Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

"It's like trying to talk to a trained robot, programmed never to admit to anything like lying -- so of course, it lies in order to do so."

Michele Bachmann Flops 'John Wayne' Reference In Waterloo, Iowa (VIDEO)

The presidential hopeful -- who was born and grew up in Waterloo as a child before moving to Minnesota -- said, "Well, what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."

The Washington Times points out one slight problem with the Tea Party favorite's remarks: The John Wayne with roots in Waterloo is John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who was executed by lethal injection in 1994 after being convicted of 33 murders.

Michele Bachmann Flops 'John Wayne' Reference In Waterloo, Iowa (VIDEO)

The presidential hopeful -- who was born and grew up in Waterloo as a child before moving to Minnesota -- said, "Well, what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."

The Washington Times points out one slight problem with the Tea Party favorite's remarks: The John Wayne with roots in Waterloo is John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who was executed by lethal injection in 1994 after being convicted of 33 murders.


I looked it up to verify it. It's true. While John Wayne the actor was born in Winterset, IA, John Wayne Gacy moved TO Waterloo, IA to run 3 KFC restaurants for his father-in-law.

Bachmann had WEEKS to prepare this roll out; time enough to cross every t and dot every i. Every fact could (and SHOULD) have been checked and rechecked.

The only thing she manages to do is make George W. Bush look like a mensa member. I wouldn't want this woman to be in charge of a police dept in a backwater rural town, let alone as commander-in-chief of the military of this country.
Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

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Here we see the "victim" card being played! A bully media beating up on a Conservative woman. Oh! The irony! Oh! The truth revealed!
MB wil have to talk to the media, all of it, if she wants to even have half a chance. Talking just to Fox won't cut it.
Michele Bachmann Flops 'John Wayne' Reference In Waterloo, Iowa (VIDEO)

The presidential hopeful -- who was born and grew up in Waterloo as a child before moving to Minnesota -- said, "Well, what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."

The Washington Times points out one slight problem with the Tea Party favorite's remarks: The John Wayne with roots in Waterloo is John Wayne Gacy, a serial killer who was executed by lethal injection in 1994 after being convicted of 33 murders.


I looked it up to verify it. It's true. While John Wayne the actor was born in Winterset, IA, John Wayne Gacy moved TO Waterloo, IA to run 3 KFC restaurants for his father-in-law.

Bachmann had WEEKS to prepare this roll out; time enough to cross every t and dot every i. Every fact could (and SHOULD) have been checked and rechecked.

The only thing she manages to do is make George W. Bush look like a mensa member. I wouldn't want this woman to be in charge of a police dept in a backwater rural town, let alone as commander-in-chief of the military of this country.

Just imagine, there are people who actually object when she gets compared to Bible Spice.
I don't care...........When the state run media gets around to vetting Obama then and only then will I pay attention to anything they have found on any Republican. Sorry state run media, only dupes who want to be duped are believing you these days, shameful.
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It (the John Wayne Gacy thing) was a funny gaffe. I think it just shows that Bachman is careless with her words and thoughts.

I've been watching her for years. There will be many more.
I cannot tell you how much I hope and pray that Michelle Bachman gets the GnOP nomination...

Nobody cares what you pray for, Seabytch. Gaia doesn't listen to you anyway.

So says the self actualized (no hyphen) dread-the-fred, Lie-ability (hyphen added for clarity).

Wrong as is your standard motiff, Misstang.

So said I, the one with the username Liability.

You use the "lie" for no reasons since you are the liar. You couldn't point to one lie of mine if your maggot infested life depended on it, bitch.

In any case, it is plainly obvious that nobody gives a crap what Seabytch prays for and nobody gives a crap what you think, either. Whatsamatta? Did I offend your girlfryend, bitch?
I cannot tell you how much I hope and pray that Michelle Bachman gets the GnOP nomination...

Nobody cares what you pray for, Seabytch. Gaia doesn't listen to you anyway.

Obviously you do, or you would have ignored my post. Gaia? Duh...I'm a liberal, we worship Satan, remember?

I think I'll go sacrifice a wild turkey in Michelle Bachman's honor (and yours of course).
I cannot tell you how much I hope and pray that Michelle Bachman gets the GnOP nomination...

Pray that you don't get what you hope for.

Bachmann will kick Obama's ass.

Yeah, you go with that. I support your choice 100%. I really think ya'll should nominate her for sure. Since the dumber, prettier one isn't running, I'll vote Bachman in the Primary!! Go bat-shit crazy, go!
Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

More In Link.
Here we see the "victim" card being played! A bully media beating up on a Conservative woman. Oh! The irony! Oh! The truth revealed!
What's even more ironic is The Daily Caller is a CON$ervative website and the "bullies" leaking the dirt are the Republican operatives of her GOP primary competition. Of course, that doesn't stop the CON$ from blaming the Libs. :cuckoo:

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