Bachmann files paperwork to run.

gotta F in history though....>
[ame=]YouTube - ‪AC360 - Michele Bachmann Flunking History‬‏[/ame]
The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.
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The stupidity of the responses here show how scared the left is of her.I wish she was more than another zionist tool for Israel I would seriously consider voting for her as it is now...I doubt it will happen.
Oh good! The Republican Crazy Train is finally about to have their conductor. Woo Hoo!!!!
The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.

I agree. She should go do that instead of attempting to legislate. She seems much better suited to sainthood than to be President.

Her "fabulous" husband can still pick out her darling pantsuits...
And here I thought the Republicans were going to field nice, moderate, boring candidates.
Yes, lefties - There will be Palin type persecution of Bachmann. The left wing media will tell more lies, the left wing comedy shows will tell more jokes, the left wing websites will flame her. That is what they do.

But Bachmann is squeaky clean, just like Palin. Can you imagine if we went through 13,000 of Obama's emails? That piece of sh*t would have to step down...oh wait, Dems don't step down. They have no shame.
Run Moochele Run!

I hope the America hating welfare Queen gets the GOP nomination.
She is truly "Anti-American." :rofl:
Squeaky clean and bat-shit crazy. I think I'd rather take sane and a little kinky. :lol:

Any "scandal" in that family will likely come from the hubby anyway...
The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.
Moochele was a well paid for it by the government "saint."
GOP debate winner: Michele Bachmann

I didn’t expect to think that Michele Bachmann would be the big winner of tonight’s Republican debate in New Hampshire, but that seemed the obvious conclusion. She was at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control. It’s a sign of how far to the right the Republican Party has moved that she didn’t stand out for her extreme views. On this stage, suggesting we should just rid ourselves of the Environmental Protection Agency seemed par for the course.

Mitt Romney did not lose anything tonight, which means that, since he leads in the polls in New Hampshire, he is a kind of winner. And on substance, his forceful defense of religious liberty was actually a high point. I agree with a view that is becoming widespread on the web - Chris Cillizza and Jennifer Rubin made this point in their winner-and-losers wrap-ups - that it was strange or timid for Tim Pawlenty not to be willing to back up his Sunday attack on “Obamneycare” with any force tonight. Either you want to take that fight on or you don’t.

GOP debate winner: Michele Bachmann - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

E J Dionne isn't the only person who feels that Bachmann won the debate tonight.
The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.
Moochele was a well paid for it by the government "saint."

My folks were foster parents. They spent more on the child each month than they took in. They did it out of kindness, not out of finacial gains. This is something Dems can never understand. They always want something for nothing. My folks were good Christians who wanted to give a child a better life. My folks could only take in 1 child at a time, but over the course of my childhood, I had 8 foster brothers and sisters. All of which were eventually adopted and some of which I still have contact with.

Bachmann did not take in 23 foster kids becuase she needs the money. She did it for the same reason my parents did it, out of kindness.
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I have to disagree with Michelle winning. She did have a zinger or two, but i thought she had a very awkward showing.

I think the clear winner were the Republican candidates. and the obvious loser was Obama.
The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.
Moochele was a well paid for it by the government "saint."

My folks were foster parents. They spent more on the child each month than they took in. They did it out of kindness, not out of finacial gains. This is something Dems can never understand. They always want something for nothing. My folks were good Christians who wanted to give a child a better life. My folks could only take in 1 child at a time, but over the course of my childhood, I had 8 foster brothers and sisters. All of which were eventually adopted and some of which I still have contact with.

Bachmann did not take in 23 foster kids becuase she needs the money. She did it for the same reason my parents did it, out of kindness.
Socialist Welfare Queen Moochele Bachman took money from the tax payer for each and every child, which is what CON$ condemn every other welfare mother for, even though welfare does not cover all the child's expenses. CON$ accuse them of having more children just to get more money from the government, so I am merely giving CON$ a taste of their own medicine.
When CON$ take money from the government to support children they are "saints," but if anyone else does it they are Socialist leeches being charitable with other people's money.
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Moochele was a well paid for it by the government "saint."

My folks were foster parents. They spent more on the child each month than they took in. They did it out of kindness, not out of finacial gains. This is something Dems can never understand. They always want something for nothing. My folks were good Christians who wanted to give a child a better life. My folks could only take in 1 child at a time, but over the course of my childhood, I had 8 foster brothers and sisters. All of which were eventually adopted and some of which I still have contact with.

Bachmann did not take in 23 foster kids becuase she needs the money. She did it for the same reason my parents did it, out of kindness.
Socialist Welfare Queen Moochele Bachman took money from the tax payer for each and every child, which is what CON$ condemn every other welfare mother for, even though welfare does not cover all the child's expenses. CON$ accuse them of having more children just to get more money from the government, so I am merely giving CON$ a taste of their own medicine.
When CON$ take money from the government to support children they are "saints," but if anyone else does it they are Socialist leeches being charitable with other people's money.

You are one dumb MF'er.

She did not give birth to these children like an irresponsible slut. She is actually taking care of someone else’s unwanted child. This is a charitable act.

Why would you denigrate her for such a noble thing? Besides, I told you those children cost her more than she takes in.

You are a real scumbag?

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