problems we are experiencing.

I don't find any of it amusing or funny.

The hypocracy is thick. Everywhere.

My point is... You choose to join it instead of rejecting it.

Keep throwing the insults an accusations.


Now you get it.

That is the first thing this latest iteration of Progressives do, throw out the Nazi card.
Are you afraid of the topic kid? By the way, another textbook "lefty" response, do you really think you can marginalize me by trying pin a label on me? What we've established is your lack of any real Constitutional understanding. .

I proved the USSC said there are limits on 1st amendment rights. I even gave two clear but trite examples. Now put up your hands, and wave the white flag.
I think you're misunderstanding me. Just because I take issue with the disturbing support of the neo-nazis I see on here doesn't mean I support the regressive left.

My views are not that black and white.
Just because I take issue with the disturbing support of the neo-nazis

the majority of support I see here is for their right to free speech, and to peaceably assemble.
You've shown that given your preference you'd use the Government as a bludgeon to try and stop anything from being said that offends you. You don't look good here Junior.

I've done no such thing. The government has a duty to protect "unpopular" speech. As was famously said, defending the 1st amendment is done by protecting speech you don't agree with.
That's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing a lot of "but ANTIFA!!", skirting over the neo-nazis' role in the violence.

Hence the thread.
Now is the moment that these people need to seriously examine their beliefs for perhaps the first time in their lives and decide where they want to stand. I think many are siding with the Nazis simply because liberals rightly despise them rather than an actual sympathy for this ugliest of political movements. This reluctance to side with liberals on the blight of white supremacy will not end well for them because these Nazi fucks have nothing of value to offer them, only guilt by association.
The problem here is you and others are fueling the flames by insinuating that the white race are all the same.

Your guilt by association accusation has contributed to innocent people getting hurt.

Not all Whites are white supremacists.

As a liberal, I despise progressives and have no intention of siding with them under a banner of liberalism.

You cheer the violence and destruction of one group and not the other. Why?
Are you afraid of the topic kid? By the way, another textbook "lefty" response, do you really think you can marginalize me by trying pin a label on me? What we've established is your lack of any real Constitutional understanding. .

I proved the USSC said there are limits on 1st amendment rights. I even gave two clear but trite examples. Now put up your hands, and wave the white flag.

LOL. You've done nothing but dance kid. Illogical extremes do not win arguments, they make you look silly, and they are the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.
Are you afraid of the topic kid? By the way, another textbook "lefty" response, do you really think you can marginalize me by trying pin a label on me? What we've established is your lack of any real Constitutional understanding. .

I proved the USSC said there are limits on 1st amendment rights. I even gave two clear but trite examples. Now put up your hands, and wave the white flag.

Do you need some help with the quote feature son?
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media.

Trump said North Korea has been doing what they're now doing for the last 20+ years. And blames previous administrations for not fixing the problem.

Well Trump is in the big chair now, yet complains about nobody fixing healthcare, taxes, deficits, national debt, Afghanistan, you name it, it's somebody elses fault, not Trumps.

Yet Trump said fixing all those things would be easy, and he'd get them done in his first 100 days

Still waiting...
When are you going to offer up a solution instead of insults?

You expect a 20 year problem to be resolved overnight?

And yes. This problem should have been addressed over the last 20 years.
LOL. You've done nothing but dance kid. Illogical extremes do not win arguments, they make you look silly, and they are the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.

If you claim nobody ever did something, all I need to do is show that one person did, and your argument is proven wrong.

You claimed an absolute 1st amendment right, and I showed several exceptions. Your argument has been proven false.

You're just arguing that I did so using extreme examples of how you were wrong. But the bottom line is, you were still wrong.
Nope. You couldn't be more wrong. The "right" to free speech includes shit you don't like and don't want to hear. YOU don't have the "right" to outlaw speech that offends you.

It's just that simple.

True. The individual doesn't have the right to outlaw speech, but the government does.
Where is that in the Constitution?

Regulate... Maybe. But I disagree.

I can still yell FIRE in a theatre.

I wouldn't advise it.

Thanks Government has no ability to outlaw speech.
If you're going to bring up ISIS, be prepared for others to bring up BLM

You really don't see the difference between neo-nazis and BLM?

I mean, as abhorrent as BLM can get, it's nowhere near the filthiness of the KKK.

You are hysterical and going completely off the rails, get a grip.

BLM have openly called to "Kill All Whiteys" and also to kill police officers, especially White police officers.

The KKK number no more than about 6,000 freaks, nobody takes the KKK seriously in their ridiculous robes and white pointed hats, if anything they are to be treated as an amusement.

Also you likening ANYONE to ISIS is beyond hysterical, there is NO equivalent of ISIS in ANY Western nation.
Yet Trump said fixing all those things would be easy, and he'd get them done in his first 100 days

Still waiting...

When are you going to offer up a solution instead of insults?.

When a man says he can get 'er done. I'll call him on his failure to get 'er done. Especially when he said he was the only one who could get it done, and getting it done would be easy.
Yeah ... I mean, even his supporters knew he was full of shit, but it's really astonishing how little he and the republicans have accomplished so far.

The odd thing is, they've accomplished none of their major goals. Yet his supporters don't care. They're happy to have Trump do none of what he promised.
The less our Government gets done the happier I am.

I can live with this for 7 more years.
Why is this the go-to response when it comes to Trump defenders talking about Trump? The subject is Trump, and yet they always drag it back to Obama, Hillary, or the media.

This time they're defending a group of self-proclaimed racists who, if they had the power, would gladly exterminate non-white people, using "b ... but ANTIFA! But BLM! But deep state!"

Seriously, it's kinda gross. First of all, Hillary and Obama are IRRELEVANT! That's why everyone rolls their eyes when you drag us back to them. We don't give a shit about them anymore.

Second of all, how are you all so sure it was the demonstrators who started the violence, when the neo-nazis were running around with torches, combat gear, and clubs? Where is your evidence of this?

You guys are honestly coming off as supporters of white nationalism. You do realize that, right?

First of all, Obama set a lot of precedent over the past 8 years that you people defended. Now you own it despite your pervasive double standards.

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