Baby Clone: Darkman's Talmud


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an Orwellian-tale (my final one thank goodness) inspired by the innocence-lyrical films Baby Geniuses, Artificial Intelligence, Gattaca, Baby's Day Out, and The City of Lost Children!

Signing off (God bless!),


Darkman was actually an Ivy League student named Bruce who decided to go on a personal crusade against the corruption of modern America when he discovered that his baby niece Ana (the apple of his eye!) was going to serve as a 'model' for a 'special' U.S. government genetic-cloning experiment. Ana was going to be cloned 1000 times for a new government initiative to generate numerous women (genetically-engineered) as American laborers (stewardesses, waitresses, hairdressers, etc.). The policy was initiated by the Trump Administration to curb the need for immigration for companies in America seeking labor-recruitment (employees).

Darkman knew that Ana was not his own child, but he wanted to treat her as if she was his own, especially since his new 'crusade' required a special kind of idealistic conviction (to defend the normalcy of democracy!). Darkman took photos of Ana in a white woollen balaclava/hat and pasted them all over NYC on Halloween Eve (and many of the photos in Times Square). The photos had the message written on the back of them, "Should this darling child be the 'governmental model' of a deranged cloning experiment?" Darkman's Halloween deed made global headlines, as people everywhere started talking about the pedestrian controversy generated by genetics in the modern era.

Darkman became an instant celebrity, though no one knew his real identity, especially since he wandered around NYC that Halloween (with Ana-photos) in a special mask-and-suit costume designed to make him look like some kind of fancy 'sentinel,' perhaps from the new American vigilantism-daydream television series Gotham (Fox TV). In fact, in a special episode of the show, one of the main characters replicated Darkman's Halloween deed after President Trump gave the following address which was broadcasted on CNN, BBC, and Headline News:

Ana has become as much of a celebrity as Darkman, and we all know it's because genetics has become such an exciting science in this new age of commercial industry, market-minded medicine, and modernism-oriented politics. We understand Darkman's passions and concerns and want to assure the American people that no baby involved in genetic-engineering experiments will be exploited or become the subject of racism controversies, which is why my wife (First Lady Melania Trump) will use the media pulpit to ensure that Ana is a real 'capitalism celebrity.' God bless America!"



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