Baby Got Black

Show me the equivalent. Where are the countless stories of white teenagers murdering and raping black people.

Why should I? You are the simple minded pussy with sophomoric arguments who is hiding his racism through an episode of Family Guy.

Then just shut the hell up then. You obviously do not have a point to make.

Show me the equivalent. Where are the countless stories of white teenagers murdering and raping black people.

Why should I? You are the simple minded pussy with sophomoric arguments who is hiding his racism through an episode of Family Guy.

Then just shut the hell up then. You obviously do not have a point to make.


I did make my point, you are a simple minded pussy with sophomoric arguments hiding behind an episode of Family Guy to spew your racism.

The most important are a pussy.
How did you get "low lifes" out of what I said? You interjected that. The Korean family I lived with was upper middle class and gave me a place to live when I was homeless at age 16.

In no way could you distort my comment to mean anything other than I do not 'fear' other races or believe that they are automatically and blindly going to support your political party.

Your insinuation is laughably absurd and says a lot about YOU.

"because my childhood sucked."

Yes I did interject that part. Your racism may be unconscious but you better believe you have it.

Are you really that stupid? You didn't interject "my childhood sucked" because I F-ing said you moron.

You inferred, and perhaps you need a dictionary, low lifes from my statement that I've worked with and love plenty of minorities. The fact that you immediately went from black and Hispanics to 'low lifes'--or that because my childhood sucked that I associated with 'low lifes'--you have no point to make.

My point is you are a racist. Dont be mad. Just accept that fact. I'll give you a hint. When you start claiming how much you love black people I start to tune you out and watch for the knife in my back.
More pussy propaganda. Tiresome, but you guys just might turn this into a stormfront affiliated site...all of the rational and intelligent members are moving on because of the lack of intelligent conversation here.

I saw Family Guy last night...and regretfully, I think that brand of comedy might just be a little bit above your intellectual level.

Oh, what deep intellectualism. Way to say nothing at all.

The epidemic of interracial violence being perpetrated by black youth is a fact. There are literally countless examples, anyone of them would mean months of black outrage if white youth had assaulted, raped, murdered, battered an elderly black woman, pregnant woman, ect., ect. ect.

[ame=]Detroit: 3 Black Males Murder pregnant white woman. - YouTube[/ame]

I pegged you for a racist. You got upset and your true colors came roaring through. You can add video clips until your fingers are raw. Let me know the next time Black people commit genocide against another race and wipe out an entire culture. Dont make me laugh. White people as a group are the most violent people to walk this planet. :lol:
Peter, the lovable idiot, looks into the camera and says "black racism is the biggest problem facing this country today".

Reductio ad absurdum; "to demonstrate that a statement is false by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its acceptance."

If you can't see the absurdity of the "lovable idiot's" statement you just don't get satire, you have no real idea about what's going on in the world, and you yourself just might be a "lovable idiot".

I love "Family Guy". You'd be better off absorbing some of Stewie's or Brian's wisdom, Peter, not so much.:lol:

Did you see the segment I am referring to?

You can read any cultural significance you like into it. Seth's a clever, funny guy but he's not exactly a Mark Twain or Charles Dickens.

I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and posit that you're not a KKK type racist. This seems to suggest you are incapable of understanding that your OP is written in the pseudo-intellectual code of bigotry. Those of us who are calling you out learned to read this code as clear text long ago. Orwellian is an over used adjective, never the less in regards to "the Code" it is appropriate. You shouldn't be surprised if a statement like "One of my best friends is black" elicits a knowing frown, that old racist chesnut has been around for ever. (I know you didn't say exactly that, don't get all self-righteous on me again). Posting anecdotal YouTube clips is not social science. I could come up with lots of YT clips that "prove" Obama is the anti-Christ.

If you want to make a point as inflamatory as "black racism is the biggest problem facing this country today" quoting Peter Griffin or posting YT clips won't cut it. As I tried to convey before, in the context of what's really going on in the world this hypothesis to me is demonstrably shallow, even silly. It's so untenable at first sight it strikes me as the product of racist dogma, however subconscious or unintended.

And what's this all about;

Upwards of 95% of black people approve of Barak Obama. Those kind of numbers are unheard of in America. Those are numbers of Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela--you get the point.

I actually don't get the point. Unless you're stating the obvious...that 95% of black people read "the code" perfectly and understand with crystal clarity what Republicans are really saying when they talk about "takers and makers" and "voter fraud" etc. etc. etc. I don't think that was your point though. Maybe some new lingua franca in the code I'm not familiar with? You've piqued my interest with that one, could you flesh it out a little for me? No? Oh well. (That last bit was my Stewie imitation:eusa_angel:)
Watching All in the Family a while back I thought "there is no way such an honest show would be made today". I am right about that--no sitcom would ever, but Family Guy has moved in to fill that role.

There is a scene in tonight's latest episode addressing race that stood out. Completely unrelated to anything going on in the conversation Peter, the lovable idiot, looks into the camera and says "black racism is the biggest problem facing this country today".

Oh, this is shortly after a musical bit extolling the accomplishment of white people.

Upwards of 95% of black people approve of Barak Obama. Those kind of numbers are unheard of in America. Those are numbers of Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela--you get the point.

Interracial violence is an epidemic, and it is being perpetrated by impoverished black youth stuck in a political plantation. It is a problem that is not being solved because it isn't being acknowledged. Dozens of videos of black teens randomly knocking mostly white people in the back of the head, causing death once, and what does the media do? Jon Stewart comes out and declares the entire thing does not exist. Statistics do not lie. The evidence is overwhelming.

The destruction of the black family is the result of Democrat policies intended to exploit and gain political clout. Its wrought poverty. It is blatant fear mongering, over the line accusations and statements--anyone of them would mean the end of a Republican career.

The fact that this is being brought up so frankly on such a popular American satire I believe is evidence that we are reaching a boiling point. I can sit here and post example after example of black racial violence, there simply is no denying it.

The fear is strong in this one. Worry about your white meth addicts, child molesters and serial killers. You have a problem in your community you need to acknowledge and fix before trying to address someone elses problem. When you try the tired tactic of trying to focus on just one demographic your intentions are transparent.

How did you get "low lifes" out of what I said? You interjected that. The Korean family I lived with was upper middle class and gave me a place to live when I was homeless at age 16.

In no way could you distort my comment to mean anything other than I do not 'fear' other races or believe that they are automatically and blindly going to support your political party.

Your insinuation is laughably absurd and says a lot about YOU.

"because my childhood sucked."

Yes I did interject that part. Your racism may be unconscious but you better believe you have it.

Are you really that stupid? You didn't interject "my childhood sucked" because I F-ing said you moron.

You inferred, and perhaps you need a dictionary, low lifes from my statement that I've worked with and love plenty of minorities. The fact that you immediately went from black and Hispanics to 'low lifes'--or that because my childhood sucked that I associated with 'low lifes'--you have no point to make.

No, no...he's really that stupid...and racist.
"because my childhood sucked."

Yes I did interject that part. Your racism may be unconscious but you better believe you have it.

Are you really that stupid? You didn't interject "my childhood sucked" because I F-ing said you moron.

You inferred, and perhaps you need a dictionary, low lifes from my statement that I've worked with and love plenty of minorities. The fact that you immediately went from black and Hispanics to 'low lifes'--or that because my childhood sucked that I associated with 'low lifes'--you have no point to make.

My point is you are a racist. Dont be mad. Just accept that fact. I'll give you a hint. When you start claiming how much you love black people I start to tune you out and watch for the knife in my back.

You are racist, too. Accept that fact. Own it. When you start coming with how much white people have kept you down, how stupid and incapable you and other like you are to find or keep some job are without affirmative action, then you might start recognizing your own responsibility in your situation.
Not at all. What stunning arrogance. I've worked with and love plenty of blacks, Mexicans--lived briefly in high school with a Korean family because my childhood sucked.

What is it that motivates you to go directly to that? I do believe in superior ideas and results winning the day.

What has decades of loyal Democrat policies wrought the black community? Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta's FAILING school systems?

That is the first thing racists always lead with.

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