Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?
As an owner of many hunting rifles and shotguns I don't see a problem with background checks. That's a head scratcher. And why does a hunter need an assault style rifle. A bolt action is a much better choice.

Those gun owners are called "Fudds" by the real gun owning community. It is ridicule. You know, like in Elmer Fudd.


By the way, hunters use ARs all the time. Everything from deer to hogs.
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.

They are afraid of their own shadows. Seriously I've never seen a more cowardly, fearful group of people as the gun nutters.

What I'm curious about is what will happen when Muslim, Black and Hispanic men start open carrying in large numbers. In public. At the grocery stores. In the parks. In the movie theaters. You know, wherever the white gun nutters are allowed to open carry. For the public safety.
As an owner of many hunting rifles and shotguns I don't see a problem with background checks. That's a head scratcher. And why does a hunter need an assault style rifle. A bolt action is a much better choice.

The reason universal background checks are an issue, is the reason anti-gunners want them. We currently have federally mandated background checks for gun sales. Criminals get around them by using straw buyers, who can pass any background check, or they steal the guns. Mass shooters generally commit no crime before their attack, so they too can pass any background check.

The goal of anti-gunners is to get universal gun registration, so that when they get the political power, they can ban any type of gun they think they can ban, and know who owns them....without worrying about people not complying, or hiding the guns.

To get to gun registration on a national level, they need universal background checks. If they get universal background checks for all sales, no matter that they do not stop criminals or mass shooters......then when those universal background checks are no more effective than current background checks, they can come back and tell uninformed Americans..."See...the problem that keeps these universal background checks from working the way we know they would work? We don't know who is the original owner of the we need gun registration so that universal background checks can work."

That is the whole reason. In the mean time...... universal background checks will increase the cost of moving guns between family members....and it will hamper the ability of instructors to run gun classes......

Here....the background check bait and switch...

Gun Control Won't Stop Crime

“Universal” Background Checks
Part of the genius of the Bloomberg gun control system is how it creates prohibitions indirectly. Bloomberg’s so-called “universal” background check scheme is a prime example. These bills are never just about having background checks on the private sales of firearms. That aspect is the part that the public is told about. Yet when you read the Bloomberg laws, you find that checks on private sales are the tip of a very large iceberg of gun prohibition.

First, the bills criminalize a vast amount of innocent activity. Suppose you are an nra Certified Instructor teaching an introductory safety class. Under your supervision, students will handle a variety of unloaded firearms. They will learn how different guns have different safeties, and they will learn the safe way to hand a firearm to another person. But thanks to Bloomberg, these classroom firearm lessons are now illegal in Washington state, unless the class takes place at a shooting range.

It’s now also illegal to lend a gun to your friend, so that you can shoot together at a range on your own property. Or to lend a firearm for a week to your neighbor who is being stalked.

Under the Bloomberg system, gun loans are generally forbidden, unless the gun owner and the borrower both go to a gun store first. The store must process the loan as if the store were selling the gun out of its inventory.

Then, when your friend wants to return your gun to you, both of you must go to the gun store again. This time, the store will process that transaction as if you were buying the gun from the store’s inventory. For both the loan and the return of the gun, you will have to pay whatever fees the store charges, and whatever fees the government might charge. The gun store will have to keep a permanent record of you, your friend and the gun, including the gun’s serial number. Depending on the state or city, the government might also keep a permanent record.

In other words, the “background check” law is really a law to expand gun registration—and registration lists are used for confiscation. Consider New York City. In 1967, violent crime in the city was out of control. So the City Council and Mayor John Lindsay required registration of all long guns. The criminals, obviously, did not comply. Thanks to the 1911 Sullivan Act, New York City already had established registration lists for handgun owners.

Then, in 1991, the City Council decided that many lawfully registered firearms were now illegal “assault weapons.” The New York Police Department used the registration lists to ensure that the guns were either surrendered to the government or moved out of the city. When he was mayor of New York City, Bloomberg did the same, after the “assault weapon” law was expanded to cover any rifle or shotgun with an ammunition capacity greater than five rounds.

In Australia and Great Britain—which are often cited as models for the U.S. to follow—registration lists were used for gun confiscation. In Great Britain, this included all handguns; in Australia, handguns over .38 caliber. Both countries banned all semi-automatic or pump-action long guns.

Most American jurisdictions don’t have a comprehensive gun registration system. But even if your state legislature has outlawed gun registration, firearm stores must keep records. Those records could be harvested for future confiscations. Under the Bloomberg system, the store’s list would include not just the guns that the store actually sold, but all the guns (and their owners) that the store processed, for friends or relatives borrowing guns.
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.

They are afraid of their own shadows. Seriously I've never seen a more cowardly, fearful group of people as the gun nutters.

What I'm curious about is what will happen when Muslim, Black and Hispanic men start open carrying in large numbers. In public. At the grocery stores. In the parks. In the movie theaters. You know, wherever the white gun nutters are allowed to open carry. For the public safety.

Moron...the biggest growth areas for gun ownership are minorities and women....the two groups you and the democrats have been oppressing since the days of should be democrat politicians will faced armed women when they try to rape them....and minorities will clean up their neighborhoods from crime, since the democrats who control those neighborhoods don't care about the murders committed there....
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

The current NICS check doesn't require gun registration.....universal background checks will lead to registration.
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.

They are afraid of their own shadows. Seriously I've never seen a more cowardly, fearful group of people as the gun nutters.

What I'm curious about is what will happen when Muslim, Black and Hispanic men start open carrying in large numbers. In public. At the grocery stores. In the parks. In the movie theaters. You know, wherever the white gun nutters are allowed to open carry. For the public safety.


Black Guns Matter...

Says the guy so chicken he clings to his assault rifle while children die.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Yes criminals are so terrified I might be armed that our crime rates are much higher than Japan where the chance of the victim being armed doesn't exist. Yeah, they are terrified. The shit the gun lobby gets you to believe....
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Yes criminals are so terrified I might be armed that our crime rates are much higher than Japan where the chance of the victim being armed doesn't exist. Yeah, they are terrified. The shit the gun lobby gets you to believe....

Japan doesn't have our Neggras and Illegals, do they? If they did their crime rate would be astronomical regardless of any gun laws.
I have sat here the past couple of days agreeing and disagreeing in this thread but in the end the politician's will kick it around for a couple of months and nothing will be resolved one way or another.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Yes criminals are so terrified I might be armed that our crime rates are much higher than Japan where the chance of the victim being armed doesn't exist. Yeah, they are terrified. The shit the gun lobby gets you to believe....
Are you still yapping?

Where is your yard sign, bitch?

You live safe under the presumption if being armed but don't bother taking the responsibility. Then, you act like a bullet-proof badass on the internet.

Put a sign in your yard. Post it here.

I have sat here the past couple of days agreeing and disagreeing in this thread but in the end the politician's will kick it around for a couple of months and nothing will be resolved one way or another.
Gun control solves nothing, it’s all just about power by fucked up progressives.
I have sat here the past couple of days agreeing and disagreeing in this thread but in the end the politician's will kick it around for a couple of months and nothing will be resolved one way or another.
Gun control solves nothing, it’s all just about power by fucked up progressives.

I should have said things will remain status quo and probably should. Then the next time they'll all be debating again and all up in arms.
Art of the Deal. Start out with extreme wide positions then narrow them down once you get people in the room. Age change, thats possible. Checks? We already have them. Records? You cannot take away a constitutional right from a citizen just because he did something dumb as a kid. Mixed bag.
Ok, so what’s this middle ground he is looking to get to? And who is he negotiating with?

Well, his offer will decide who he is negotiating with. Obviously he needs the Dems.

Where will he get too? Maybe a few changes to background checks that the NRA is okay with. Possible age change but that's doubtful.

He is currently winning independents, and a deal here would push that along.
1st Amendment - did you have to get a background check before you typed and posted that.

3rd Amendment - did you have to have a background check before you could refuse to quarter troops in your house?

4th Amendment - did you have to have a background check before you could deny access to your house to the police without a warrant, barring exigent circumstances?

5th Amendment - did you have to have a background check before you could refuse to testify against yourself?

6th Amendment - did you have to have a background check before you could talk to a lawyer before going to trial?

7th Amendment - did you have to have a background check before you could have a trial by jury?

8th Amendment - did you have to have a background check before the government was barred form torturing you?

Get the idea? On what legal basis is the 2nd Amendment treated differently than the others?
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.

They are afraid of their own shadows. Seriously I've never seen a more cowardly, fearful group of people as the gun nutters.

What I'm curious about is what will happen when Muslim, Black and Hispanic men start open carrying in large numbers. In public. At the grocery stores. In the parks. In the movie theaters. You know, wherever the white gun nutters are allowed to open carry. For the public safety.

Moron...the biggest growth areas for gun ownership are minorities and women....the two groups you and the democrats have been oppressing since the days of should be democrat politicians will faced armed women when they try to rape them....and minorities will clean up their neighborhoods from crime, since the democrats who control those neighborhoods don't care about the murders committed there....

Dotard...I live in a minority white neighborhood. It's already clean. It's nothing like your Fox News Propos portray. We have been fine without loading up on guns. We will continue to be fine, in part because we do not tolerate racist bigots. Especially of the White Nationalist/KKK/NeoNazi/White Supremacist/White Seperatists/Skinhead/Proud Boys variety.
If a bad guy wants a gun he will not have to get one legally, he can get it by word of mouth in any state.
Then why is Trump calling for background checks?

He is calling for "meaningful" background checks.

That means fuck the stupid Democrats and their idiotic UBC..
Wow, that’s gotta be the worst distorted translation I’ve heard yet. He also said he doesn’t believe the lame slippery slope argument. I gotta hand it to him on this one. I see the appeal of supporting trump. When you are on his side of the argument he sure makes he opposers sound stupid, like he is doing to you all. Only problem is you never know when the flip flop is coming.
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. Over 25% of all gun sales are outside of background checks. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.
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