Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed.
Hey.....YOU SAID IT....
WE DIDN'T!!!!!



See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
I stand corrected. You do indeed criticize Obama.

So, in summary, you are a mainstream Republican who criticizes Obama for not being far enough left.


Thank you for admitting that you lied and that I would out you. Good. Self awareness is a start.
Thank you for admitting you're not a mainstream Republican. Good. Self awareness is a start.
The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed. did you figure us out? We are absolutely terrified of her. Please don't nominate her for President because I'm so afraid of her.

The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed.

Where do you get this crap??? Neither of those women has a chance against Obama. He can beat them without even campaigning. I'd bet my last dime. Nightmares??? No!!! Sorry to disappoint you.
MB is not dumb, and I wish the libs would get that. She may be a far right christian extremist and rewriter of American history, but that is her right as an American. She is not dumb.

If she's so smart, why doesn't she check her "facts"?

How about American history?

She is not dumb, ABS. She is part of that group who they think they know what they know, which in fact they don't know. If she can't learn from this week's stupidities, then we might think she is dumb.

Joe Scarborough said this morning that she cannot keep making these mistakes about history without causing people to doubt her knowledge of the subject. I think he's right.
If she's so smart, why doesn't she check her "facts"?

How about American history?

She is not dumb, ABS. She is part of that group who they think they know what they know, which in fact they don't know. If she can't learn from this week's stupidities, then we might think she is dumb.

How is that NOT dumb? If she was maybe 20 yo, it would be a pardonable sin. But she's 55. She should have learned a LONG time ago that "believing" something and "knowing" something for a certainty are two completely different things.

Yeah......if she was 20 something, it could be pardoned quite easily. But a 55 year old woman who DOESN'T know about learning and verifying information can't be all that bright.

Besides..........this isn't her first slip of the tounge.
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.

Too bad for your side innit? Your side pissed away the first two trillion. You probably won't get a third.. sucks donut?
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.

Too bad for your side innit? Your side pissed away the first two trillion. You probably won't get a third.. sucks donut?

Actually, the bailouts were started by Jr.

Furthermore, when Clinton left office, we had a budget surplus.

When Jr. left, we were 1.7 TRILLION in debt. Republicans originally stated that tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy would generate 3 trillion dollars after 10 years.

Nope, we need to return to the tax rates of Clinton.
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.
Those roads, bridges and other things needed to be repaired two years ago. But Obama thought it was more important to give money to his cronies.
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.
Those roads, bridges and other things needed to be repaired two years ago. But Obama thought it was more important to give money to his cronies.

You lie. What's new.
Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.
Those roads, bridges and other things needed to be repaired two years ago. But Obama thought it was more important to give money to his cronies.

You lie. What's new.
No, I don't lie, Jake. The stimulus was about political payback. Mainstream Republicans know that. Mindless Obama cheerleaders don't.
Will somebody ask obie noodle about those (giggle snicker pecker) "shovel ready jobs" where the fuck are they?

Actually, yesterday some HS grads went to the House to ask for around 3,000 jobs that they had offered.

And, if the GOP would get off their dead asses and do something, well........there's lots of roads, bridges and other things that need to be repaired.

I'd say those jobs are shovel ready. They just need to be approved by Congress.
Those roads, bridges and other things needed to be repaired two years ago. But Obama thought it was more important to give money to his cronies.

What are you talking about??? If you would research once in a while, you wouldn't make such comments. Go to and look at what is being done instead of just making assumptions or listening to Rush Limbaugh.

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