Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

More In Link.

Obama's grandparents owned a FARM in Kansas--suggesting that Barack Obama benefited from those farm subsidies as his grandparents raised him. They sold the farm and moved to Hawaii--and were so wealthy they were able to send him to prep schools all his life.

Now--I know that none of the Obama media networks hax investigated this--nor will they. But EVERY farm got subsidies--meaning that we are comparing Barack Obama who directly benefited from these subsidies to Michell Bachmann's IN-LAWS receiving them--LOL

Yeah makes sense to me. Furthermore--what congressman/woman can you name that NEVER asked for money to complete a highway project in their state?

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:lol: You are such a goof. You do it, and I will show you for the liar you are. Go for it.
Do what, exactly, moron?

Go back and read through our comments. This has been explained to you before. Don't do it, and you are fine.
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?
Bachmann stated that John Wayne was born in her hometown.

Too bad it is John Wayne Gacy and not John Wayne the actor.
Who was that little (D) congressman who thought Guam would tip over.. He's the dumbest one and he's a D. D is for Dumb.
Do what, exactly, moron?

Go back and read through our comments. This has been explained to you before. Don't do it, and you are fine.
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
MB is not dumb, and I wish the libs would get that. She may be a far right christian extremist and rewriter of American history, but that is her right as an American. She is not dumb.
Go back and read through our comments. This has been explained to you before. Don't do it, and you are fine.
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
I stand corrected. You do indeed criticize Obama.

So, in summary, you are a mainstream Republican who criticizes Obama for not being far enough left.

The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed.
And Bachmann is the Tea Party candidate. I think it must be the Tea Party that really scares the asswipes. 2010 really shook the hell out of the bastards.
And Bachmann is the Tea Party candidate. I think it must be the Tea Party that really scares the asswipes. 2010 really shook the hell out of the bastards.
By asswipes and bastards, I assume you mean the Republican National Committee.
The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed.
Wrong again. No one with Bachman's credentials, background, ideology and intellect could ever secure the nomination of the Republican Party. Liberals do not fear Bachman/Palin. We are forehead-slappingly incredulous that anyone could possibly think that these two bimbos should run this nation. We tried dumb and folksy in 2000. See how well that worked?
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
I stand corrected. You do indeed criticize Obama.

So, in summary, you are a mainstream Republican who criticizes Obama for not being far enough left.


Thank you for admitting that you lied and that I would out you. Good. Self awareness is a start.
The lefty morons are scared to death of Bachmann. The little dweebs feel threatened by a strong conservative woman. Can you imagine the nightmares they must have dreaming of someone like Bachmann or Palin as President of the USA? It's enough to wet the bed.

Moderate Republicans are terrified that the asswipes of the far right could actually stampede her into the nomination, thus leading to the debacle of 1964 and the loss of 2008. America has demonstrated it will not elect a right wing crazy to the presidency.
MB is not dumb, and I wish the libs would get that. She may be a far right christian extremist and rewriter of American history, but that is her right as an American. She is not dumb.

If she's so smart, why doesn't she check her "facts"?

How about American history?
MB is not dumb, and I wish the libs would get that. She may be a far right christian extremist and rewriter of American history, but that is her right as an American. She is not dumb.

If she's so smart, why doesn't she check her "facts"?

How about American history?

She is not dumb, ABS. She is part of that group who they think they know what they know, which in fact they don't know. If she can't learn from this week's stupidities, then we might think she is dumb.
MB is not dumb, and I wish the libs would get that. She may be a far right christian extremist and rewriter of American history, but that is her right as an American. She is not dumb.

If she's so smart, why doesn't she check her "facts"?

How about American history?

She is not dumb, ABS. She is part of that group who they think they know what they know, which in fact they don't know. If she can't learn from this week's stupidities, then we might think she is dumb.

How is that NOT dumb? If she was maybe 20 yo, it would be a pardonable sin. But she's 55. She should have learned a LONG time ago that "believing" something and "knowing" something for a certainty are two completely different things.

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