Backfire! Text Messages Show Woman Now Accusing Herschel Walker of Paying for Abortion Was Supportive of His Campaign Earlier This Year

Since there hasn't been a journalist reporting in over 20 years, I don't care what THEY call themselves. Everyone else KNOWS they are propagandists. Come out from under your rock, moron. There's a big wide world of reality that they don't tell you about on your msm.
Or the 300 other TV networks or the thousands of newspaperst been a journalist reporting in over 20 years, I don't care what THEY call themselves. Everyone else KNOWS they are propagandists. Come out from under your rock, moron. There's a big wide world of reality that they don't tell you about on your msm.

Or the 300 other TV networks or the thousands of newspapers none of which agree with murdoch ******** or your Internet conspiracy nuts. 20 years ago you got brainwashed lol....
typical demafasict dirty tricks to win by any means necessary since they can’t win on policy
dirty tricks like democracy and elections and evidence lol? You brainwashed functional morons are totally out of your minds now...
Democrats are working overtime on this one. They're more desperate than a 40 year old virgin.
You know a person can be supportive of someone and then discover certain things about them previously unknown that would cause them to withdraw support. This is not unusual, just look at the divorce rate in our country, just as one example.
Are you suggesting that she didn't discover that he paid for her 2009 abortion until last week?
HaHaHa, so you get a get well card for an abortion that you didn't get. How's that work?
You're a little bit behind and confused!

Walker got his girlfriend pregnant, he asks her to abort their child, She does, he gives her $700 dollars to cover the cost and a get well card the day after.

Walker continues to date her and their relationship goes on a few more years.

Then two years in to their relationship later she gets pregnant again. Walker tells her this is not the time to have a child again, but this time his girlfriend said NO. She told him she was going to have their baby.

He got upset, and broke up with her, and left that day.

About a year after their son was born, she went to court, established paternity, walker was the father, to get child support for their child.
Here is a solution.

Dont vote for Walker if you are a Dem.

Vote for Walker if you are not.

Its not a difficult decision.
Damn republicans fucking love child abandoning, woman beating pieces of shit. If you've beaten a woman and paid for an abortion or two, put an R in front of your name and you could be the next President of the U.S.
Damn republicans fucking love child abandoning, woman beating pieces of shit. If you've beaten a woman and paid for an abortion or two, put an R in front of your name and you could be the next President of the U.S.
Clinton? Anthony Weiner? Al Franken? Cuomo? Like those guys?

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