Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input

I don't like it. Screw the NRA, they hosed us last time with the "assault weapons" ban.

That's why I quit the NRA. Now I remember!
Slippery slope, you can’t trust any career politician… There is no lower life form then a career politician

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
You’re trying to compare apples to oranges

Oh so now you don't agree with the right that's what they all say when there is any mention of gun control.

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
You’re trying to compare apples to oranges

Oh so now you don't agree with the right that's what they all say when there is any mention of gun control.

So glad you noticed! :coffee:

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
You’re trying to compare apples to oranges

Oh so now you don't agree with the right that's what they all say when there is any mention of gun control.

Just what argument do you think you are making?

No one has a right to drive a car on public roads. It's a privilege.

They're worrying about normal people with guns when they really should be worrying about violent criminals, illegal immigrants, and crazy people.

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
Ones a privilege and one is a right.
Like insurance companies didn't bribe politicians to force mandatory auto insurance. :rolleyes-41:

Now they get guaranteed sales and can name their own prices.

I say that's bullshit.
Without the Second Amendment the first amendment is a worthless spineless piece of shit
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Like a recent mass murder, the government didn’t bother doing its job and putting the shooter in the database where he belonged. His name sat in a file bin.

How about firing and criminal prosecution of government employees in this case?

When I worked in the private industry in aerospace and education devices, if I was involved in negligence I faced criminal prosecution if people became victims.
Sure, I’m all for accountability and efficiency. But what are your thoughts on trumps proposals?
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Like a recent mass murder, the government didn’t bother doing its job and putting the shooter in the database where he belonged. His name sat in a file bin.

How about firing and criminal prosecution of government employees in this case?

When I worked in the private industry in aerospace and education devices, if I was involved in negligence I faced criminal prosecution if people became victims.
Sure, I’m all for accountability and efficiency. But what are your thoughts on trumps proposals?
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input

I don't like it. Screw the NRA, they hosed us last time with the "assault weapons" ban.

That's why I quit the NRA. Now I remember!

Background checks amount to registration, because even though they're not supposed to keep the info, they do. It's feeling like 1936-ish Germany 'round heanh.
Do you think Trump wants registration?
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Like a recent mass murder, the government didn’t bother doing its job and putting the shooter in the database where he belonged. His name sat in a file bin.

How about firing and criminal prosecution of government employees in this case?

When I worked in the private industry in aerospace and education devices, if I was involved in negligence I faced criminal prosecution if people became victims.
Sure, I’m all for accountability and efficiency. But what are your thoughts on trumps proposals?

I think Trump doesn't understand the actual issue....
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input

1) I've never been diametrically opposed to "universal" background checks. I've questioned how they would be implemented. Nobody can answer this.
2) I do not support an age increase. If 18 is a legal adult than 18 is a legal adult. Period. They should be afforded all rights as such. What fucking sense does it make that a man could sign up to fight and die for Constitutional liberties he's not allowed to partake in himself?
3) I'd have to have more details on this.

The only reason the anti-gunners want universal background checks is to be in a position to demand gun registration.

They know criminals do not go through background checks that we currently have, they use straw buyers who can pass any background check including any background check on private sales......or they steal their guns.

Mass shooters can also pass any background check and when they can't, they steal the guns......

But anti-gunners see universal background checks as the one step they need to demand gun registration.....they get universal background checks....criminals and mass shooters keep getting guns....the anti-gunners come back and say...."we need gun registration in order for universal background checks to work..." That is the only reason..... gun registration.

They know from Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, France, that before they confiscated guns, they registered them so normal people couldn't hide their guns......
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Like a recent mass murder, the government didn’t bother doing its job and putting the shooter in the database where he belonged. His name sat in a file bin.

How about firing and criminal prosecution of government employees in this case?

When I worked in the private industry in aerospace and education devices, if I was involved in negligence I faced criminal prosecution if people became victims.
Sure, I’m all for accountability and efficiency. But what are your thoughts on trumps proposals?

I think Trump doesn't understand the actual issue....
I think that’s the understatement of the year! Haha
As an owner of many hunting rifles and shotguns I don't see a problem with background checks. That's a head scratcher. And why does a hunter need an assault style rifle. A bolt action is a much better choice.

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