Backfire! Text Messages Show Woman Now Accusing Herschel Walker of Paying for Abortion Was Supportive of His Campaign Earlier This Year

Well….not exactly. Evidence was provided. Whether it is factual remains to be seen. Hershel is not exactly known for truthfulness.
Evidence by definition is factual, Simp.

What you clowns have is zippo.
no not according to me

It is absolute fact according to reality which you cannot prove wrong
She provided her evidence. That is reality. The merit of it is what could be called into question. Prove it wrong.
She provided her evidence. That is reality. The merit of it is what could be called into question. Prove it wrong.

She provided no evicdence whatsoever.

A reciept from an abortion clinic does not state WHO PAID.

A check for a different amount after the fact is NOT evidence.

A get well card is NOt evidence

Sher provided no evidence that is fact and you are posting lies claiming that it is evidence

She provided no evicdence whatsoever.

A reciept from an abortion clinic does not state WHO PAID.

A check for a different amount after the fact is NOT evidence.

A get well card is NOt evidence

Sher provided no evidence that is fact and you are posting lies claiming that it is evidence
You’ve seen it then?
That is true, but I'm not sure how that relates to a woman who supposedly was forced to have an abortion by Herschel Walker.
I was responding to the title of the OP and the hyperlink which states

Woman Now Accusing Herschel Walker of Paying for Abortion Was Supportive of His Campaign Earlier This Year

Admittedly, I have not been following Walker's "ascent" in politics and only have heard about him recently since the allegations of hypocrisy both by his son and one of his former partners which brought his race as a Republican for a Senate(?) seat to the forefront.

My comment was only to point out that It's quite possible that she initially was supportive of his campaign (maybe) until he started in on the abortion angle. If what she says is true, that he's supported abortion in the past when it served his purpose but is now against all abortion no exceptions, then I would imagine his hypocrisy was the reason for her changing her stance and withdrawing her support of him.

Again, IF what she says is true but I'd tend to believe her over him if for no other reason than the point his son made. That Walker is running his platform on "family values" yet has 4 different children with 4 different women and wasn't in the home to raise any of them.
You just keep thinking that hon’….that’s why you’re stuck propping up a truly crappy candidate.
Don't need your permission to know evidence is by definition factual, Simp.
I was responding to the title of the OP and the hyperlink which states

Woman Now Accusing Herschel Walker of Paying for Abortion Was Supportive of His Campaign Earlier This Year

Admittedly, I have not been following Walker's "ascent" in politics and only have heard about him recently since the allegations of hypocrisy both by his son and one of his former partners which brought his race as a Republican for a Senate(?) seat to the forefront.

My comment was only to point out that It's quite possible that she initially was supportive of his campaign (maybe) until he started in on the abortion angle. If what she says is true, that he's supported abortion in the past when it served his purpose but is now against all abortion no exceptions, then I would imagine his hypocrisy was the reason for her changing her stance and withdrawing her support of him.

Again, IF what she says is true but I'd tend to believe her over him if for no other reason than the point his son made. That Walker is running his platform on "family values" yet has 4 different children with 4 different women and wasn't in the home to raise any of them.
Or, someone made her a cash offer.
Well....this surprising breaking news isn't what the liberals wanted to hear this evening.

then some fools on the Supreme Court made a big deal out of screwing over the women of the country. Deja vu for this woman. Sorry about your luck
What evidence would that be? She didn't have an abortion. She has a check--did Walker put Abortion Payment in the memo? Has he continually supported his children since birth? How do you know the check was not for support? You seem overly eager to pronounce sentence when Reade has just a much evidence and more credibility than this woman and you won't believer her. I think you might be a little jaded.
We'll go with people who call themselves journalists over those who call themselves propagandists and someone no reasonable person would believe lol
Well....this surprising breaking news isn't what the liberals wanted to hear this evening.

So? So, she had an abortion, carried on supporting him, then stopped liking him and then said she had an abortion.
How would liberals find this bad in any way?
We'll go with people who call themselves journalists over those who call themselves propagandists
Since there hasn't been a journalist reporting in over 20 years, I don't care what THEY call themselves. Everyone else KNOWS they are propagandists. Come out from under your rock, moron. There's a big wide world of reality that they don't tell you about on your msm.
typical demafasict dirty tricks to win by any means necessary since they can’t win on policy

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