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Back From Syria: Syrian People Desperately Want Peace: They Don't Support US Regime Change Policy...

It was originally a civil war but it became part of the regional Sunni-Shia sectarian religious war. Assad is just a figurehead at this point. Without the Russians and Iranians he would have been gone long ago.

Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

He didn't want to, Assad is better than the Sunnis. Iran is better than the Saudis.
It was originally a civil war but it became part of the regional Sunni-Shia sectarian religious war. Assad is just a figurehead at this point. Without the Russians and Iranians he would have been gone long ago.

Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Bull fucking shit buddy. A sustainable peace will be when Assad clears out all the paid foreign mercenaries who invaded Syria under the guise of a rebellion. There was no Arab Spring. There was no civil war.

The CIA on record assisted Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey to funnel $$$$ and weapons to the foreign mercenaries aka terrorists to overthrow Assad.

And guess who they were going to give the Syrian people. The nastiest of nastiest. The Muslim Brotherhood.

You know the same sons of mother trucking bitches who killed Coptic Christians, burned their churches and persecuted them. And went after Shia.

The Muslim Brotherhood that Obama backed. Evil assholes from hell.
It was originally a civil war but it became part of the regional Sunni-Shia sectarian religious war. Assad is just a figurehead at this point. Without the Russians and Iranians he would have been gone long ago.

Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Pfft. How uninformed are you? And they left it up to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to deliver the arms to moderate *cough* rebels. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. What could possibly go freaking wrong.

Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels
This was never a serious attempt. Back in 2012 there were strong calls for Obama to stop Assad from using his air force and without his air force he would have quickly lost the war and left, but Obama was afraid of being blamed if things got worse after Assad, so he made only a wimpy political gesture at helping some of the rebels.
Written by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hi)

As much of Washington prepared for the inauguration of President Donald Trump, I spent last week on a fact-finding mission in Syria and Lebanon to see and hear directly from the Syrian people. Their lives have been consumed by a horrific war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians and forced millions to flee their homeland in search of peace.

It is clear now more than ever: this regime change war does not serve America’s interest, and it certainly isn’t in the interest of the Syrian people.

I traveled throughout Damascus and Aleppo, listening to Syrians from different parts of the country. I met with displaced families from the eastern part of Aleppo, Raqqah, Zabadani, Latakia, and the outskirts of Damascus. I met Syrian opposition leaders who led protests in 2011, widows and children of men fighting for the government and widows of those fighting against the government. I met Lebanon’s newly-elected President Aoun and Prime Minister Hariri, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard, Syrian President Assad, Grand Mufti Hassoun, Archbishop Denys Antoine Chahda of Syrian Catholic Church of Aleppo, Muslim and Christian religious leaders, humanitarian workers, academics, college students, small business owners, and more...

Read More:
The Syrian People Desperately Want Peace
Everyone wants peace in Syria, but doubt sustainable peace is possible without a radical political reorganization that excludes Assad and most of his government. If fact, if we had acted to help get rid of Assad in 2012, much of the suffering could have been avoided.

Most of the the Syrian People disagree with you. 'Regime Change' is wrong. The US/West needs to end that policy.

All Syrians disagree with you. All Syrians I mean all Syrians wants peace. But a government ruled by dictatorship for decades that only favors his inner circles with massive corruptions, support terrorism against Israel, Turkey and ME is not acceptable. Now if we let these thugs ideologies like Assad *with your support* keep growing.......... What do you think will happen to world peace?

Most countries around the globe do not support dictatorship and terrorism that Assad senior and junior has ruled Syria for decades.
Assad need to go in a peaceful manner of course.
Also with or without US involvement civil war in Syria is bound to happen.

You should check out the article. She just came back from a trip to Syria. Most Syrians do not support the US Regime Change policy. It's caused so much pain and suffering over there. The folks who received the funding and arming from the US and Saudi Arabia, were far worse than Assad.
She came back from the Alawite areas of Syria, not from the Sunni areas of Syria, so naturally she only talked to Assad supporters.

I didn't get that from the article. Did you read the whole article?
Everyone wants peace in Syria, but doubt sustainable peace is possible without a radical political reorganization that excludes Assad and most of his government. If fact, if we had acted to help get rid of Assad in 2012, much of the suffering could have been avoided.

Most of the the Syrian People disagree with you. 'Regime Change' is wrong. The US/West needs to end that policy.

All Syrians disagree with you. All Syrians I mean all Syrians wants peace. But a government ruled by dictatorship for decades that only favors his inner circles with massive corruptions, support terrorism against Israel, Turkey and ME is not acceptable. Now if we let these thugs ideologies like Assad *with your support* keep growing.......... What do you think will happen to world peace?

Most countries around the globe do not support dictatorship and terrorism that Assad senior and junior has ruled Syria for decades.
Assad need to go in a peaceful manner of course.
Also with or without US involvement civil war in Syria is bound to happen.

You should check out the article. She just came back from a trip to Syria. Most Syrians do not support the US Regime Change policy. It's caused so much pain and suffering over there. The folks who received the funding and arming from the US and Saudi Arabia, were far worse than Assad.

Let me guess she lives under Assad umbrella.

She's actually a US Democrat Congresswoman. She just returned from a fact-finding mission over there. You really should check out the article. It's interesting.
I read the article. She only talked to people in the Alawite areas and not in the Sunni areas.
Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.
Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

He didn't want to, Assad is better than the Sunnis. Iran is better than the Saudis.

Yeah, Assad is a Western-educated secular leader. The 'Regime Change' policy likely did come down to Saudi Arabia wanting the Shiites out in Syria. It came down down to Saudi Arabia fearing Iran's growing influence in the region.

But the folks the US/Saudis supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamists for the most part. Most of the funding and arming went to brutal Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The region will be much more stable and safer with Assad staying in power. The alternative is so much worse.
Everyone wants peace in Syria, but doubt sustainable peace is possible without a radical political reorganization that excludes Assad and most of his government. If fact, if we had acted to help get rid of Assad in 2012, much of the suffering could have been avoided.

Most of the the Syrian People disagree with you. 'Regime Change' is wrong. The US/West needs to end that policy.

All Syrians disagree with you. All Syrians I mean all Syrians wants peace. But a government ruled by dictatorship for decades that only favors his inner circles with massive corruptions, support terrorism against Israel, Turkey and ME is not acceptable. Now if we let these thugs ideologies like Assad *with your support* keep growing.......... What do you think will happen to world peace?

Most countries around the globe do not support dictatorship and terrorism that Assad senior and junior has ruled Syria for decades.
Assad need to go in a peaceful manner of course.
Also with or without US involvement civil war in Syria is bound to happen.

You should check out the article. She just came back from a trip to Syria. Most Syrians do not support the US Regime Change policy. It's caused so much pain and suffering over there. The folks who received the funding and arming from the US and Saudi Arabia, were far worse than Assad.
She came back from the Alawite areas of Syria, not from the Sunni areas of Syria, so naturally she only talked to Assad supporters.

I didn't get that from the article. Did you read the whole article?
I read the whole article. She only went to places that were still under Assad's control, Alawite areas.
Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
I did read it and what she is saying is that the people under Assad's control say they love him, but she hasn't talked to the Sunni who are not under Assad's control and the Sunni make up 74% of the population while Assad's Alawites make up only 13% of the population.
Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
I did read it and what she is saying is that the people under Assad's control say they love him, but she hasn't talked to the Sunni who are not under Assad's control and the Sunni make up 74% of the population while Assad's Alawites make up only 13% of the population.

We had no right imposing 'Regime Change' on Syria. It caused so much more horrific carnage. We should have stayed out of it. The alternative us and the Saudis supported, was so much worse than Assad. The Syrian People didn't want it.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
I did read it and what she is saying is that the people under Assad's control say they love him, but she hasn't talked to the Sunni who are not under Assad's control and the Sunni make up 74% of the population while Assad's Alawites make up only 13% of the population.

We had no right imposing 'Regime Change' on Syria. It caused so much more horrific carnage. We should have stayed out of it. The alternative us and the Saudis supported, was so much worse than Assad. The Syrian People didn't want it.
You're just making this stuff up now.
The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
I did read it and what she is saying is that the people under Assad's control say they love him, but she hasn't talked to the Sunni who are not under Assad's control and the Sunni make up 74% of the population while Assad's Alawites make up only 13% of the population.

We had no right imposing 'Regime Change' on Syria. It caused so much more horrific carnage. We should have stayed out of it. The alternative us and the Saudis supported, was so much worse than Assad. The Syrian People didn't want it.
You're just making this stuff up now.

Take a closer look at who got the bulk of the funding and arming from the US and Saudi Arabia. They were very bad folks. Most were brutal radical Islamist groups. Assad was definitely the better alternative.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Not being a smart ass, did you read the article? You should check it out.
I did read it and what she is saying is that the people under Assad's control say they love him, but she hasn't talked to the Sunni who are not under Assad's control and the Sunni make up 74% of the population while Assad's Alawites make up only 13% of the population.

We had no right imposing 'Regime Change' on Syria. It caused so much more horrific carnage. We should have stayed out of it. The alternative us and the Saudis supported, was so much worse than Assad. The Syrian People didn't want it.
You're just making this stuff up now.

Take a closer look at who got the bulk of the funding and arming from the US and Saudi Arabia. They were very bad folks. Most were brutal radical Islamist groups. Assad was definitely the better alternative.
Now you're starting to sound crazy.
It was originally a civil war but it became part of the regional Sunni-Shia sectarian religious war. Assad is just a figurehead at this point. Without the Russians and Iranians he would have been gone long ago.

Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

Bullshit again. Considering Russia only got involved late in the game do tell how Putin is responsible for all the death and destruction.

What are you? An ISIS backer? Or some poor ignorant fool who doesn't have a clue on how much territory was seized by ISIS and al Nusra with Assad left to fight jihadists from around the globe.

Are you going to say that ISIS and al Nusra were just "good guys" trying to help the citizens of Syria?
This was never a civil war. It was an invasion by Sunni terrorists. Assad was telling the truth. Tired of all the freaking bullshit the media puts out there over Syria. 6]]

Assad the dictator telling the truth? LOL. You are funny very funny.
Are you saying medias all over the world are lying against Assad or Putin?

I gave one major example already. The media has been reporting that Aleppo was rebel held which was a flat out lie. The United Nations clearly agreed that Aleppo citizens were being held hostage by Jabhat al Nusra (AQ in Syria). Held by terrorists not rebels.

I don't have all day to educate you. But think on this. All media outlets report casualty and death figures and updates on battles from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights correct?

It's one fucking guy in Coventry England who is anti Assad and says he gets phone calls from the battle scenes.

He was busted ages ago but the propagandists in the media still quote him.

Oh and he has a day job. A tailor.

One man band is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reporting from freaking Britain.

It's a bad joke.

Are you saying Assad and Putin are innocent? Are you saying that ALL media are lying against Assad and Putin? Are we supposed to believe that Assad and Putin are telling the truth?
Are you saying that Putin and Assad did not bomb with parachutes to hospitals and schools in Aleppo last month? Give me a break.

Or are we supposed to believe you?

There are lots of independent news media that proves you are very wrong.

There were civilian casualties to be certain but Assad had to free his people from being held hostage by Jabhat al Nusra.

I would expect that if Detroit was being held by al Qaeda that an American President would take action and free the people held hostage.

Are you that fucking insane that you believe AQ/ISIS/al Nusra or any terror group should just be allowed to hold any city in any country?

Think about the bullshit you are rattling off.
Last edited:
Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

The awful folks the US and Saudi Arabia supported, were far worse than Assad. They were radical Islamic extremists for the most part. Assad's a Western-educated secular leader. He's a Saint in comparison. We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War. We made things so much worse. I can't blame Syrians for excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
Most of the death, destruction and suffering and most of the homelessness was caused by Assad and Rusiian bombing and the civil war was begun by Assad slaughtering civilians pleading with him for help after they lost their homes. There is no one worse than Assad. Syria today is run by the Iranians and the Russians. The Syrian people have no control over anything and Assad is whatever the Russians and Iranians tell him to be. There is no Syria anymore.

Assad is worse than ISIS or al Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood? You are insane if you believe that.
To make my point about the media this is who they quote for all casualties, deaths and battles.

I wasn't kidding. One man is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. He is anti Assad and is funded by the EU and others.

Yuppers. They quote a guy who gets "phone calls" and internet notices from the battlefields. Aye carumba!

It's a bad freaking joke. Worth the read to see how the media has used his figures as propaganda. All bullshit 24/7/365.

Middle East
A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count

"Yet, despite its central role in the savage civil war, the grandly named Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is virtually a one-man band. Its founder, Rami Abdul Rahman, 42, who fled Syria 13 years ago, operates out of a semidetached red-brick house on an ordinary residential street in this drab industrial city.

Using the simplest, cheapest Internet technology available, Mr. Abdul Rahman spends virtually every waking minute tracking the war in Syria, disseminating bursts of information about the fighting and the death toll. What began as sporadic, rudimentary e-mails about protests early in the uprising has swelled into a torrent of statistics and details."

Rami Abdul Rahman’s Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Right from the get go the so called rebels were stacked with foreign mercenaries. It was a Sunni led invasion. Not a civil war.

The FSA which was the so called moderate rebel group were working with al Nusra (AQ in Syria) and ISIS from the beginning.

Cripes the main military commander of ISIS for all their initial victories was from Chechny for crying out loud. Sunni mercenaries from over 80 countries poured into Syria.

THAT'S what you call a fucking invasion. When you have an estimated 25,000 foreign militants it is not a freaking rebellion.

The MB were poised to take over.

Yes, the article shows how most Syrians don't support the US 'Regime Change' attempt. It's caused so much horrific carnage. It's why they've agreed on excluding the US/West from peace negotiations.
The problem with that is that there never was a US attempt at regime change in Syria.

Actually, our Government has been pretty open about that. It did try to remove Assad. And that effort led to the funding and arming of some far worse folks over there. Assad's a Saint compared to some of the awful folks who received US/Saudi support.
Our position was that Assad must go, but Obama never really got behind it and our wimpy funding and training effort was a bad joke. If the US had really wanted Assad to go all we had to do back in 2012 was deny him the use of his air force and he would have been gone in short order.

Assad is no saint. His bombing and Russia's bombing in Syria is responsible for most of the destruction, death and suffering in Syria.

Bullshit again. Considering Russia only got involved late in the game do tell how Putin is responsible for all the death and destruction.

What are you? An ISIS backer? Or some poor ignorant fool who doesn't have a clue on how much territory was seized by ISIS and al Nusra with Assad left to fight jihadists from around the globe.

Are you going to say that ISIS and al Nusra were just "good guys" trying to help the citizens of Syria?
Nearly all the death and destruction in Syria has come from the bombing of civilian areas and Russia and Assad are the only ones doing the bombing so Russia and Assad are clearly responsible for nearly all the death, destruction and suffering in Syria. If Russia hadn't entered the war Assad would have lost and that would have likely meant Russia would have lost its bases on the Mediterranean.

Russia's intervention in the war had nothing to do with whether Assad or ISIS was better, but only about keeping Russia's bases on the Mediterranean. As long as Assad stays in power, Russia will keep its bases but if the rebels win, Russia will likely lose them. I understand why it is so important to Russia to keep these bases, but asymmetric warfare always carries a very high number of civilian casualties and Russia has been willing to devastate Syria and decimate the Sunni civilians in order to keep these bases.

Russia's Shi'ite partners in the devastation of Syria are fighting an ideological war against the Sunni and have no apparently concern for the devastation they are causing and Russia is fighting for military bases that have only symbolic value today, also with no apparent concern for all the death and destruction it is causing, and neither the Shi'ites or Russians care at all whether Assad or the rebels are better for Syria. The US must share some of the blame, not for Obama's ridiculous political gesture in arming a few of the rebels, but for failing to intervene effectively back in 2012 when much of the horror could have been avoided.

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