Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

Says the chicken shit who won't put that sign in his yard.

Says the guy so chicken he clings to his assault rifle while children die.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Says the guy so chicken he clings to his assault rifle while children die.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Where's your sign? Advertise it!

People don't fuck with you because you MIGHT be armed. Thanks to US!!!


Well there is no question you are too scared to go outside without a gun. You realize millions of grannies do it every day right? Ha.
Sign or shut the fuck up.

Where is the picture of the sign in your yard stating that you are NOT armed?

Post it here.

You really are so scared that the idea of being without a gun is terrifying to you isn't it? I bet you wouldn't live a night with that sign and no gun right? haha The gun industry sure ruined your mind.


Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up.

I do every day sunshine. Get this, I actually go out of my house, and I'm not armed. I realize it sounds crazy to you but I've done it for many years....
Plenty of people do it some do it and don't make it back home
I know you are too scared to do it.
So you mocked those who thought as you and were murdered? One day I hope you meet the same fate.
Put your money where your mouth is and POST A SIGN IN YOUR FRONT YARD stating that you are NOT armed.

Do it, chicken shit.

Wow, you really think that would make a difference. Now that is too funny. Now the criminals have to ask themselves is it true or is it the house of some trigger happy gun nut who just can't wait to kill a person. Tough call.

That is how I envision you.
Says the chicken shit who won't put that sign in his yard.

Says the guy so chicken he clings to his assault rifle while children die.
As long as it is your children. Its a beautiful thing. You kill your own you know. Then blame those who do nothing. Instead of improving things in a simple way for humanity. You turned everything complicated. And you made rules and laws with it. Well your minions have found an answer.
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.
Execute violent repeat offenders

Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
I saw a really detailed report from the Dept. of Justice on gun deaths a couple days ago, and it broke down gun homicides by age group. When I read it, I immediately thought "we need to keep guns out of the hands of people under 25." That's where all the action seems to be. It won't help with the gang shootings, though, they since they're kids with illegal guns. That's going to take a different tactic.

Maybe in certain really limited situations, juvenile records should be available to SOME. I didn't know those records were actually shredded when they turned 18. I thought they were just kept closed.

The majority of those killed are criminals involved in crime.... the shooters are under 21, have criminal records, so are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns...

The majority of these shootings are gang related or criminal related......that is why nothing you propose will stop it...

But, as Japan shows with their criminals...they went from using guns and grenades against each other in their gang fighting, to not touching guns. How did they do that? They have a 95% conviction rate, and if a criminal is caught using a gun in a crime they get a life sentence...without parole.....and 15 years for mere possession of an illegal gun.

That is all you need to do to dry up 95% of the gun crime...once you stop democrats from releasing repeat gun offenders on Bond, and out of prison in under 3 years.
Japan has few guns and few in jail. The US incarceration rate is highest in the world.
Execute violent repeat offenders… Problem solved

The difficulty in balancing individual freedoms against protection of the individual is such a difficult problem that many nations turn to totalitarian measures. The US is still struggling to find that balance as we see with gun ownership and freedom of speech..

The founding founders were so afraid of democracy that they put almost no protections for individual freedoms in the constitution and added the Bill of Rights as an afterthought.

Only 3 countries in the world today protect the right to bear arms in their constitutions: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala. Both Mexico and Guatemala have now curtailed legal rights to own guns but fail to enforce those curtailments. Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, an Liberia followed the US example but have have rescinded those rights as violence and instability rose. None of these countries have been successful and controlling the guns or gun violence.

It appears that once gun ownership and the resulting violence catches hold in a nation, removing it becomes almost impossible.

Tens of millions of Americans are law abiding gun owners.

Taking guns away from them will have little or no impact to the criminal elements.

Most of the gun crimes in the US is committed by inner city thugs, gang members, druggies and others that would no more adhere to a new gun law than the Man in the Moon.
I think the US passed that point many many years ago. The few countries that have been spared gun violence such as Japan have a long history of gun control. Guns were introduced in Japan in 1588 and gun control began in 1624. Today police do not usually carry guns. Gun related deaths in the US is 200 times greater than Japan.
Jackass, Rural America has no violent crime problems to speak of... And that is where the vast majority of firearms in America are

The difficulty in balancing individual freedoms against protection of the individual is such a difficult problem that many nations turn to totalitarian measures. The US is still struggling to find that balance as we see with gun ownership and freedom of speech..

The founding founders were so afraid of democracy that they put almost no protections for individual freedoms in the constitution and added the Bill of Rights as an afterthought.

Only 3 countries in the world today protect the right to bear arms in their constitutions: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala. Both Mexico and Guatemala have now curtailed legal rights to own guns but fail to enforce those curtailments. Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, an Liberia followed the US example but have have rescinded those rights as violence and instability rose. None of these countries have been successful and controlling the guns or gun violence.

It appears that once gun ownership and the resulting violence catches hold in a nation, removing it becomes almost impossible.

Tens of millions of Americans are law abiding gun owners.

Taking guns away from them will have little or no impact to the criminal elements.

Most of the gun crimes in the US is committed by inner city thugs, gang members, druggies and others that would no more adhere to a new gun law than the Man in the Moon.
I think the US passed that point many many years ago. The few countries that have been spared gun violence such as Japan have a long history of gun control. Guns were introduced in Japan in 1588 and gun control began in 1624. Today police do not usually carry guns. Gun related deaths in the US is 200 times greater than Japan.

The Yakuza used guns and grenades as recently as 2013.......they passed new laws giving a life sentence for using a gun in a crime and 10 years or more for being caught with an illegal gun...that is how they stopped gun crime......

Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty. The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”
And their homicide rates were a tiny fraction of ours that whole time. They have never been flooded with guns.
Shit for brains, Progressive controlled urban America is where all the violent crime in this country is, rural America has no significant violent crime… Fact

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Says the chicken shit who won't put that sign in his yard.

Says the guy so chicken he clings to his assault rifle while children die.
Put a sign around your neck

and one in your yard

Tough guy.

I'm already doing something you are terrified of. Maybe one day you will grow up and be a big boy too.
You're such a tough guy. PROVE IT.

Don't sit there and live under the protection WE provide. GO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ADVERTISE IT!!!

Doing it every day bro. It is amazing such little things terrifies "men".
Says a politically correct pussy

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input

1) I've never been diametrically opposed to "universal" background checks. I've questioned how they would be implemented. Nobody can answer this.
2) I do not support an age increase. If 18 is a legal adult than 18 is a legal adult. Period. They should be afforded all rights as such. What fucking sense does it make that a man could sign up to fight and die for Constitutional liberties he's not allowed to partake in himself?
3) I'd have to have more details on this.

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input

I don't like it. Screw the NRA, they hosed us last time with the "assault weapons" ban.

That's why I quit the NRA. Now I remember!

Background checks amount to registration, because even though they're not supposed to keep the info, they do. It's feeling like 1936-ish Germany 'round heanh.

MMM that's sensible. While there at it renew license every time you renew your driver's license or to save on money wrap them all into one and require liability insurance since vehicles and guns can kill. Oh throw in a mental health check up on renewal.
Vehicle ownership is not an right... Most people learn that in kindergarten

But isn't it the conservative cry "Vehicles kill too"?
You’re trying to compare apples to oranges
How many of your children are dying, huh Maude?

Think of the children?

What do you think we are doing, you sanctimonious ass clown. FUCK YOU!!!!

I think lots of innocent people get gunned down regularly cause we have a bunch of man babies who need gun courage. School shootings don't happen in countries with strong gun control.

No, that's not how it works. The courageous try to save people. You wouldn't understand, you are too scared....
Then, you will be disappointed.

But, fuck you. We're not criminals. I bet YOU ARE!!!

You aren't? Then why are you so scared? Statistically the chance you needing to defend yourself is very tiny. Gosh you are pathetic.

About the same tiny chance that you would ever be shot with an "assault weapon". Even less.

There are less than 100 people killed each year by an "assault weapon" while Americans defend themselves 1.5 million times a year with firearms.

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