Back to the birth certificate...

Ask Lucas Smith who pushed this forgery in 2009 why he hasnt corrected the doctors name yet? Its not Helton. Its Heltan. You need more evidence its a forgery?
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
The clerk that filled it out simply asks the father what his place of birth is. They dont verify if the country exists.
Ok. Seems reasonable. He could have said Jupiter and the clerk would have entered it in his record. Makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
Only an idiot would not question if he said Jupiter. You do realize East Africa is not a country or a continent right? Pretty evident the clerk took one look at him and said "OK" and wrote it down. If you need to be convinced I wont be able to help you. The problem is that it wont erase 8 years of him being POTUS even if they turned up a legit kenyan birth certificate tomorrow.
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How many of you idiots are going to continue to fall for this? :laugh:
Good. Making progress. You have the answer. It was an honest question. I was never into the birther crap and just wanted a simple explanation. Please share. Thanks.
Ask Lucas Smith who pushed this forgery in 2009 why he hasnt corrected the doctors name yet? Its not Helton. Its Heltan. You need more evidence its a forgery?
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
I suggested what to google and gave the exact google wording for the search. Not only will that get you to fact checks, it will also take you to other articles written in 2009 about the story.
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
The clerk that filled it out simply asks the father what his place of birth is. They dont verify if the country exists.
Ok. Seems reasonable. He could have said Jupiter and the clerk would have entered it in his record. Makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
Only an idiot would not question if he said Jupiter. You do realize East Africa is not a country or a continent right? Pretty evident the clerk took one look at him and said "OK" and wrote it down.
What if he said Jupiter, Africa? Then it would be OK, right?
Good. Making progress. You have the answer. It was an honest question. I was never into the birther crap and just wanted a simple explanation. Please share. Thanks.
Ask Lucas Smith who pushed this forgery in 2009 why he hasnt corrected the doctors name yet? Its not Helton. Its Heltan. You need more evidence its a forgery?
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
I suggested what to google and gave the exact google wording for the search. Not only will that get you to fact checks, it will also take you to other articles written in 2009 about the story.
I'm sorry camp. I missed the link. Posting from my tablet. Didn't see the link or wording you want me to use. Throw it up again. Thanks.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
The clerk that filled it out simply asks the father what his place of birth is. They dont verify if the country exists.
Ok. Seems reasonable. He could have said Jupiter and the clerk would have entered it in his record. Makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
Only an idiot would not question if he said Jupiter. You do realize East Africa is not a country or a continent right? Pretty evident the clerk took one look at him and said "OK" and wrote it down.
What if he said Jupiter, Africa? Then it would be OK, right?
It would be fine by me. Have you found his Kenyan BC yet? I mean a legit one?
The hospital was founded in 1978. That is also interesting.
You must really be an idiot. The hospital was founded in the 1800's. Keep trying though. :laugh:
Under what name? The name on his certificate? Are you sure?
Positive. Google is your friend. Look it up son.
Thanks. So you believe it was simple incompetence regarding the country of origin regarding his alleged father, correct?
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
The clerk that filled it out simply asks the father what his place of birth is. They dont verify if the country exists.
Ok. Seems reasonable. He could have said Jupiter and the clerk would have entered it in his record. Makes complete sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
Only an idiot would not question if he said Jupiter. You do realize East Africa is not a country or a continent right? Pretty evident the clerk took one look at him and said "OK" and wrote it down.
What if he said Jupiter, Africa? Then it would be OK, right?
It would be fine by me. Have you found his Kenyan BC yet? I mean a legit one?
I have not seen one without obvious errors regarding countries that do not exist at the time.
The hospital was founded in 1978. That is also interesting.
You must really be an idiot. The hospital was founded in the 1800's. Keep trying though. :laugh:
Under what name? The name on his certificate? Are you sure?
Positive. Google is your friend. Look it up son.
Thanks. So you believe it was simple incompetence regarding the country of origin regarding his alleged father, correct?
No i dont think it was incompetence. I have 4 kids and no one has ever verified where I was from. They simply asked me and accepted my answer. His country of origin is correct. You seem to forget that people dont care what white people want to offically call a place..
I see you get your information from The American Mirror:
"A questionable source exhibits any of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news.
Bias: Extreme Right"
The American Mirror

Get back to one of the questions. For the moment, just ignore the certificate Obama's brother released. Go look at the birth certificate that Obama released. Explain why it states 'Kenya' on it when there was no Kenya in 1961. Can you explain that or not?
I see you get your information from The American Mirror:
"A questionable source exhibits any of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news.
Bias: Extreme Right"
The American Mirror

Get back to one of the questions. Go look at the birth certificate that Obama released. Explain why it states 'Kenya' on it. Do you know or not?

Also, do you know why they would use the term African American when they were still calling them black at the time?

Also, can you explain why the hospital listed wasn't built yet?

Again, go to whatever website might have the actual certificate released by Obama.
I'd tap the brakes on the hospital thing, unless you have something to share that is definitive.
The hospital was founded in 1978. That is also interesting.
You must really be an idiot. The hospital was founded in the 1800's. Keep trying though. :laugh:
Under what name? The name on his certificate? Are you sure?
Positive. Google is your friend. Look it up son.
Thanks. So you believe it was simple incompetence regarding the country of origin regarding his alleged father, correct?
No i dont think it was incompetence. I have 4 kids and no one has ever verified where I was from. They simply asked me and accepted my answer. His country of origin is correct. You seem to forget that people dont care what white people want to offically call a place..
Interesting. My hospital asked for ID, insurance and a host of other things.
Ask Lucas Smith who pushed this forgery in 2009 why he hasnt corrected the doctors name yet? Its not Helton. Its Heltan. You need more evidence its a forgery?
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
I suggested what to google and gave the exact google wording for the search. Not only will that get you to fact checks, it will also take you to other articles written in 2009 about the story.
I'm sorry camp. I missed the link. Posting from my tablet. Didn't see the link or wording you want me to use. Throw it up again. Thanks.
I did not give a link. Fact check links and this subject is too controversial. Figured I would let you do your own search and take your pick. I typed in 'Obama kenya birth certificate hoax' and got lots of links to the topic.
I see you get your information from The American Mirror:
"A questionable source exhibits any of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news.
Bias: Extreme Right"
The American Mirror

Get back to one of the questions. For the moment, just ignore the certificate Obama's brother released. Go look at the birth certificate that Obama released. Explain why it states 'Kenya' on it when there was no Kenya in 1961. Can you explain that or not?
I already did. What white people called the place and what locals call the place is frequently very different. Since you guys are making the claim that he was born in Kenya the burden of proof is on you to prove it by securing a legit Kenyan BC. Have you, can you do that?
You must really be an idiot. The hospital was founded in the 1800's. Keep trying though. :laugh:
Under what name? The name on his certificate? Are you sure?
Positive. Google is your friend. Look it up son.
Thanks. So you believe it was simple incompetence regarding the country of origin regarding his alleged father, correct?
No i dont think it was incompetence. I have 4 kids and no one has ever verified where I was from. They simply asked me and accepted my answer. His country of origin is correct. You seem to forget that people dont care what white people want to offically call a place..
Interesting. My hospital asked for ID, insurance and a host of other things.
Mine did too but they didnt ask me for my birth certificate. Are you claiming your hospital asked you for your BC before putting down your stated information in regard to where you were born?
I'm sure this has been covered, but I don't know the answer. The only reason I am asking is because Obama's half brother posted Obama's birth certificate today.

The certificate Barack passed around shows he was born on Aug. 4th, 1961 and it says his father was from Kenya. How is that possible? In 1961 it was a British colony known as the East African Protectorate. It wasn't until 1963 that they gained their independence. I'm sure I will be flamed for asking, but to be honest, I'm not that knowledgeable on African history, so I'm throwing it out there.

Malik Obama shares photo of brother Barack's Kenya 'certificate of birth' - The American Mirror

Who called it Kenya? The British. What about Obama's family? What did they call it? What would they write on a document like this?

Kenya - Wikipedia

"In 1952, Princess Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were on holiday at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya when her father, King George VI, died in his sleep."

They call it Kenya.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 6 | 1952: King George VI dies in his sleep

BBC news archive from 1952:

"Princess Elizabeth, who is at the Royal hunting lodge in Kenya, immediately becomes Queen at the age of 25."

And again, they call it Kenya.

So....... you don't have anything, sorry, get over it, he won't twice, "Butthurting" won't get you anywhere.
I don't really care about the half brother post. I am more interested in the timeline. British Colony vs Kenya. I read the article and finally took the time to look at the certificate Obama shared. I was curious and discovered Kenya didn't exist at the time of Obama's birth. Just seemed odd, so I thought I would risk the ridicule and ask.
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
I suggested what to google and gave the exact google wording for the search. Not only will that get you to fact checks, it will also take you to other articles written in 2009 about the story.
I'm sorry camp. I missed the link. Posting from my tablet. Didn't see the link or wording you want me to use. Throw it up again. Thanks.
I did not give a link. Fact check links and this subject is too controversial. Figured I would let you do your own search and take your pick. I typed in 'Obama kenya birth certificate hoax' and got lots of links to the topic.
Is there a little a link that explains the name discrepancy?
Who told you Kenya didnt exist at the time? The country was named after Mt Kenya which has always been there. Pretty sure the locals called it that for centuries prior to whites arriving.
It was a British colony. Doubt the US would use a local term instead of its official name. Maybe you are right. Still looking for a definitive answer.
I suggested what to google and gave the exact google wording for the search. Not only will that get you to fact checks, it will also take you to other articles written in 2009 about the story.
I'm sorry camp. I missed the link. Posting from my tablet. Didn't see the link or wording you want me to use. Throw it up again. Thanks.
I did not give a link. Fact check links and this subject is too controversial. Figured I would let you do your own search and take your pick. I typed in 'Obama kenya birth certificate hoax' and got lots of links to the topic.
Is there a little a link that explains the name discrepancy?
One would probably have to interview the person that filled in the information to find out what happened.

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